Bloomberg Opinion
Rank | Score | |
1 | 10.0 |
Opinions on business, economics and much more from the editors and columnists at Bloomberg Opinion. |
2 | 9.8 |
Bloomberg Opinion writer. Writes about economics, tweets about rabbits. Newsletter: |
3 | 9.7 |
International man of history. Author, @HooverInst senior fellow, @bopinion columnist. Latest book, DOOM: The Politics of Catastrophe out May 4. Opinions my own. |
4 | 9.7 |
Columnist, @bopinion. Priors: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, HP. Author: “TrumpNation.” |
5 | 9.7 |
Lisa Abramowicz @lisaabramowicz1 I talk. @bsurveillance @business @bloombergtv @BloombergRadio former @Bopinion… |
6 | 9.7 |
new book *Big Business*,, Conversations with Tyler, Bloomberg Opinion. |
7 | 9.6 |
নাগরিক. Fellow at @orfonline. Columnist at @bopinion, Bloomberg Opinion, & @bsindia, Business Std. Author of 'Restart: the Last Chance for the Indian Economy'. |
8 | 9.6 |
Danielle DiMartino Booth @DiMartinoBooth CEO & Chief Strategist, Quill Intelligence LLC, @bopinion columnist, Fmr Federal Reserve insider, Author #FedUp |
9 | 9.4 |
Columnist for @Bopinion. National Security Journalism Fellow at @ClementCenter Read my longer stuff at @commentary and @readliberties |
10 | 9.3 |
@NRO, @Bopinion, @AEI. Husband of @aprilponnuru. Trying not to argue with you here. |
11 | 9.3 |
I write the On Tech newsletter @nytimes about how tech is reshaping our lives and world. Formers: @bopinion & @WSJ |
12 | 9.3 |
Columnist for @bopinion. Founder of Peachtree Creek Investments. Geriatric Millennial. Fintwit, demographics/elections, Atlanta. The future is a policy choice. |
13 | 9.1 |
technology columnist @ bloomberg opinion. views my own. |
14 | 9.1 |
Andy Mukherjee @andymukherjee70 Bloomberg Opinion columnist; tweets are personal. I can’t do podcasts/TV/panels, and sorry but can’t help you publish and won’t review your book. |
15 | 9.1 |
Member of the @bopinion editorial board. Ex- @Time, @qz, @CNN. Food, football & foreign affairs; not necessarily in that order. I block bigots, mute fools. |
16 | 9.1 |
Bloomberg Opinion. Also, I root for the Giants. The Making of the Presidential Candidates 2020. Sign up for Early Returns! |
17 | 9.0 |
Senior Fellow @jainfamilyinst. former Fed & CEA. Sahm rule. macro policy & inequality. well with bipolar disorder. blog: |
18 | 9.0 |
@BOpinion. Previously NY Daily News, NY Post; comics nerd, improviser, pun-dit, overthinker, undersharer, Trini-Dad jokes, etc. |
19 | 9.0 |
Senior Resident Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington - @GulfStatesInst, weekly columnist for @bopinion & @TheNationalNews, etc. |
20 | 9.0 |
Editor of The Daily Dirtnap. Author, Bloomberg Opinion columnist, Host of The Jared Dillian Show, DJ/producer. INTJ. Dad to 6 wonderful cats. |
21 | 9.0 |
Ferdinando Giugliano @FerdiGiugliano Consigliere per l'Informazione del Presidente del Consiglio / Media Adviser to Italy's Prime Minister. @Palazzo_Chigi. Opinioni personali / Views my own. |
22 | 9.0 |
professor at @Harvard_Law, columnist for @bopinion, host of Deep Background… |
23 | 8.9 |
Husband, father, Chief U.S. Economist, @sghmacro, @uoregon economist, Oregon Economic Forum, Tim Duy's Fed Watch, columnist for @bopinion |
24 | 8.9 |
Columnist for @bopinion. Co-author of "All The Devils Are Here," and "Indentured." Latest: "The Shrink Next Door" podcast. Opinions are mine, all mine. |
25 | 8.9 |
Columnist @bopinion. Eater of free snacks. (Snacks are property of Bloomberg L.P. Tweets aren't.) |
26 | 8.9 | 🐤🇮🇨 @eiaine ⚑ Deep state-affiliated media Columnist @bopinion Editor @BTC Idle Mind @ 📡KM6NCF |
27 | 8.9 |
Columnist @BOpinion. All bonds all the time. Award-winning chronicler of the yield curve. Northwestern grad. CFA Charterholder. Email: |
28 | 8.8 |
Francis Wilkinson @fdwilkinson write about politics @bopinion ".....if you can keep it." |
29 | 8.8 |
Senior Executive Editor, Bloomberg Opinion. |
30 | 8.8 |
minor-domo @bopinion, ex-U.S. diplo, proud father, husband-in-training, dog-walker. Formerly Atlantic, NYT, Smithsonian, FP, TNR, WQ, TWM. Eventually, RIP. |
31 | 8.8 |
Bloomberg @bopinion columnist covering the business of entertainment & telecom, as well as broader deals. Views are my own. la-shuh-PELL |
32 | 8.8 |
