Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?


Progress Studies

Common Ground With Other Lenses


Weighting Method: equal
Rank Score
1 10.0

Patrick Collison @patrickc

2 9.8

Tyler Cowen @tylercowen

3 9.3

Sam Bowman @s8mb

4 9.1

Jason Crawford @jasoncrawford

5 8.8

Saloni 🏳️‍🌈 @salonium

6 8.8

Ben Southwood @bswud

7 8.4

The Roots of Progress @rootsofprogress

Account Rankings

Rank Score
1 9.1

Michael A. Nielsen @michael_nielsen

2 9.0

Patrick McKenzie @patio11

3 9.0

Paul Graham @paulg

4 8.9

Ted Gioia @tedgioia

5 8.9

Balaji Srinivasan @balajis

6 8.9

Daniel Gross @danielgross

7 8.8

José Luis Ricón Fernández de la Puente @ArtirKel

8 8.8

Devon ☀️ @devonzuegel

9 8.8

Noah Smith 🐇 @Noahpinion

10 8.8

Mason 🏃‍♂️✂️𐃏 @webdevMason

11 8.7

Mike Solana @micsolana

12 8.7

Jeff Weinstein @jeff_weinstein

13 8.7

Austen Allred @Austen

14 8.7

Rolf Degen @DegenRolf

15 8.6

Andy Matuschak (💉💉—let’s get together!) @andy_matuschak

16 8.6

Byrne Hobart @ByrneHobart

17 8.6

adam solove @asolove

18 8.6

Pioneer @pioneerdotapp

19 8.6

JD @J_D_89

20 8.6

Adam Ozimek @ModeledBehavior

21 8.6

Tobias Lütke @tobi

22 8.6

Dr Anton Howes @antonhowes

23 8.5

John Collison @collision

24 8.5

Tara Seshan @tarstarr

25 8.5

Eli Dourado @elidourado

26 8.5

Kevin Kwok @kevinakwok

27 8.5

Celine Halioua @celinehalioua

28 8.5

edwin @edwinwee

29 8.5

Flo Crivello @Altimor

30 8.5

visa is almost done ✍🏾📖 @visakanv

31 8.5

Sam Browman @58mbr

32 8.5

Casey Newton @CaseyNewton

33 8.5

Max Roser @MaxCRoser

34 8.4

Sasha de Marigny @sashadem

35 8.4

Elad Gil @eladgil

36 8.4

Kim-Mai Cutler @kimmaicutler

37 8.4

Eric Topol @EricTopol

38 8.4

Mike Bird @Birdyword

39 8.4

Ben Thompson @benthompson

40 8.4

Benedict Evans @benedictevans

41 8.4

Samuel @s4cett

42 8.4

Jessica Sidman @jsidman

43 8.4

Anna Gát 🧭 @TheAnnaGat

44 8.4

Antonio García Martínez @antoniogm

45 8.4

Riva @rivatez

46 8.4

Alec Stapp @AlecStapp

47 8.4

BBillings @bbillings123

48 8.4

Zack Kanter @zackkanter

49 8.4

Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese

50 8.4

Jorge Ortiz @JorgeO

51 8.4

Alex Tabarrok @ATabarrok

52 8.4

Nat Friedman @natfriedman

53 8.4

Omar 🚌 @rsnous

54 8.4

Ryan Orbuch @orbuch

55 8.4

Venkatesh Rao @vgr

56 8.4

Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias

57 8.3

Sriram Krishnan @sriramk

58 8.3

Massimo @Rainmaker1973

59 8.3

Caleb Watney @calebwatney

60 8.3

Christopher Snowdon @cjsnowdon

61 8.3

fry @anniefryman

62 8.3

Laura Behrens Wu @LauraBehrensWu

63 8.3

Jeremy Horpedahl 🍞🔕 @jmhorp

64 8.3

Robin Hanson @robinhanson

65 8.3

Dan Romero @dwr

66 8.3

Keith Rabois @rabois

67 8.2

Sarah Constantin @s_r_constantin

68 8.2

𝕵𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚 @Jayarava

69 8.2

Robert M. Wachter @Bob_Wachter

70 8.2

David Perell @david_perell

71 8.2

delian 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @zebulgar

72 8.2

🅐🅩🅛 @aaronzlewis

73 8.2

Yascha Mounk @Yascha_Mounk

74 8.2

Alexander Berger @albrgr

75 8.2

Matt Grossmann @MattGrossmann

76 8.2

Stewart Brand @stewartbrand

77 8.2

Wesley Yang @wesyang

78 8.2

Tatiana Van Campenhout 🌲 @tatsvc

79 8.2

David Chapman @Meaningness

80 8.2

Avi Bryant @avibryant

81 8.2

Jason Kottke @kottke

82 8.2

Star Simpson @starsandrobots

83 8.2

Ed West @edwest

84 8.2

Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill

85 8.2

#WOMENSART @womensart1

86 8.2

Zach Tratar @zachtratar

87 8.2

Max Leggett @MaxLeggett01

88 8.2

Alexey Guzey @alexeyguzey

89 8.2

Vitalik Buterin @VitalikButerin

90 8.2

Scott Wiener @Scott_Wiener

91 8.2

Neoliberal 🌐 @ne0liberal

92 8.2

Sam Dumitriu @Sam_Dumitriu

93 8.2

Stuart Ritchie @StuartJRitchie

94 8.2

Andrew Beaujon @abeaujon

95 8.2

Sar Haribhakti @sarthakgh

96 8.1

Zak Kukoff @zck

97 8.1

Sam Gerstenzang @gerstenzang

98 8.1

Jean-Michel Lemieux @jmwind

99 8.1

David Heinemeier Hansson @dhh

100 8.1

Laura Deming @LauraDeming

101 8.1

Q @qookins

102 8.1

Nadia Eghbal @nayafia

103 8.1

David Singleton @dps

104 8.1

Adam Marblestone @AdamMarblestone

105 8.1

amy nguyen @amyngyn

106 8.1

Jason Calacanis @Jason

107 8.1

Alice Evans @_alice_evans

108 8.1

Thomas Chatterton Williams @thomaschattwill

109 8.1

Emma P @emmaconcepts

110 8.1

Tamara Winter @_TamaraWinter

111 8.1

Jim Tomlinson @JimTomJazz

112 8.1

Bruce Triggs @AccordionBruce

113 8.1

Matt Kilcoyne @MRJKilcoyne

114 8.1

Pseudoerasmus @pseudoerasmus

115 8.1

Austan Goolsbee @Austan_Goolsbee

116 8.1

Neeraj K. Agrawal @NeerajKA

117 8.1

Brian McCarthy @BmackJazz

(Temporarily missing user profile)
119 8.1

Catherine Rampell @crampell

120 8.1

James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames

121 8.1

Ben Reinhardt @Ben_Reinhardt

122 8.1

elle @ellegist

123 8.1

Suhail @Suhail

124 8.1

Craig Palsson @ Market Power @MarketPowerYT

125 8.1

Joe Weisenthal @TheStalwart

126 8.1

stephanie @isosteph

127 8.1

Eugene Wei @eugenewei