Sarah Green Carmichael @skgreen Editor at Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion). Former Executive Editor at Harvard Business Review and host of the HBR IdeaCast. Opinions are my own. |
33 | 8.8 |
Michelle Leder's insights on SEC filings and more SEC filings. Home of the #fridaynightdump. Writing for @bopinion. From Brooklyn before it was so cool. |
34 | 8.8 |
Jonathan Landman
Staff Editor, Bloomberg Opinion. @bopinion |
35 | 8.8 |
Baking hot takes at @bopinion. Asia commodities/transport/energy/trade. Migrant, 👫 to @kmac. These are my views. If you don't like them, well, I have others. |
36 | 8.7 |
Beth Williams Liou @BWilliLiou Managing Editor in NYC for Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) at @business, + Jersey girl, Brooklyn mom, runner, lucky wife of fab cook. Yanks/Jints. Views my own. |
37 | 8.7 |
New York Bureau Chief at Bloomberg @business, podcasting for @technology Past: @bopinion @WSJ @qz Alum: @NYUStern MBA @NorthwesternU |
38 | 8.7 |
The secure transport of light: Investigating industry and technology at Gavekal Dragonomics. Also @bopinion contributor on Asia and tech. |
39 | 8.7 |
Energy columnist @bopinion. Fellow @payneinstitute. A 👨🦰. I own these tweets. |
40 | 8.7 |
Chief Content Officer @BloombergNEF, weekly @climate, @bopinion on occasion. Energy, climate, transport, technology transitions. Thing of Internets. Views mine. |
41 | 8.7 |
Peter Orszag is CEO of Financial Advisory @Lazard and a columnist at @bopinion |
42 | 8.6 |
Michael R. Strain
Director of Economic Policy Studies at AEI. Columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. Buy "The American Dream Is Not Dead": |
43 | 8.6 |
Analyst, Risk Advisor, Whisky Lover & Professional Cynic | Policy Fellow:@timepDC Contributor:@bopinion PhD Candidate:@UABBarcelona #RefugeesWelcome He/Him |
44 | 8.6 |
L.A. writer, @BOpinion. THE FABRIC OF CIVILIZATION, @BasicBooks. #history #technology #textiles POWER OF GLAMOUR, SUBSTANCE OF STYLE, FUTURE & ITS ENEMIES. |
45 | 8.6 |
Bloomberg Opinion. Junkyard Planet. Latest book: 'Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale.' |
46 | 8.6 |
"A model of humour and cordiality" -- Boris Johnson. He was wrong about that, too. NatSec writer & Op-Ed editor @bopinion (FKA @bview) |
47 | 8.6 |
managing editor @bopinion // NEATZ-uh // Any views on here are my own // mike.nizza gmail/gchat |
48 | 8.6 |
Tech Columnist: Bloomberg Opinion. I write what I think. Sometimes I think. Ironman #NoMeatAthlete. Pilot, Student, 中文, Java, C. Represent myself, not BBG |
49 | 8.6 |
Health care columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. TTP. I write a newsletter on cooking and eating called Fresser: |
50 | 8.5 |
This writing business. Overrated if you ask me. @ScouseView Bloomberg Opinion columnist. Based in London. Born in Liverpool. Citizen of the world. |
51 | 8.5 |
Koret Distinguished Fellow, Shalem College. Author of Columnist for @bopinion (Bloomberg). Blog: |
52 | 8.5 |
Covering Industrials and M&A for @bopinion. Views my own. Sign up for my newsletter on all things industrial: |
53 | 8.5 |
North Carolina born, New England raised, adoptive Carioca. Writer for Bloomberg Opinion @bopinion Formerly Newsweek, @Estadao and Ícaro |
54 | 8.5 |
Writer, editor, optimist. Opinion Editor @WEF. Previously @TIME, @bopinion, @business, @MedillSchool, @IHEID. Words matter. |
55 | 8.5 |
Retail columnist for Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion). |
56 | 8.4 |
Bloomberg Opinion Executive Editor and markets columnist. Former Executive Editor for Global Markets. Opinions are my own; retweets not endorsements. @business |
57 | 8.3 |
Bloomberg Opinion · Branding · Design · Consultancy · Jeeves & Wooster · Miscellanies |
58 | 8.3 |
Michael Schuman @MichaelSchuman Author of SUPERPOWER INTERRUPTED: THE CHINESE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Contributor to The Atlantic. Bloomberg Opinion columnist. |
59 | 8.3 |
Columnist, @bopinion. Founder, Unison Advisors. Hoosier. (KAY-sarr) |
60 | 8.3 |
Writer and editor at Bloomberg Opinion |
61 | 8.3 |
Tech, media and telecoms columnist for Bloomberg @bopinion. Stints as a reporter in the U.S. and Germany. Opinions be mine. |
62 | 8.3 |
Therese Raphael @ThereseRaphael1 Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion). British/American. Lucky Londoner. Recovering Brexit-watcher; following trade, UK. RTs not endorsements. |
63 | 8.2 |
Founder/CEO @hitlist_app. Travel evangelist. Contributor @HarvardBiz @bopinion @StartupGrind. |
64 | 8.2 |
Consumer, retail, luxury writer at Bloomberg Opinion @bopinion. All Views Mine. Retweets not endorsements. I also like cats |
65 | 8.2 |
Prof JHU-SAIS, scholar AEI, Bloomberg Opinion columnist. Co-author of The Lessons of Tragedy. |
66 | 8.2 |
Anjani Trivedi @anjani_trivedi Bloomberg Opinion columnist @bopinion | Ex-Heard on the Street/Wall Street Journal | Cars, Industrials and such things | Opinions my own, obv. |
67 | 8.1 |
Editorial board member, Bloomberg Opinion |
68 | 8.1 |
Columnist at Bloomberg Opinion. Previously editor-in-chief of Handelsblatt Global; 20 years at The Economist. Author of "Hannibal and Me." Opinions are my own. |
69 | 8.1 |
Scott Duke Kominers
MBA Class of 1960 Associate Professor, @HarvardHBS Entrepreneurial Management Unit; Faculty Affiliate, @HarvardEcon; and @bopinion | #QED |
70 | 8.1 |
Foreign affairs writer for @bopinion editorial board. Author of "Midnight's Furies: The Deadly Legacy of India's Partition." |
71 | 8.1 |
Columnist, @bopinion. Cricket tragic. Laksa enthusiast. Views are my own. Retweets not endorsements. |
72 | 8.1 |
Lionel Laurent @LionelRALaurent Bloomberg Opinion. Writing my own views on 🇪🇺🇫🇷🤑(Brussels/Paris/London) here: Hate-love-mail here: llaurent2 at bloomberg dot net |
73 | 8.1 |
Editor-Writer, Asian stocks and markets, Bloomberg, ex @bopinion columnist, based in Hong Kong. @wsj alum |
74 | 8.1 |
A yogi wannabe. Bloomberg Opinion columnist @bopinion. All views are my own. |
75 | 8.1 |
ClaraFerreiraMarques @ClaraDFMarques Columnist for Bloomberg Opinion in Hong Kong. Russia, EM policy, commodities & more. Via Singapore, Mumbai, London, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Cape Town, Lisbon. |
76 | 8.0 |
Elisa Martinuzzi @ElisaMartinuzzi Commenting on all finance things for Bloomberg @bopinion. Opinions are my own and Tweets aren't endorsements. |
77 | 7.9 |
@Bopinion. Bloomberg Opinion columnist, science journalist, Creator of the podcast Follow the Science, funded by @spj_tweets |
78 | 7.8 |
Berlin-based columnist for Bloomberg Opinion. @bopinion Autos, aviation, industrials, climate and accounting stuff. Also SPACs. |
79 | 7.8 |
Editor @bopinion |
80 | 7.8 |
Editorial board @bopinion in NYC. Former senior policy adviser @mike2020 / senior editor @TheAtlantic. E-mail: |
81 | 7.8 |
@bopinion. Bloomberg Opinion. NYT = 30 yrs: Op-Ed editor, national editor; Sunday Review editor. |
82 | 7.5 |
marcus ashworth @marcusashworth Bloomberg @bopinion Columnist |
Account Rankings
Rank | Score | |
1 | 9.1 |
The Joe Sheehan Baseball Newsletter:; @rotowire. He/him I don’t care if you unfollow. |
2 | 9.1 |
Co-host of the Odd Lots podcast and 'What'd You Miss?' on Bloomberg TV. Fan of the Bakersfield Sound. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
4 | 8.9 |
Welcome to the Dopamine factory! Chair/CIO of RWM Masters-in-Business podcast/radio host Director of Twitter Cognitive Dissonance |
5 | 8.9 |
Covering politics for @washingtonpost., 202-334-7387. @CWAUnion member. Buy my book: (Avatar by @damnyouregis) |
6 | 8.8 |
Maybe Mark Gongloff will believe anything, but the rest of us are not that stupid. - Herman Cain (RIP) |
7 | 8.8 |
Stacey Shick Samuels @StaceyShick @bw editor (opinions here=mine), fan of @RaysBaseball, alumna of @AmericanU, resident of Queens, mom to Bear & Buddy, better together with @michaelhsamuels |
8 | 8.8 |
Energy and Materials Strategist. #CrudeOil/Metals/Currency. Geopolitics. International Relations. Purveyor of snacks for the mind. @USCAlumni @USCPOSC |
9 | 8.8 |
lunch valuation analyst |
10 | 8.7 |
Matthew Yglesias
Writer and editor, Slow Boring. Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center. Host of The Weeds. Vaxxed and relaxed. These tweets are worth what you pay for them. |
11 | 8.7 |
Molly Jong-Fast
Editor at large @thedailybeast. podcasting @newabnormalpod & Wife of @Mattgreenfield & mother of @woketeenageson |
12 | 8.7 |
Start your morning with Joe Kernen, Becky Quick, and Andrew Ross Sorkin - Monday through Friday from 6-9a ET. |
13 | 8.6 |
President, Queens' College, Cambridge University. Advisor to Allianz and Gramercy. Wharton Professor. Lauder Institute Senior Fellow. Bloomberg and FT columnist |
14 | 8.6 |