128 8.0

CrocodileChuck @CrocodileChuck

129 8.0

Ash Jogalekar @curiouswavefn

130 8.0

Derek Thompson @DKThomp

131 8.0

Ḟreyjạ @utotranslucence

132 8.0

Motoko Rich @motokorich

133 8.0

Neuroskeptic @Neuro_Skeptic

134 8.0

Maria Popova @brainpicker

135 8.0

chris beiser @ctbeiser

136 8.0

Philip E. Tetlock @PTetlock

137 8.0

🎀 sonya allegedly 🤖 @sonyasupposedly

138 8.0

Naval @naval

139 8.0

Ernie Tedeschi @ernietedeschi

140 8.0

Nathan Taylor @ntaylor963

141 8.0

Kanjun Qiu @kanjun

142 8.0

Joshua Schachter @joshu

143 8.0

Prof. Jeff Jarviss @ProfJeffJarviss

144 8.0

Auren Hoffman @auren

145 8.0

Audrey @auderdy

146 8.0

adaobi @adaobiadibe_

147 8.0

Nick Schrock @schrockn

148 8.0

Malthe Sigurdsson @malthe

149 8.0

Michael Lane 🏖️ @mlanetrain

150 8.0

John Arnold @JohnArnoldFndtn

151 8.0

Sam🔔 @sam_a_bell

152 8.0

Anne Holton @AnneHolton

153 8.0

david friedberg @friedberg

154 8.0


155 8.0

Anders Sandberg @anderssandberg

156 8.0

Kristian Niemietz hates standard Twltter opinions @K_Niemietz

157 8.0

Cristina Cordova @cjc

158 8.0

Ned Donovan @Ned_Donovan

159 8.0

John Carlos Baez @johncarlosbaez

160 8.0

Ava @noampomsky

161 8.0

Erik Torenberg @eriktorenberg

162 8.0

Nicholas A. Christakis @NAChristakis

163 8.0

Tuaca Kelly Music District @hailthetenor

164 8.0

Ryan Bourne @MrRBourne

165 8.0

Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin

166 8.0

Sam Ashworth-Hayes @SAshworthHayes

167 8.0

Dylan Field @zoink

168 8.0

Arram Sabeti @arram

169 7.9

Chuck Mitchell @CMmusicstories

170 7.9

Richard Epstein @rhepstein1

171 7.9

David Challinor @dchallinor

172 7.9

S. Victor Aaron @SVictorAaron

173 7.9

Mark Stryker @Mark_Stryker

174 7.9

Dan Rose @DanRose999

175 7.9

𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 @gwern

176 7.9

Maissam Barkeshli @MBarkeshli

177 7.9

Garry Tan @garrytan

178 7.9

Jack Altman @jaltma

179 7.9

Stefan Schubert @StefanFSchubert

180 7.9

ShriramKrishnamurthi @ShriramKMurthi

181 7.9

The End Times @TheAgeofShoddy

182 7.9

🟣 Lee Edwards @terronk

183 7.9

Mehdi Yacoubi @Mehdiyac

184 7.9

Leo Polovets @lpolovets

185 7.9


186 7.9

Diana S. Fleischman @sentientist

187 7.9

Nick Cammarata @nickcammarata

188 7.9

Michael Perry 🍁 @michaelperry

189 7.9

Tyler Tringas @tylertringas

190 7.9

AG @AdmGainsborough

191 7.9

Anecdotal @anecdotal

192 7.9

Darrell "Pass AB 1401" Owens @IDoTheThinking

193 7.9

David Doswell @david_doswell

194 7.9

Nabeel @nabeelqu

195 7.9

Jeff Dean @JeffDean

196 7.9

Matthew Martin @hyperplanes

197 7.9

Michael Story ⚓ @MWStory

198 7.9

Joshua Gans @joshgans

199 7.9

Barry Music @barrymusic

200 7.9

Steve Salerno ... as Eden sinks to grief @iwrotesham

201 7.9

Richard Scheinin @RichardScheinin

202 7.9

DK @dksf

203 7.9

Conor Sen @conorsen

204 7.9

Otis Reid @otis_reid

205 7.9

Will Manidis @WillManidis

206 7.9

Steven Pinker @sapinker

207 7.9

Paul Novosad @paulnovosad

208 7.9

Angus “5 million shots a day" Grier @ez_angus

209 7.9

Fergus @F_McCullough

210 7.9

Brie Wolfson @zebriez

211 7.9

Joshua Jenkins @joshuajenkins

212 7.9

Matthias Rascher @matthiasrascher

213 7.9

Megan McArdle @asymmetricinfo

214 7.9

Isaac Hepworth @isaach

215 7.9

Lama @LamaAlRajih

216 7.9

Simon Sarris @simonsarris

217 7.9

Anna Spiegel @AnnaSpiegs

218 7.9

Jeff Michael @CaptainDecoy

219 7.9

Warren Senders @WarrenSenders

220 7.9

A.M. Juster (#Petrarch w/W.W. Norton in 2023) @amjuster

221 7.9

Emil O. W. Kirkegaard @KirkegaardEmil

222 7.9

Jesse Singal @jessesingal

223 7.9

Kate Taggart @qkate

224 7.9

🪱 @worm_emoji

225 7.9

Natalie E. Dean @nataliexdean

226 7.9

Chetan Puttagunta @chetanp

227 7.9

Aaron Levie @levie

228 7.9

Sam Altman @sama

229 7.9

Andrew Lilico @andrew_lilico

230 7.9

Niall Gooch 👍🇬🇧🇻🇦🚅🏏✒ @niall_gooch

231 7.9

Liam Kofi Bright @lastpositivist

232 7.9

Jordan Schneider 司马乔丹 @jordanschnyc

233 7.9

Ben Sixsmith @BDSixsmith

234 7.9

Trevor Blackwell @tlbtlbtlb

235 7.8

Madeline Grant 🇭🇰 @Madz_Grant

236 7.8

Shopify @Shopify

237 7.8

Eliezer Yudkowsky @ESYudkowsky

238 7.8

Rob Henderson @robkhenderson

239 7.8

Julian Gewirtz @JulianGewirtz

240 7.8

Terry Teachout @TerryTeachout1

241 7.8

James Clark 📈📉¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @mr_james_c

242 7.8

David O. Sacks @DavidSacks

243 7.8

Chloé Valdary @cvaldary

244 7.8

microtherion @microtherion

245 7.8

Jason Diamos @Mrmosman66

246 7.8

Marshall Bowden @mibowden505

247 7.8

Pinboard @Pinboard

248 7.8 @jonst0kes

249 7.8

Kyle Tibbitts @KyleTibbitts

250 7.8

Agnes Callard @AgnesCallard

251 7.8

Amjad Masad ⠕ @amasad

252 7.8

Justin M. Overdorff @jmover

253 7.8

Michael Schade @sch

254 7.8

Rembrandt @artistrembrandt

255 7.8

James Medlock @jdcmedlock

256 7.8

Roger Ebert @ebertchicago

257 7.8

Simon DeDeo @SimonDeDeo

258 7.8

ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʟɪᴠᴇs ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ @timoni