Ted Gioia writes on music, literature and popular culture. Author of 11 books including Music: A Subversive History, The History of Jazz, and Delta Blues. |
15 | 8.6 |
Social democrat in the streets, market socialist in the sheets. Welfare, labor, and healthcare policy. VATman. 🧦 Support the California #BOFA package |
16 | 8.6 |
Chief Economist at @Upwork. Opinions my own. |
17 | 8.6 |
Kavitha A. Davidson @kavithadavidson Sports and Culture Writer @theathletic. Host, Culture Calculus. Seen on @RealSportsHBO. Co-author #LovingSports. Alum @ESPN @Bloomberg @ColumbiaSpec. She/her |
18 | 8.6 |
Stephen Knight 🔊 📺 @GSpellchecker Host of The Godless Spellchecker Podcast & The Knight Tube | Public Speaker | Blogger | Free Speech | Scepticism | Secularism | |
19 | 8.6 |
Veteran of Bloomberg and several other places on the verge of extinction |
20 | 8.6 |
Columnist, Lead Independent Director of Finance Twitter. Portfolio Mangler. Take each tweet with a grain of sea salt. Not the opinions of Bridgewater LLC. |
21 | 8.6 |
bloomberg surveillance. (it, it, it) |
22 | 8.6 |
Liz Ann Sonders @LizAnnSonders Chief Investment Strategist, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Disclosures:… |
23 | 8.5 |
Reporter. Have written for places — buzzfeed, slate, new york, the nation, n+1, the new republic — and would like to write for you. |
24 | 8.5 |
I cover climate change and adaptation for The New York Times. Views my own. 🇨🇦 |
25 | 8.5 |
Editor-in-Chief, @TheDispatch (, LAT columnist. AEI Fellow. Host Remnant Podcast. Majordomo for Zoë and Pippa. |
26 | 8.5 |
Holger Zschaepitz @Schuldensuehner Holger Zschäpitz is market maniac @Welt and Author of 'Schulden ohne Sühne?' a book on states' addictiveness to debt. Pics: |
27 | 8.5 |
Danny Blanchflower economist and fisherman @D_Blanchflower Author of Not working: where have all the good jobs gone? - new paperback version out now |
28 | 8.5 |
Tablet columnist, Author Join my corresponding society: |
29 | 8.5 |
I write a daily column for on the markets. Worked at Cowen, GS, Cargill. Former Asian Expat: S'pore & Shanghai. Tennis fan. Love to cook. |
30 | 8.4 |
Carl Quintanilla
@CNBC @NBCNews Anchor / @WSJ alum / @NYCityCenter board member / “There’s only one rule that I know of — ‘Goddamn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Vonnegut |
31 | 8.4 |
Marc Champion is senior reporter for international affairs at Bloomberg. All views are my own. Re-Tweets are not endorsements. |
32 | 8.4 |
Social democrat in the streets, statist simp in the sheets. Mariah Carey stan & Marie Kondo enthusiast. YIMBY, NUMTOT, aspiring DILF. Zillennial | he/him 🏳️🌈 |
33 | 8.4 |
Newsman @WSJ. Just a lad from Leeds with a lust for markets, economics and history. My views, you're welcome to them. |
34 | 8.4 |
Breaking news. In-depth analysis. Market-moving scoops. Exclusive interviews. Bloomberg TV is the first in business news. |
35 | 8.4 |
Darrell "Pass AB 1401" Owens @IDoTheThinking Policy analyst & data king at @cayimby. De-policing traffic enforcement; de-carbonizing thru housing; saving public transit. |
36 | 8.4 |
Professor, author of "Our Own Worst Enemy." Curmudgeon. Cat guy. Democracy enthusiast. Board of Contributors, @USAToday, Contributing Writer, @TheAtlantic. |
37 | 8.4 |
Christina Hoff Sommers
Resident scholar, AEI. Former philosophy professor. Author of War Against Boys and Who Stole Feminism? Host of YouTube’s The Factual Feminist. |
38 | 8.4 |
George Goncalves @bondstrategist Bond market veteran: +20yr on sellside & buyside focused on rates, credit, USD funding, Fed & global macro. My tweets are opinions, not advice! RT≠endorsements! |
39 | 8.4 |
Douglas Murray
Bestselling author of six books, including 'The Madness of Crowds' and 'The Strange Death of Europe'. Associate Editor @ The Spectator |
40 | 8.4 |
Columnist for Insider. Host of KCRW's Left, Right & Center & cohost w/ @popehat of All the President's Lawyers. Instagram: @ joshbarro |
41 | 8.4 |
Editor @business for entertainment, media, sports and telecom. Haverford and Berkeley alum. LA pedestrian and transit enthusiast. Opinions are my self-owns. |
42 | 8.4 |
Edit stories for Bloomberg terminal, magazines, website. Ex-NYT editor. Ex-BusinessWeek in London and DC. Pulitzer Prize finalist. Opinions my own. |
43 | 8.4 |
Editor at Bloomberg. Views = my own |
44 | 8.4 |
physician-scientist, author, editor |
45 | 8.4 |
Personal account. Senior Policy Economist at @WhiteHouseCEA. Formerly Evercore ISI, @USTreasury, @UpshotNYT. |
46 | 8.4 |
the Fully Vaxxed Tallest @spooknine I'm trying! |
47 | 8.4 |
@NYTclimate | This Is the Year I Put My Financial Life in Order | Galveston BOI | Goofball | tips: |
48 | 8.4 |
Columnist at the Washington Post. Opinions my own. Email me: Megan.McArdle -at- Buy my book, The Up Side of Down |
49 | 8.4 |
Titania McGrath @TitaniaMcGrath Activist. Healer. Radical intersectionalist poet. Nonwhite. Ecosexual. Pronouns: variable. Selfless and brave. Buy my books. |
50 | 8.4 |
History, economics, politics, climate. Columbia University. Director of European Institute. Born UK, raised FRG, live US. Mensch mit Migrationshintergrund. |
51 | 8.3 |
Jason Harrison @nominalthoughts No, I don't go to Cornell. |
52 | 8.3 |
Here for the articles. |
53 | 8.3 |
Husband, father, social scientist, writer, Madisonian. Or maybe right-wing ideologue, pseudoscientist, evil. Opinions differ. |
54 | 8.3 |
Thomas Chatterton Williams
Words: @NYTMag, @Harpers. Boards: @AmericanAcademy, @JoinPersuasion. Fellowship: @AEI. Speaking: @APBspeakers. Next Book: NOTHING WAS THE SAME: @AAKnopf |
55 | 8.3 |
Founder @Quillette. Contributor @Australian. |
56 | 8.3 |
Journalist, professor. Via Colorado, Rome, Standing Rock, Miami Herald, WSJ, Columbia. Here to tell you that you buried your lede. |
57 | 8.3 |
Politico columnist. Formerly Reuters, Slate, SFWeekly, @WCP, Inquiry. Email list: New RSS: |
58 | 8.3 |
22, they/them. Every person deserves the right as a citizen, wage-earner, an consumer to a say in production and distribution. |
59 | 8.3 |
Macro Strategist | Econ, macro & home cooking | Prev @Canada, @DukeFOOTBALL | Even the blind squirrel get a nut sometime | Long Live Jail Support |
60 | 8.3 |
Senior staff writer, @POLITICO, @POLITICOMag. @TB_Times alum. @DavidsonCollege grad. Love Lauren and the girls. I let people keep talking. |
61 | 8.3 |
Science writer and book author in psychology, neuroscience and evolution |
62 | 8.3 |
resisting the democratisation of truth - nolite te bastardes carborundorum |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
64 | 8.3 |
Bilateral irritant; generally a good neighbour. Proud mini-poodle papa. Personal feed. |
65 | 8.3 | |
66 | 8.3 |
Bruce Philippi @philippijourney Lead pastor of Journey Life Center since 1982 |
67 | 8.3 |
Senior ETF Analyst for @Bloomberg Intelligence. Tired Dad. Rutgers Alum. Gen X-er. Author of The Institutional ETF Toolbox. Catch me on the "Trillions" podcast. |
68 | 8.3 |
@employamerica & @employamericaAF |
69 | 8.3 |
TV @Judgerindertv, Crime Stories and The Rob Rinder Verdict : Barrister, Presenter, Columnist for @TheSun & @EveningStandard |
70 | 8.3 |
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale. Physician. Author of Apollo's Arrow; Blueprint; and Connected. Luckily wed @ErikaChristakis |
71 | 8.3 |
President of Bianco Research LLC. We specialize in macro analysis for institutional investors. We are an affiliated company of Arbor Research & Trading LLC |
72 | 8.3 |
National Correspondent for @TheWeek. Cohost & producer of @LeftAnchor podcast: |
73 | 8.3 |
Science fiction writer, singer & guitarist @Empire0fLights 🕶🍦🚄 #amwriting Solar punk 🌅➡🔋➡🤖➡🏘 #Bitcoin was destroyed by small blockers |
74 | 8.2 |
My name is Jamelle Bouie. @nytopinion columnist. @CBSNews Analyst. Got more juice than Picasso’s got paint. I don’t live in New York. |
75 | 8.2 |
Writing on Substack. Former @nytimes, @WSJ, @tabletmag. Head of @nelliebowles fan club. |
76 | 8.2 |
Associate Editor @Commentary. MSNBC/NBC News contributor. Author "Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America" |
77 | 8.2 |
Former buy-side gone corporate. Still know a thing or three. Interests include: finance, economics, global trade, sports, gambling, etc #FCOTY #FriedEggTwitter |
78 | 8.2 |
Mostly off Twitter for May. Author, @fsgbooks. Former: @NYMag. Cohost @TheBARPod, the first-ever podcast:… * jesse.r.singal@gmail |
79 | 8.2 |
Russian-Jewish-American. "Voice of reason against the madness." Lover of otters. @ArcDigi @Reason @Newsday @BulwarkOnline @theweek etc. CathyYoung63@gmail |
80 | 8.2 |
Public Affairs at Ridgely|Walsh. Alumna of @RoyBlunt, @JebBush, @nro, @NR_Institute, @ReformNetwork. @RameshPonnuru's wife. Mom of 3. |
81 | 8.2 |