259 7.8

David Wolpe @RabbiWolpe

260 7.8

Recidiviz @RecidivizOrg

261 7.8

Sarah Dillard @dillardsarah

262 7.8

Ishtaarth Dalmia @ishtaarth

263 7.8

Michelle Dawson @autismcrisis

264 7.8

Nathan Nunn @DrNathanNunn

265 7.8

Tommy Collison @tommycollison

266 7.8

Dan Wang @danwwang

267 7.8

Eric Kaufmann @epkaufm

268 7.8

Markus Brunnermeier @MarkusEconomist

269 7.8

Patricia @patriciamou_

270 7.8

Ashley Mayer @ashleymayer

271 7.8

Josh Barro @jbarro

272 7.8

Patrick OShaughnessy @patrick_oshag

273 7.8

Kevin Riggle @kevinriggle

274 7.8

Barred in DC @barredindc

275 7.8

Josh Elman 🇺🇸 @joshelman

276 7.8

Matthew Rosenberg @AshcanPress

277 7.8

Bret Taylor @btaylor

278 7.8

Immune to Boredom @immunetoboredom

279 7.8

Kamil Choudhury @kchoudhu

280 7.8

Laura Hayes @LauraHayesDC

281 7.8

Amy Hoy @amyhoy

282 7.8

Jay Shirley @jshirley

283 7.8

Saku Panditharatne @asteroid_saku

284 7.8

𝗡𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗻 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝘆 @mnolangray

285 7.8

Zach Warmbrodt @Zachary

286 7.8

Hannah Ritchie @_HannahRitchie

287 7.8

Molly Jong-Fast @MollyJongFast

288 7.8

John Preskill @preskill

289 7.8

Kevin Lacker @lacker

290 7.8

Daniel Pryor 😄 @DanielPryorr

291 7.8

Progress Studies For Young Scholars @progresscourse

292 7.8

David Gouldin @dgouldin

293 7.8

George Mason News @GeorgeMasonNews

294 7.8

Stian Westlake @stianwestlake

295 7.8

Josiah Neeley 🤔 @jneeley78

296 7.8

Siberian Fox📎 @SilverVVulpes

297 7.8

Brian R. Herres @brherres1

298 7.8

Me @Pogouldiwitz

299 7.8

Sam Litzinger @SamLitzinger

300 7.8

ChicagoBluesHistory @ChiBluesHistory

301 7.8

🐟 @turtlekiosk

302 7.8

Christopher Michel @chrismichel

303 7.8

modest proposal @modestproposal1

304 7.8

Avichal Garg - Electric Capital ⚡💸 @avichal

305 7.8

Paula @paularambles

306 7.8

Thomas H. Ptacek @tqbf

307 7.8

Lyman Stone @lymanstoneky

308 7.8

Grant Sanderson @3blue1brown

309 7.8

Rachel Bitecofer @RachelBitecofer

310 7.8

Beatriz @BeatrizGietner

311 7.8

Harley Finkelstein @harleyf

312 7.8

Nicholas J. L. Brown @sTeamTraen

313 7.8

Thairu @thairu

314 7.7

bosco @selentelechia

315 7.7

Rory Meakin @rorymeakin

316 7.7

Leonid Schneider @schneiderleonid

317 7.7

Alan Cole @AlanMCole

318 7.7

shidoshi @shidoshi

319 7.7

QC 💉 HIMBO☆SUMMER @QiaochuYuan

320 7.7

spakhm.eth @spakhm

321 7.7

Recall 欺善暴丁 @cyantist

322 7.7

Brian Delahunty @briandela

323 7.7

Wrath Of Gnon @wrathofgnon

324 7.7

Carl Woideck @cwoideck

325 7.7

Antonio @tonom6230

326 7.7

AnotherWastedJDegree @talkingnewmedia

327 7.7

Blue ‘Trane @TheBlueTrane

328 7.7

Noah Preminger @NoahPreminger

329 7.7

Open Ocean Exploration @RebeccaRHelm

330 7.7

Peter Sokolowski @PeterSokolowski

331 7.7

Diane Doniol-Valcroze @ddoniolvalcroze

332 7.7

Elias Muhanna @QifaNabki

333 7.7

Taylor Lorenz @TaylorLorenz

334 7.7

David R. MacIver @DRMacIver

335 7.7

Ant Breach @AntBreach

336 7.7

Claire Lehmann @clairlemon

337 7.7

Thony Christie @rmathematicus

338 7.7

Dina D. Pomeranz @DinaPomeranz

339 7.7

Hillel is teaching a workshop @hillelogram

340 7.7

Kevin Simler @KevinSimler

341 7.7

Matt Bateman @mbateman

342 7.7

Alex Danco @Alex_Danco

343 7.7

Arpit Gupta @arpitrage

344 7.7

Steve Randy Waldman @interfluidity

345 7.7

Carl Bergstrom @CT_Bergstrom

346 7.7

Wojtek Kopczuk @wwwojtekk

347 7.7

Steven Klaiber-Noble @snoble

348 7.7

John Gruber @gruber

349 7.7

Yossarian @Yossariantweets

350 7.7

Noah Pepper @noahmp

351 7.7

Harry Stebbings @HarryStebbings

352 7.7

Janey Muñoz @jnymnz

353 7.7

Michael Seibel @mwseibel

354 7.7

Andrew Reed @andrew__reed

355 7.7

Colin Mortimer 🌐 @colinmort

356 7.7

Edouard Mathieu @redouad

357 7.7

Spencer Miller @percentcer

358 7.7

Ryan Seals @RealsSeals

359 7.7

John Tintera @JJT13

360 7.7

Daryl Angier @DJAngier

361 7.7

Steve Provizer @improviz

362 7.7

John Edwin Mason @johnedwinmason

363 7.7

Timothy Gowers @wtgowers

364 7.7

Semil @semil

365 7.7

Irène DB @UrbanFoxxxx

366 7.7

G. Elliott Morris @gelliottmorris

367 7.7

Kane @kane

368 7.7

Noah Tye @noahlt

369 7.7

Mark Lutter @MarkLutter

370 7.7

Evan Jenkins @ejenk

371 7.7

Mckay Wrigley @mckaywrigley

372 7.7

Austin Kleon @austinkleon

373 7.7

Shreyas Doshi @shreyas

374 7.7

Aging Highlights @aginghighlights

375 7.7

Tom Holland @holland_tom

376 7.7

Dust-to-Digital @dusttodigital

377 7.7

Claire HughesJohnson 🇺🇸 @chughesjohnson

378 7.7

Geoffrey F. Miller @primalpoly

379 7.7

John Horton @johnjhorton

380 7.7

Nick Whitaker 🏛🚀 @ns_whit

381 7.7

Nick Arner @nickarner

382 7.7

Dan Jackson @northumbriana

383 7.7

Eric Weinstein @EricRWeinstein

384 7.7 @dev_nikema

385 7.7

Kentarō Iwata @georgebest1969

386 7.7

The CricViz Analyst @cricvizanalyst

387 7.7

Sabine Hossenfelder @skdh

388 7.7

Vikram Bath1 @vikrambath1

389 7.7

Aditya Mukerjee, the Otterrific 🦦 🏳️‍🌈 @chimeracoder

390 7.7

Rachael Meager @economeager

391 7.7

Ari Armstrong @ariarmstrong

392 7.7

(((Jonathan Robinson))) @jon_m_rob

393 7.7

Yan Zhang @krzhang

394 7.7

Matt Darling 🌐💸🌇 @besttrousers

395 7.7

M.G. Siegler @mgsiegler

396 7.7

Simon Evans @TheSimonEvans

397 7.6

Tom Harwood @tomhfh

398 7.6

Jason ✨BeKind✨ Lemkin ⚫️ @jasonlk

399 7.6

Adam Strandberg @The_Lagrangian

400 7.6

Des Traynor @destraynor

401 7.6

Ben Rosen @Rosen

402 7.6

justin @itunpredictable

403 7.6

jypsy @thejypsy

404 7.6

What Auren Reads @AurenReads

405 7.6

Jane Greer @NorthDakotaJane

406 7.6

Shawn Sensiba @shawnsensiba

407 7.6

Johnny @TheACNightmare

408 7.6

Matt's-all-folks!🇺🇸 @Matthew45067044

409 7.6

Bri Kimmel @briannekimmel

410 7.6

David Schmitt @PsychoSchmitt

411 7.6

bmt @bigmastertroll

412 7.6

Justin Amash @justinamash

413 7.6

Antoinette 🦈🍩🍗 @twaffl3s

414 7.6

nic carter @nic__carter

415 7.6

Andrea Matranga @andreamatranga

416 7.6

Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome

417 7.6

Mike Isaac @MikeIsaac

418 7.6

Ryan Edwards @ryanbedwards

419 7.6

Lulie @reasonisfun

420 7.6

Chad Orzel @orzelc

421 7.6

Justin Kan @justinkan

422 7.6

Laurie Voss @seldo

423 7.6

Ryan Delk @delk

424 7.6

Tom Chivers @TomChivers

425 7.6

Ursula Antiglobal @UAntiglobal

426 7.6

eigenrobot @eigenrobot

427 7.6

Andrew Sullivan @sullydish

428 7.6

Stripe Press @stripepress

429 7.6

David Karol @DKarol

430 7.6

ariaclast @ariaclast

431 7.6

Bruno Maçães @MacaesBruno

432 7.6

mattparlmer 🌷 @mattparlmer

433 7.6

Violeta𓅓 @MamanLunettes

434 7.6

Katelyn Gleason @katgleason

435 7.6

Denny Britz @dennybritz

436 7.6

Stephen Bush @stephenkb

437 7.6

Web Smith @web

438 7.6

Ray Girn @raygirn

439 7.6

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ @pifafu

440 7.6

Matt Clancy @mattsclancy

441 7.6

Charles Arthur @charlesarthur

442 7.6

Dank Neo-Trad Arch Memes @THICCtorianChad

443 7.6

ΞWoki in Quadratic Lands 🌈🌅 @owocki

444 7.6

Richard Harper @harpersnotes

445 7.6

Luca Dellanna @DellAnnaLuca

446 7.6

🛠 Kenneth Auchenberg @auchenberg

447 7.6

Nick Looijmans @nilo

448 7.6

T. Greer @Scholars_Stage

449 7.6

Loren Padelford @LorenPadelford

450 7.6

Zaddy Aang 🧦🌐🔰🌹 @SocksxMC

451 7.6

Corey Quinn @QuinnyPig

452 7.6

Mengxi Lu @mengxilu

453 7.6

Himbrogrammer @mattbasta

454 7.6

Eric Mosterd @emosterd

455 7.6

Michael D. Ficus ℹ️ @mikeficus

456 7.6

Robert @Esurio_

(Temporarily missing user profile)
458 7.6

Kevin Kelly @kevin2kelly

459 7.6

María @mchdiez

460 7.6

dj microbeads @djmicrobeads

461 7.6

Will Larson @Lethain

462 7.6

astrotweeps: Pratik (@astrogandhi) @astrotweeps

463 7.6

Duncan Weldon @DuncanWeldon

464 7.6

Timothy B. Lee @binarybits

465 7.6

Conor Dougherty @ConorDougherty

466 7.6

The Pug @thepugdc

467 7.6

Iona Italia, PhD @IonaItalia

468 7.6

Robert Martinez @elrobbb

469 7.6

Jim Watson @JimWatsonOttawa

470 7.6

Matt @regulatorynerd

471 7.6

Charles Fain Lehman @CharlesFLehman

472 7.6

Henry Rothwell @HenryRothwell

473 7.6

Pamela Paresky (Habits of a Free Mind) @PamelaParesky

474 7.6

the Fully Vaxxed Tallest @spooknine

475 7.6

John Lilly @johnolilly

476 7.6

Satish Kanwar @skanwar

477 7.6

James Pethokoukis @JimPethokoukis

478 7.6

David Paxton @DavidDPaxton

479 7.6

Robert McNees @mcnees

480 7.6

Arnaud Schenk @_ArnaudS_

481 7.6

Zach Goldberg @ZachG932

482 7.6

Justin Sandefur @JustinSandefur

483 7.6

Alex Rampell @arampell

484 7.6

Fox @hourlyFox

485 7.6

George Mason University @GeorgeMasonU

486 7.6

Feifan Zhou @FeifanZ

487 7.6

Morgan Housel @morganhousel

488 7.6

Bo Winegard @EPoe187

489 7.6

Jarrod Dicker @jarroddicker

490 7.6

Dave 🥓 @dabacon

491 7.6

Tim Hwang @timhwang

492 7.6

London Breed @LondonBreed

493 7.6

Cassava @CassavaSF

494 7.6

Gideon @ghod

495 7.6

Ryan Jones @rjonesy

496 7.6

Fiona McKean @FionaMcK

497 7.6

SeanSilcoff @SeanSilcoff

498 7.6

Scott Kupor @skupor

499 7.5

James Todaro, MD @JamesTodaroMD

500 7.5

Geoffrey Litt @geoffreylitt

501 7.5

Robert P. George @McCormickProf

502 7.5

David Deutsch @DavidDeutschOxf

503 7.5

Justin Wolfers @JustinWolfers

504 7.5

Steve Hind @stevehind

505 7.5

marius eriksen @marius

506 7.5

Robert Wiblin @robertwiblin

507 7.5

𝙅𝙪𝙖𝙣 𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙙 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙤 @jdcampolargo

508 7.5

Karl Smith @karlbykarlsmith

509 7.5

ab workout guy @un434

510 7.5

Daman Rangoola @damanr

511 7.5

Bill Bishop @niubi

512 7.5

Jenny Rogers @jennyrogersDC

513 7.5

Alice de Queens 🏳️‍🌈 @AliceFromQueens

514 7.5

Greg Lidrbauch @GregLidrbauch

515 7.5

🌀 @HipCityReg

516 7.5

Katie Herzog @kittypurrzog

517 7.5

Mark Bruckert @Mark_Bruckert

518 7.5

Kevin Clark @vernalkick

519 7.5

Craig Miller @craigmillr

520 7.5

Alex Muresianu @ahardtospell

521 7.5

Owen Williams ⚡ @ow

522 7.5

Carlos del Rio @CarlosdelRio7

(Temporarily missing user profile)
524 7.5

Matthew Graham @mattysino

525 7.5

Brian Jay Jones @brianjayjones

526 7.5

John Aziz 🚀🎸🌍 @aziz0nomics

527 7.5

Chris Hladczuk @chrishlad

528 7.5

👨🏻‍💻☕️ @hunterwalk

529 7.5

Kevin Mitchell @WiringTheBrain

530 7.5

humphrey ✨ @hoctopi

531 7.5

halvorz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @halvorz

532 7.5

Jeff Wasserstrom @jwassers

533 7.5

Dare Obasanjo @Carnage4Life

534 7.5

Raymond Tonsing @tonsing

535 7.5

Geoffrey Manne @geoffmanne

536 7.5

Michael Brendan Dougherty @michaelbd

537 7.5

Jane Natoli 🥑🚲🍍 @wafoli

538 7.5

An-Cap Quotes @ancapquotes

539 7.5

Michael Clemens @m_clem

540 7.5

Michael P Gibson @William_Blake

541 7.5

James Surowiecki @JamesSurowiecki

542 7.5

Aella @Aella_Girl

543 7.5

Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

544 7.5

Geoff Lewis @GeoffLewisOrg

545 7.5

Leah Boustan @leah_boustan

546 7.5

Nils Gilman @nils_gilman

547 7.5

Robert Tracinski @Tracinski

548 7.5

Quentin Hardy @qhardy

549 7.5

Cedric Chin @ejames_c

550 7.5

Rabbi Josh Yuter @JYuter

551 7.5

Kevin Fox is hopeful 🦊😷 @kfury

552 7.5

Nate Silver @NateSilver538

553 7.5

Aging Science News @AgingBiology

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
557 7.5

Kelly Vaughn 🐞 @kvlly

(Temporarily missing user profile)
559 7.5

Dr. Gunn @mrgunn

560 7.5

luke miles @ylukem

561 7.5

Roko - @RokoMijicUK

562 7.5

PoPville @PoPville

563 7.5

Kai Ryssdal @kairyssdal

564 7.5

Angela Rasmussen @angie_rasmussen

565 7.5

Joyce Park @troutgirl

566 7.5

Mimi Montgomery @mimi_montgom

567 7.5

Bill Gurley @bgurley

568 7.5

The David Perell Bot @the_perell_bot

569 7.5 @saifedean

570 7.5

Rhedd Lewis 💙 @Redflag09

571 7.5

Stripe @stripe

572 7.5

Jose-Luis Jimenez @jljcolorado

573 7.5

Dorothy Bishop @deevybee

574 7.5

Christina Farr @chrissyfarr

575 7.5

Kaden Hazzard @QuantumHazzard

576 7.5

goov @guavault

577 7.5

Jeff Lonsdale @JeffLonsdale

(Temporarily missing user profile)
579 7.5

Kris Kowal💉💉💯 🧙🏻‍♂️🧝🏻‍♀️ @kriskowal

580 7.5

Leonardo Carella @leonardocarella

581 7.5

Adam Kucharski @AdamJKucharski

582 7.5

Kaz Nejatian @CanadaKaz

583 7.5

Ethan Mollick @emollick

584 7.5

Matt Wensing 🐙 @mattwensing

585 7.5

Brad 🧢 ₿ @b05crypto

586 7.5

Alchemy @AlchemyPlatform

587 7.5

Michele Hansen @mjwhansen

588 7.5

Damian Counsell @DamCou

589 7.5

Jason Harrison @nominalthoughts

590 7.5

defaultfriend.eth @default_friend

591 7.5

Chris Henrichson @chenrichson

592 7.5

Anna Geiduschek @ageiduschek

593 7.5

Benjamin Freed @brfreed

594 7.5

Ryan Briggs @ryancbriggs

595 7.5

Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug

596 7.5

Jordan Cooper @jordancooper

597 7.5

Bret Devereaux @BretDevereaux

598 7.5

Arthur Breitman @ArthurB

599 7.5

Jason Richman @jbrichman

600 7.5

st. @seyitaylor

601 7.5

Arianna Simpson @AriannaSimpson

602 7.5

Brian Heligman @BrianTHeligman

603 7.5

Left Inside @leftoutside

604 7.5

Jarred Sumner @jarredsumner

605 7.5

nicole @nwilliams030

606 7.5

Spotted Toad @toad_spotted

607 7.5

(((Howard Forman))) @thehowie

608 7.5 @HumanProgress

609 7.5

Dr Dan Waterfield @danwaterfield

610 7.5

Chelsea Cirruzzo @ChelseaCirruzzo

611 7.5

Arne Roomann-Kurrik @kurrik

612 7.5

David Haber @dhaber

613 7.5

James Wong @Botanygeek

614 7.5

Aaron Ng 🦇🔊 @localghost

615 7.5

Matthew Ball @ballmatthew

616 7.5

Matt Clifford @matthewclifford

617 7.5

Adam Tooze @adam_tooze

618 7.5

Leslie Schrock @lesliejz

619 7.5

Don Lyall @Don_lyall

620 7.5

The Real Noah Smith (either a cake or a rabbit) 🧨 @latenitenoah

621 7.5

Mike D. @MikD

622 7.5

Michael R. Bock @michaelrbock

623 7.5

Divia Eden @diviacaroline

624 7.5

Soona @soonaorlater

625 7.5

. @twlldun

626 7.5

Raymond Russell @raymondopolis

627 7.5

Jess Riedel @Jess_Riedel

628 7.4

Dr. Trevon D Logan @TrevonDLogan

629 7.4

Federico Italiano @FedeItaliano76

630 7.4

Conor Duffy 🌐 @conorduffy_7

631 7.4

Manuel Araoz @maraoz

632 7.4

Claude Monet @artistmonet

633 7.4

Blake Robbins @blakeir

634 7.4

Clo (17/100) @Clo__S

635 7.4

Dan Kaminsky @dakami

636 7.4

Steven Hamilton @SHamiltonian

637 7.4

Robert Colvile @rcolvile

638 7.4

Jesse Dylan @jesse_dylan_

639 7.4

Arlen Parsa @arlenparsa

640 7.4

David Hodge @DavidHodge

641 7.4

brantly.eth @BrantlyMillegan

642 7.4

Marshall Kosloff @makosloff

643 7.4

John Backus @backus

644 7.4

Ben Matasar @matasar

645 7.4

Wong Joon Ian @joonian

646 7.4

Stuart Buck @stuartbuck1

647 7.4

Sam D'Amico @sdamico

648 7.4

Felix Aurora @soxgoodyanksbad

649 7.4

OBDsity | Bunnies in a Bun Dance 🐰✖6️⃣➕🌈🥄 @obdsity

650 7.4

Ash Kalra @Ash_Kalra

651 7.4

Tiago Forte @fortelabs

652 7.4

denisc @deniscollison

653 7.4

Julia Galef @juliagalef

654 7.4

Sophia Batchelor @brainonsilicon

655 7.4

Shak Lakhani @shaklakhani

656 7.4

Brezina 🌳👧🏼👶🏽🌳 @brezina

657 7.4

Ian Bremmer @ianbremmer

658 7.4

Kim Taylor @kimmytaylor

659 7.4

Ser Jeff Garzik @jgarzik

660 7.4

Matt Ridley @mattwridley

661 7.4

📙 Alex Hillman @alexhillman

662 7.4

Sloane ✨ @SloaneSays

663 7.4

Akiko Iwasaki @VirusesImmunity

664 7.4

John McCafferty @jdmccafferty

665 7.4

Naomi Wu @RealSexyCyborg

666 7.4

Ramez Naam @ramez

667 7.4

Susan Dynarski @dynarski

668 7.4

ines helene, ShroomGirl @inihelene

669 7.4

bean @christapeterso

670 7.4

Seb Falk @Seb_Falk

671 7.4

Jodi Beggs @jodiecongirl

672 7.4

Branko Milanović @BrankoMilan

673 7.4

Ashlee Vance @ashleevance

674 7.4

bletchley punk @alicegoldfuss

675 7.4

Keegs 🧮🏳️‍🌈 @LittleKeegs0

676 7.4

Vanessa Bell @cremetoursBA

677 7.4

may-li 🐯 khoe @mayli

678 7.4

Equality California @eqca

679 7.4

Silvia Stringhini @silviast9

680 7.4

cosy (honey butter chip) @codygeronimo

681 7.4

Slate @Slate

682 7.4

Eric D. Özkan @ericozkan1

683 7.4

Marc Goldwein - GET VAXXED @MarcGoldwein

684 7.4

Gretchen McCulloch @GretchenAMcC

685 7.4

Preston ⚡️ smirk.eth @prestonattebery

686 7.4

Everett @everettpberry

687 7.4

Matty 💥 @mattcrail

688 7.4

Harsh 👨🏽‍💻 @HarshSikka

689 7.4

Shun Yamada @shyamady

690 7.4

Mishka @mishkaorakzai

691 7.4

john voss (né @h4n4w4lt) @heyjovo

692 7.4

Rishi Narang @narang_rishi

693 7.4

⛴ Mo @morajabi

694 7.4

Ankit @ankitkr0

695 7.4

Steven Buss 🥑 🌐 @sbuss

696 7.4

Dave Jorgenson @davejorgenson

697 7.4

Jelena Jansson @jelenajansson

698 7.4

James Price 🇭🇰🇹🇼🇮🇱 @jamespriceglos

699 7.4

Christina Wolbrecht @C_Wolbrecht

700 7.4

Ben Tossell @bentossell

(Temporarily missing user profile)
702 7.4

Jacky Wong @jackycwong

703 7.4

Arnob 'missile defense is a scam' Alam 🌐 @arnoblalam

704 7.4

Tim Harford @TimHarford

705 7.4

Yeyo @RealYeyoZa

706 7.4

Cathy Young @CathyYoung63

707 7.4

Alex Sexton @SlexAxton

708 7.4

merce’s cunning ham @mioalter

709 7.4

Andy Biotech @AndyBiotech

710 7.4

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn @zooko

711 7.4

David Siegel @dvdsgl

712 7.4

The Opinicon @The_Opinicon

713 7.4

Josh Highland @JoshHighland

714 7.4

Melissa Sariffodeen @melsariffodeen

715 7.4

Tim Urban @waitbutwhy

716 7.4

Mikkel Svane @mikkelsvane

717 7.4

Julia M. Rohrer @dingding_peng

718 7.4

Olof Mathé @olofster

719 7.4

Liz Voeller @voeliz

720 7.4

Jon Zieger @JZieger

721 7.4

Brian Patrick Eha @brianeha

722 7.4

James Dyett @dyett

723 7.4

Zachary Murray @Rudefire

724 7.4

Grady Booch @Grady_Booch

725 7.4

let me know how i can be helpful @vcstarterkit

726 7.4

Alex Cohen @anothercohen

727 7.4

The birds ‘n’ the bayes 🦈🌐🧦 @PhDLamentations

728 7.4

Jamelle Bouie @jbouie

729 7.4

Eli Perencevich, MD MS🧼 😷 @eliowa

730 7.4

Francois Balloux @BallouxFrancois

731 7.4

Zeynep Tüfekçi @zeynep

732 7.4

Rob Mayeda @RobMayeda

733 7.4

Charlie Anderson @EconCharlie

734 7.4

Black Hand Balding 大老板 @BaldingsWorld

735 7.4

Joseph Majkut @JosephMajkut

736 7.4

Lenny Bogdonoff @rememberlenny

737 7.4

R.J. Lehmann @raylehmann

738 7.4

Florian Krammer @florian_krammer

739 7.4

Tom Forth @thomasforth

740 7.4

Lorena Gonzalez @LorenaSGonzalez

741 7.4

larry "white boy" summers🌹 @uhshanti

742 7.4

Major Charles Innocent @JoeStephenson96

743 7.4

Richard Craib @richardcraib

744 7.4

Cake is Kate. Always has been. 💫 @kefimochi

745 7.4

Nicole Barbaro @NicoleBarbaro

746 7.4

AlasdairTweets 🌐 @alasdairtweets

747 7.4

Quillette @Quillette

748 7.4

createstreets @createstreets

749 7.4

Tim Carman @timcarman

750 7.4

Tim Ebner @TimEbner

751 7.4

uché blackstock, md @uche_blackstock

752 7.4

Andrew Chen @andrewchen

753 7.4

double @SFCdouble

754 7.4

Lucio Martelli @LucioMM1

755 7.4

Chris Arnade @Chris_arnade

756 7.4

mariellev⬡lz @mariellevolz

757 7.4

Jason Fried @jasonfried

(Temporarily missing user profile)
759 7.4

SigmaMax @King_Kazama_

(Temporarily missing user profile)
761 7.4

parker @pt

762 7.4

DC Food Pundit @DCFoodPundit

763 7.4

roos vonk @roosvonk

764 7.4

Kristian G. Andersen @K_G_Andersen

765 7.4

Rod Graham @roderickgraham

766 7.4

Gavin Purcell @gavinpurcell

767 7.4

Matt Goodwin @GoodwinMJ

768 7.4

Gray Kimbrough @graykimbrough

769 7.4

Kelly Sims @kellylsims

770 7.4

Alex "Blooming" Forrest 🚉🌸 @380kmh

771 7.4

Tim Peacock @tmdpcck

772 7.4

Marco Piani @Marco_Piani

773 7.4

Chad Loder @chadloder

774 7.4

Martin Borch Jensen @MartinBJensen

775 7.4

A Marm Kilpatrick @DiseaseEcology

776 7.4

Isabel Schnabel @Isabel_Schnabel

777 7.4

Emin Gün Sirer @el33th4xor

778 7.4

Sarah Fletcher @SarahFPoetry

779 7.4

P. Oscar Boykin @posco

780 7.4

Dustin Moskovitz @moskov

781 7.4

Chris Cook @xtophercook

782 7.4

Mary Gordon @fatblackcatspaw

783 7.4

yoshiki @yoshikischmitz

784 7.4

Eirini Malliaraki @irinimalliaraki

785 7.4

Jackie Ess @jackie_ess

786 7.4

Chelsea Otakan @chexee

787 7.4

Michael S Galpert @msg

788 7.4

scott cunningham @causalinf

789 7.4

Jordan Weissmann 🗽 @JHWeissmann

790 7.4

Dan Grover @DanGrover

791 7.4

Savvy @SavvyKreykes

792 7.4