Professor at @FletcherSchool. Contributor to @PostEverything. Co-editor of The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence. Shaker of hands with Mel Brooks. |
82 | 8.2 |
POLITICO Chief Economic Correspondent and Morning Money columnist. CNBC contributor. Encrypted email: DM for Signal. |
83 | 8.2 |
modest proposal @modestproposal1 I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least objection.… |
84 | 8.2 |
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, idealist, hater. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail. RTs = endorsement or scorn. |
85 | 8.2 |
Bloomberg. History. Politics. Music. The Scandal of Reform. |
86 | 8.2 |
Founder and reigning monarch at TPM. Lapsed historian. Polk Award winner. ✡️ |
87 | 8.2 |
CTO @tabletmag || Korean BBQ enthusiast || Also post things @ and stream @ || opinions always my own |
88 | 8.2 |
In life there are no right answers...just a helluva lot of wrong ones. |
89 | 8.2 |
The Real Noah Smith (either a cake or a rabbit) 🧨 @latenitenoah A group of 5 to 9 people writing under the pseudonym of Noah Smith |
90 | 8.2 |
Pioneer ( Started Cue, acquired by Apple. Startup investor in Uber, GitHub, Figma, Opendoor, Coinbase, SpaceX, etc. Aspiring runner. |
91 | 8.2 |
Executive Editor @BloombergQuint Interested in the economy, banking and markets (mostly ex-equities). Views are personal. |
92 | 8.2 |
Founder @JoinPersuasion | Associate Prof @SAISHopkins | Contributing Editor @TheAtlantic | Senior Fellow @CFR_org | Sr. Advisor @protctdemocracy | Opinions mine |
93 | 8.2 |
Antonio García Martínez
Wrote 'Chaos Monkeys' ( Formerly @facebook, @ycombinator. גם זה יעבור 🇺🇲🇨🇺🇪🇸 |
94 | 8.2 |
jamaican NOPsled team @Theophite Pronouns in bio. 🚰, more or less. |
95 | 8.2 | |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
97 | 8.2 |
Kevin Michael Kruse
Historian: White Flight; The New Suburban History; Spaces of the Modern City; Fog of War; One Nation Under God; Fault Lines; Voter Suppression in US Elections. |
98 | 8.2 |
Ritholtz Wealth @RitholtzWealth Insights from the whole gang. Ritholtz Wealth Management is a registered investment advisor providing financial planning, advice and portfolio management. |
99 | 8.2 |
Director of Competition Policy at @LawEconCenter. Editor of and Senior Fellow at @ASI. Neoliberal. |
100 | 8.2 |
LeVar Hosting Jeopardy July 26-30 Stan Account👁 @csilverandgold “Be ye not entitled to other people’s time.” ~Shirleen 8:14 // I understand why it is necessary, but I want to be clear that it is evil. // he/him |
101 | 8.2 |
New history of Christianity - ‘Dominion’ - out now! Dinosaur lover. Stonehenge Tunnel hater. A 'leading English cricketer' - The Times. Podcast: @theresthistory |
102 | 8.2 |
Chief Fixed Income Strategist, Schwab Center for Financial Research, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Disclosures:… |
103 | 8.2 |
OBDsity | Bunnies in a Bun Dance 🐰✖6️⃣➕🌈🥄 @obdsity *OBD - Obsessive Bunny Disorder | 6 bunnies and their adventures in the Bunnygarden in 🇩🇪 | check header for names | Available on 🐦|📸|🤦🏻♀️📖 as @OBDsity |
104 | 8.2 |
💫 Margaret Sullivan @Sulliview Media columnist @washingtonpost • Teaching @dukesanford • Author ‘Ghosting the News,' named to @nprbooks best of 2020 • #Billsmafia |
105 | 8.2 |
Washington correspondent for NYTimes, analyst for CNN. RTs don't imply agreement. |
106 | 8.2 |
Deputy editor @ForeignPolicy. Wrote Bloody White Baron, The Death of Mao, and upcoming Heaven's Empires. Married to @larsonchristina. DC, ex-Beijing. He/him. |
107 | 8.2 |
Senior writer, Bloomberg @economics. Ex @FT. Aussie member Red Sox nation. RTs not endorsements. |
108 | 8.2 |
Used to blog about sovereign debt, trade imbalances, and capital flows, among other topics |
109 | 8.2 |
Fighting for industrial literacy. I write about the history of technology at @rootsofprogress. Part-time tech consultant to @OurWorldInData. Former tech founder |
110 | 8.2 |
Samuel Hammond 🌐🏛 @hamandcheese Director of Poverty and Welfare Policy. Pluralist. The world is second-best, at best. shammond [at] niskanencenter [dot] org |
111 | 8.2 |
Political editor of @townhallcom, @FoxNews contributor, @GuyBensonShow (M-F, 3-6pm ET) host, @NorthwesternU alum. Spring 2021 @GUPolitics Fellow. 🇺🇸 |
112 | 8.1 |
Managing editor, Washington and politics, Politico. RT means it's interesting. Don’t send me your op-ed pitches. |
113 | 8.1 |