Koen Deconinck @DeconinckKoen

793 7.4

Richard Skinner @richardmskinner

794 7.3

Family Meal @thisfamilymeal

795 7.3

Paul M. Romer @paulmromer

796 7.3

Brendan Nyhan @BrendanNyhan

797 7.3

Rochelle Kopp / Japan Intercultural Consulting @JapanIntercult

798 7.3

Andrew Rettek @oscredwin

799 7.3

Marlowe @PMarlowe1939

800 7.3

James Riney🐠Coral Capital @james_riney

(Temporarily missing user profile)
(Temporarily missing user profile)
803 7.3

LeVar Hosting Jeopardy July 26-30 Stan Account👁 @csilverandgold

804 7.3

Thomas Sowell @ThomasSowell

805 7.3

Emily Hamilton @ebwhamilton

806 7.3

Alex Kantrowitz @Kantrowitz

807 7.3

Nikhil Krishnan @nikillinit

808 7.3

Sean J. Taylor @seanjtaylor

809 7.3

C Thi Nguyen @add_hawk

810 7.3

PodClips @podclipsapp

811 7.3

joe @joedotslash

812 7.3

Nemil Dalal @nemild

813 7.3

Evaric Weicksel @evaricweicksel

814 7.3

Sheel Mohnot @pitdesi

815 7.3

Claudia Sahm @Claudia_Sahm

816 7.3

Dan Hedl @danheld

817 7.3

Ina Fried @inafried

818 7.3

ANTIREZ @antirez

819 7.3

Nassim Nicholas Taleb @nntaleb

820 7.3

Sarah Haider @SarahTheHaider

821 7.3

Brandon Dail @aweary

822 7.3

Pushkar @magicsilicon

823 7.3

Catalin @CatalinMU

824 7.3

darth™ @darth

825 7.3

Laura Friedman @laurafriedman43

826 7.3

Scott Gottlieb @ScottGottliebMD

827 7.3

Buffy Wicks @BuffyWicks

828 7.3

alice maz @alicemazzy

829 7.3

Maria Chaplia @mchapliaa

830 7.3

Anna Wang 🔅 @a_nnawang

831 7.3

Sanna Madan @sanna_madan

832 7.3

Brad Silverberg @bradsilverberg

833 7.3

Luisa Nattero @LuisaNattero

834 7.3

ghosttyped.eth @ghosttyped

835 7.3

DHH Racing @dhhracing

836 7.3

Darth turrible @turrible_tao

837 7.3

Brent Beshore @BrentBeshore

838 7.3

Vlad Zamfir @VladZamfir

839 7.3

julie pagano @juliepagano

840 7.3

Daniel Swain @Weather_West

841 7.3

Christian Lorentzen @CkLorentzen

842 7.3

Tommy Long @_tommylong

843 7.3

Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPo

844 7.3

Joe Pompliano @JoePompliano

845 7.3

Cardiff Garcia @CardiffGarcia

846 7.3

Ancient Earthling @Dust_Foot

847 7.3

張 kyle 張 @beefhoagie

848 7.3

evil maid @lenazun

849 7.3

Penelope is 🏳️‍⚧️ @penelope_zone

850 7.3

Heather Heying @HeatherEHeying

851 7.3

KimSia Sim 🇸🇬💻📗 @KimStacks

852 7.3

Peter Bhat Harkins @pushcx

853 7.3

Dietz Vollrath @DietzVollrath

854 7.3

Joel Hooks 🌦 @jhooks

855 7.3

Chamath Palihapitiya @chamath

856 7.3

Maddie Hall @maddiehalla

857 7.3

Eliot Peper @eliotpeper

858 7.3

Christoph @Halalcoholism

859 7.3

4tian @4tian

860 7.3

Anne Thompson @akstanwyck

861 7.3

Allie Renison @AllieRenison

862 7.3

Boris Jabes @borisjabes

863 7.3

Laurence's Walks @LWalksLondon

864 7.3

Jeffrey Tumlin @jeffreytumlin

865 7.3

John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz

866 7.3

NWS Bay Area @NWSBayArea

867 7.3

Youyang Gu @youyanggu

868 7.3

Gaurav Vohra @gauravvohra1

869 7.3

@rogerclark @rogerclark

870 7.3

Hannah Davis 🦈 @ahandvanish

871 7.3

Kevin Roose @kevinroose

872 7.3

Oliver Snoddy @olisnoddy

873 7.3

Tristan Homsi @homsiT

874 7.3

Josh McCabe @JoshuaTMcCabe

875 7.3

Katherine Boyle @KTmBoyle

876 7.3

Karen Chee @karencheee

877 7.3

Helen Rosner @hels

878 7.3

bayes baes bays based baste @bayes_baes

879 7.3

Kai Kupferschmidt @kakape

880 7.3

Jeremy Konyndyk @JeremyKonyndyk

881 7.3

Todd Goldberg @toddg777

882 7.3

DERRICK | Empowering YOU @DerrickEmpowers

883 7.3

Sachin Nene @sachmaan

884 7.3

CovidPrisonData @CovidPrisonData

885 7.3

Aaron Littman @aaronlittman

886 7.3

Arnold Ventures @Arnold_Ventures

887 7.3

Adam Gurri @adamgurri

888 7.3

🅑🅔🅝 🏔🏕 @ben_mathes

889 7.3

Louis Mirante @louismirante

890 7.3

Erica Baker @EricaJoy

891 7.3

Porochista Khakpour @PKhakpour

892 7.3

Johannes Haushofer @jhaushofer

893 7.3

Soviet Visuals @sovietvisuals

894 7.3

Beth Shelburne @bshelburne

895 7.3

Jason Jacobs 🇺🇸 @jjacobs22

896 7.3

Apoorva Mandavilli @apoorva_nyc

897 7.3

Arati Sharma @aratisharma

898 7.3

John Kroencke @johnkroencke

899 7.3

daniel debow @ddebow

900 7.3

jamaican NOPsled team @Theophite

901 7.3

of arms and the devil-man i sing @swimming_blerd

902 7.3

Douglas Kim @douglasfunniest

903 7.3

Prof Jamie Woodward @Jamie_Woodward_

904 7.3

sotonye @cybersygh

905 7.3

Kyle Pomerleau @kpomerleau

906 7.3

marie ennui: guillotine operator @PastaVersaucy

907 7.3

sam lessin @lessin

908 7.3

John Nack @jnack

909 7.3

Derek Brown @ideasimprove

910 7.3

Kiko Llaneras @kikollan

911 7.3

stucchio @stucchio

912 7.3

Josh Doody @JoshDoody

913 7.3

dan nolan @dannolan

914 7.3

Daniel Lemire @lemire

915 7.3

☠️ buriticá ☠️ @buritica

916 7.3

Y Combinator @ycombinator

917 7.3

James Cham @jamescham

918 7.3

Robotbeat🗽🖖🏾 @Robotbeat

919 7.3

Jon Evans @rezendi

920 7.3

Hunter Horsley @HHorsley

921 7.3

Tim Latimer @TimMLatimer

922 7.3

Kontra @counternotions

923 7.3

Lucre Snooker @LucreSnooker

924 7.3

Omnivore Books @omnivorebooks

925 7.3

Noah Sasson @Noahsasson

926 7.3

Zach Weinberg ™ @zachweinberg

927 7.3

m@ 😷💉 @mattschaar

928 7.3

John B. Holbein @JohnHolbein1

929 7.3

Neera Tanden @neeratanden

930 7.3

Brad Setser @Brad_Setser

931 7.3

David V. Johnson @contrarianp

932 7.3

PoliMath @politicalmath

933 7.3

Mike Masnick @mmasnick

934 7.3

Chris Warshaw @cwarshaw

935 7.3

Camille Fournier @skamille

936 7.3

James @jhallwood

937 7.3

ice9 @__ice9

938 7.3

Anne Scheel @annemscheel

939 7.3

Dan Davies @dsquareddigest

940 7.3

logan bartlett @loganbartlett

941 7.3

Caleb Porzio @calebporzio

942 7.3

Adrienne Porter Felt @__apf__

943 7.3

✨kf ✨ @kf

944 7.3

Jeremy Giffon @jeremygiffon

945 7.3

Read Mutual Aid by Dean Spade @JoshuaPotash

946 7.3

Victor Mota @vimota

(Temporarily missing user profile)
948 7.3

suuuperposition @suuuperposition

949 7.3

The Restaurant Manifesto @restofesto

950 7.3

Jack @Unsilent

951 7.3

Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson

952 7.3

Nathan Kalmoe @NathanKalmoe

953 7.3

Michael Tracey @mtracey

954 7.3

ぱる @gsm_iham2

955 7.3

Subrahmanyam KVJ @SuB8u

956 7.3

Pamela J. Hobart @amelapay

957 7.3

Beth Popp Berman @epopppp

958 7.3

Hadrian Belove @hadrianbelove

959 7.3

ⓘ Dogs don't have thumbs @MorlockP

960 7.3

Jason Van Schoor @jasonvanschoor

961 7.3

Guy English @gte

962 7.3

Saagar Enjeti @esaagar

963 7.3

Lee Byron @leeb

964 7.3

Simine Vazire @siminevazire

965 7.3

Robert Morgan @robcmorgan

966 7.3

Ashley Parker @AshleyRParker

967 7.3

James Palmer @BeijingPalmer

968 7.3

Jason Bordoff @JasonBordoff

969 7.3

Daniel Drezner @dandrezner

970 7.3

jefflab @jefflab

971 7.3

Pete Keen @zrail

972 7.3

Ben Harris @btharris93

973 7.3

Simon Eskildsen @Sirupsen

974 7.3

Daniel Weinand @danielweinand

975 7.3

Colin Percival @cperciva

976 7.3

Jon Yongfook @yongfook

977 7.3

Dan Luu @danluu

978 7.3

Esteban Ortiz-Ospina @EOrtizOspina

979 7.2

Rob Walling @robwalling

980 7.2

Nabeel Hyatt @nabeel

(Temporarily missing user profile)
982 7.2

Vaughan Bell @vaughanbell

983 7.2

BiggerRoom @bigger_room

984 7.2

Butt Praxis @buttpraxis

985 7.2

Arjun Narayan @narayanarjun

986 7.2

Frankie Huang 黄秋隐 @ourobororoboruo

987 7.2

Laurent Franckx 🇧🇪🇪🇺 @LaurentFranckx

988 7.2

David Mitchell @DavidP4AD

989 7.2

Ed Yong @edyong209

990 7.2

Zach Weinersmith @ZachWeiner

991 7.2

Robert Orr ⚖️ @Robert_t_Orr

992 7.2

Sid Verma @_SidVerma

993 7.2

Suz Hinton @noopkat

994 7.2

Azlen Elza @azlenelza

995 7.2

Amitabh Chandra @amitabhchandra2

(Temporarily missing user profile)
997 7.2

Jennifer Doleac @jenniferdoleac

998 7.2

Alex Wilhelm @alex

999 7.2

Ruth @willowbotanics

1000 7.2

Patate patate @Lunarobase

Websites vs. baseline influence 395.6x 0.6% 395.5x 0.8% 385.4x 0.5% 355.6x 10.4% 353.7x 1.2% 228.8x 1.0% 211.0x 1.0% 102.3x 1.2% 79.9x 5.1% 67.6x 0.6% 16.9x 0.6% 13.9x 0.7% 13.6x 6.5% 8.3x 1.2% 6.6x 4.5% 6.3x 1.4% 5.3x 4.6% 3.9x 0.5% 3.5x 1.0% 3.1x 8.7% 2.4x 1.0% 2.1x 0.5% 1.9x 1.2% 1.9x 1.0% 1.1x 0.8% 1.1x 0.7% 1.0x 2.3% 0.8x 0.5% 0.2x 0.6% 0.2x 0.7% 0.2x 2.6% 0.2x 1.1%
Subreddits vs. baseline influence
/r/natureisfuckinglit 107.2x 3.1%
/r/damnthatsinteresting 70.7x 1.5%
/r/buttcoin 27.6x 0.6%
/r/bitcoinmarkets 26.4x 0.6%
/r/poetry 18.7x 1.3%
/r/beamazed 11.4x 14.4%
/r/denver 5.6x 0.9%
/r/interestingasfuck 4.3x 2.2%
/r/dataisbeautiful 4.0x 19.7%
/r/slatestarcodex 3.6x 2.1%
/r/space 3.2x 0.8%
/r/ethereum 3.1x 2.6%
/r/themotte 2.9x 1.1%
/r/pics 2.2x 1.9%
/r/coronavirus 1.6x 0.8%
/r/worldnews 0.5x 2.9%
/r/mapporn 0.3x 0.6%
/r/iama 0.3x 2.4%
/r/askreddit 0.2x 2.0%
/r/wallstreetbets 0.2x 1.7%
/r/battlestations N/Ax 5.0%
/r/rareinsults N/Ax 4.4%
/r/starcraft N/Ax 1.4%
/r/likeus N/Ax 1.2%
/r/singapore N/Ax 1.1%
/r/programming N/Ax 1.0%
/r/hostilefactchecks N/Ax 0.8%
/r/sciencelaboratory N/Ax 0.7%
/r/toptalent N/Ax 0.7%
/r/natureismetal N/Ax 0.7%
/r/interesting N/Ax 0.7%
/r/naturetimelapse N/Ax 0.6%
Apple Podcasts vs. baseline influence
id1434060078 53.9x 0.7%
id315114957 44.7x 2.2%
id1123461944 38.8x 12.6%
id1497485070 37.5x 2.9%
id1236553683 35.1x 0.6%
id1400828889 34.6x 0.7%
id1316769266 28.4x 2.4%
id1502871393 28.4x 8.1%
id1346207297 23.3x 0.6%
id1517105543 21.0x 0.9%
id1438157174 12.1x 0.7%
id1289062927 10.0x 1.5%
id1154105909 9.6x 1.2%
id1480586463 7.1x 0.6%
id1474687988 6.4x 0.7%
id1436051905 4.8x 0.7%
id1462187508 3.8x 0.9%
id1198765424 3.5x 0.7%
id1412236217 3.4x 4.7%
id1081584611 3.1x 6.3%
id986595124 3.1x 0.7%
id152249110 2.1x 0.6%
id1524832743 1.9x 1.3%
id1489171190 1.8x 0.6%
id1437447846 1.6x 0.7%
id1056200096 1.3x 9.2%
id1508992867 0.9x 0.6%
id1504128553 0.7x 1.9%
id1508202790 0.6x 6.0%
id983795625 0.6x 0.6%
id730188152 0.5x 0.5%
id1042433083 0.5x 1.6%
id1445901378 0.4x 0.7%
id360084272 0.4x 2.0%
id1320118593 0.3x 0.5%
id1291144720 0.1x 0.8%
id1282553335 N/Ax 2.3%
id1209559177 N/Ax 1.6%
id1403202032 N/Ax 0.9%
id1466697207 N/Ax 0.6%
YouTube Channels vs. baseline influence
asiwind 36.6x 28.2%
jeriellsworth 36.6x 16.1%
amberdust 36.6x 12.1%
frankflyman 36.6x 8.0%
jameslee 36.6x 4.0%
bradmehldaufan 36.6x 4.0%
2cellos 36.6x 4.0%
acapellascience 36.6x 4.0%
léakyle 36.6x 4.0%
tr7music 36.6x 4.0%
eduardodyablo 36.6x 4.0%
Patreons vs. baseline influence
rootsofprogress 71.7x 26.3%
barredindc 6.2x 0.7%
newdiscourses 5.7x 2.4%
neoliberalproject 4.8x 1.5%
wesleyyang 1.9x 13.8%
blockedandreported 0.9x 6.1%
quillette 0.6x 0.5%
psychpodcast 0.4x 0.5%
shivramdas?fan_landing=true 0.1x 0.5%
visakanv N/Ax 30.4%
psychology N/Ax 6.5%
user?u=926060 N/Ax 2.7%
sabine?fan_landing=true N/Ax 0.9%