The first word in business news. |
114 | 8.1 |
through meditation i program my heart to beat breakbeats and hum basslines upon exhalation. (works at @facebook, views my own, etc) |
115 | 8.1 |
Father of the four Irishest Jewish kids on earth. Executive Editor, Washington Examiner Mag. Previous: @nypost, @Commentary. @bethanyshondark is my better half |
116 | 8.1 |
We make sense of global news. Substance, not partisan takes, can be satirical (puppets). Sign up for our newsletter, watch GZERO World & listen to the podcast. |
117 | 8.1 |
"Don't you have better things to do?" -- Martin Wolf | Economics Commentator @barronsonline | co-author (with @michaelxpettis) of TRADE WARS ARE CLASS WARS |
118 | 8.1 |
Columnist and editor @bopinion. Like Mars bars, once made in Slough. HK since 1992 (Shanghai 2004-2009). I’m not leaving. CFA holder since 2002. Opinions my own |
119 | 8.1 |
WELT, Ressortleiter Wirtschaft+Finanzen |
120 | 8.1 |
Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin |
121 | 8.1 |
Mom,NBC News Biz Correspondent,MSNBC Anchor 9AM M-F, #ModernRuhles podcast,Fmr BloombergTV, CSFB/Deutsche Bank credit derivs alum,love odd #s & = playing fields |
122 | 8.1 |
China Beige Book @ChinaBeigeBook CBB provides the world’s only large-scale, private data on the Chinese economy (RTs not necessarily endorsements). |
123 | 8.1 |
Creator + host of Vs Media Podcast on Patreon. Contributor @TheSpectator. Commentary archive at @nro @FoxNews @nypost |
124 | 8.1 |
Jeff B. tried to do his best, but he could not @EsotericCD Atty+friendly RINO. Polls, politics, postpunk. Cohost of @Political_Beats at @NRO. Dedicated to you, but you weren't listening. |
125 | 8.1 |
Fiat enthusiast. 🇺🇸 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇵🇹 |
126 | 8.1 |
Scott Lincicome @scottlincicome @CatoInstitute Senior Fellow, @DukeLaw adjunct, @TheDispatch newsletter-er. Chief Neoliberal Shill 2020. CH❤️RTS. You didn't read the article, did you? |
127 | 8.1 | |
128 | 8.1 |
Chief financial correspondent, Axios. Host, Slate Money. Follow @felixbot for my story feed. |
129 | 8.1 |
Michael Brendan Dougherty @michaelbd author of My Father Left Me Ireland. Senior Writer, National Review. Visiting Fellow for the Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies division at AEI. |
130 | 8.1 |
A home for the ambitious outsiders of the world. Pioneer is a community of creative people working on interesting projects around the globe. Join us. |
131 | 8.1 |
National politics reporter at The New York Times. CNN political analyst. Real one in these streets. |
132 | 8.1 |
Roving journalist, friend to all dogs |
133 | 8.1 |
of arms and the devil-man i sing @swimming_blerd led to blest shades, by an uncertain way 🌊 💀⬛ |
134 | 8.1 |
@washingtonpost book critic. Immigrant/Peru. Author of WHAT WERE WE THINKING: A Brief Intellectual History of the Trump Era. |
135 | 8.1 |
Writer at @TheAtlantic. Host of podcast CRAZY/GENIUS. Author of book HIT MAKERS. Talker on NPR's @hereandnow and @CBSNews. derek[at]theatlantic[dot]com |
136 | 8.1 |
Trying to work out what's going on, and what happens next. Mostly tech. Past lives in equity research, strategy and venture capital. Working on new things. |
137 | 8.1 |
I hold the microphone like a grudge |
138 | 8.1 |
political scientist, author, teach at columbia sipa, columnist at time, president @eurasiagroup, @gzeromedia. if you lived here, you'd be home now. |
139 | 8.1 | |
140 | 8.1 |
@NBC & @MSNBC Legal Contributor | Trial Lawyer at ✨ Phang & Feldman, P.A. | WEAR A MASK 😷 | Stop AAPI Hate 🇰🇷 | RTs and ❤️ ≠ endorsements |
141 | 8.1 |
Nicolle Wallace
Mom, dog lover, Host of Deadline White House airing for a couple hours these days on MSNBC |
142 | 8.1 |
D.C. bureau chief of Mother Jones, MSNBC analyst, & author (with @Isikoff) of the NYT No. 1 best-selling book RUSSIAN ROULETTE. |
143 | 8.1 |
Editor on Bloomberg's #QuickTake team, producing your daily quota of context. Opinions my own. RTs = hey look. |
144 | 8.1 |
The World’s Opinion Page, featuring exclusive commentaries by political and business leaders, scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and civic activists. |
145 | 8.1 |
Manovale della Finanza, 1988 fund manager, 1997 insurance. history, politics, finance. Italian/English, Rt not endorsement. |
146 | 8.1 |
korean adoptee who stumbles through discussions of culture, human experience, and video games. |
147 | 8.1 |
Associate Professor of Sociology | Writer | Podcaster If you are reading this you are too close, but objects on Twitter are usually closer than they appear. |
148 | 8.1 |
Editor, LatAm EcoGov @business - husband, dad, takes in stray cats @Columbia : CC '93, JS '94 | rjameson@bloomberg. net | Tweets ≠ endorsements, opinions = mine |
149 | 8.1 |
Writer. Previous lives: Editor, buro chief, columnist, reporter @guardianus @wsj @financialnews @marketplace. Every day above ground is a good one. She/her. Hi. |
150 | 8.1 |
Columnist @TheWeek / Author: The Theocons; The Religious Test / "To the right of the left & the left of the right" |
151 | 8.1 |
Black Hand Balding 大老板 @BaldingsWorld Two time winner of Lifetime Achievment awards. Opinions could be yours if you ask nicely. Illegitimi non carborundum |
152 | 8.1 |
Food Editor, @Washingtonian |
153 | 8.1 |
Senior editor for Bloomberg News |
154 | 8.1 |
Mostly Ken White. I do the RICO. Popehat Report: Podcasts: Make No Law, All The Presidents’ Lawyers |
155 | 8.1 | |
156 | 8.1 |
Terry Teachout @TerryTeachout1 Critic, biographer, playwright, director, unashamed Steely Dan fan, ardent philosemite. "Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again." |
157 | 8.1 |
Justice Correspondent: @thenation Alignment: Neutral Good. Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14 Class: Paladin. Strong Against: Republicans. |
158 | 8.1 |
Co-Host of 2020 Politics War Room with @JamesCarville |
159 | 8.1 |
Views expressed here only represent myself. |
160 | 8.1 |
Finance, Schelling Points, lost causes, reading more than the abstract, urbanization. Married to the former Foursquare Mayor of the Union Square Babies-R-Us |
161 | 8.1 |
Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs A magazine of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs since 1922. Sign up for our newsletters: |
162 | 8.1 |
Fallibilist, optimist. Stripe CEO. 🇮🇪 |
163 | 8.1 |
Tech and growth at @cgousu. All I want is for GDP per capita to be $200k by 2050. I believe in hard tech, megaprojects, fast planes, neomedievalism, and karma. |
164 | 8.1 |
Rockin' and rollin' in the widening gyre |
165 | 8.1 |
catholic. wife and mother. coffee drinker. speechwriter. editor. reader. pro-life. em dash lover. expert dishwasher loader. more in sarcasm than outrage. |
166 | 8.1 |
Michael P. Regan @Reganonymous Senior editor @markets @business. Co-host of ‘What Goes Up’ @podcasts. Guy w/ Philly accent on @hereandnow. Fan of the environment, but not the head of it. |
167 | 8.0 |
His Triumphant Blackness: The Negro Subversive @negrosubversive Guerilla essayist/blogger. Mandinke fighting man. A man of my times, the times just don't know it yet. Fisk Historian. All Black Lives Matter |
168 | 8.0 |
e-economics + code @gizmodo ✖️ dentists hate her!!!!!! |
169 | 8.0 |
Zara Kessler Filenbaum @ZaraKessler 📍@Quicktake. Opinions and bad jokes are my own. |
170 | 8.0 |
Running to reimagine NYC, so we can all live here with dignity. Tweets by staff signed, Team Maya. She/Her #WinwithBlackWomen |
171 | 8.0 |
Head of Housing, Transport & Urban Space @Policy_Exchange. Director, UK Programmes @Scruton_Legacy. Editor, Senior fellow, @ASI. |
172 | 8.0 |
that's just like, my opinion, man. i read, i think, and very rarely, i write. ig, yt, tiktok, etc. : @douglasfunniest podcast socials: @antiantiasian |
173 | 8.0 |
Music lover. Political Independent disinterested in partisanship. |
174 | 8.0 |
Senior Editor @TheDispatch, Columnist @Time, Co-host, Advisory Opinions podcast, Iraq vet, married to @NancyAFrench. “A real problem” -Rush Limbaugh. |
175 | 8.0 |
Senior Sillybandz correspondent mchilds at @NPR dot org she // her |
176 | 8.0 |
Taking the financial road less traveled. |
177 | 8.0 |
Stock futures, Oil, Gold, FX Trader. Music, Motors and Cats. Truth Behind Sarcasm. Opinions my own, by no means trading recommendations. |
178 | 8.0 |
Correspondent and editor, @TheEconomist. Currently Chicago, earlier Paris, Delhi, London, Jo'burg. Author of India book and The Wonga Coup. Views own etc. |
179 | 8.0 |
@CarnegieEndow Sr. Fellow + Director, @CarnegieSAsia. Host of #GrandTamasha podcast. Tweeting my views on political economy + India. RTs & likes ≠ endorsements |
180 | 8.0 |
Editorial director, Outside magazine; author of The Eyes of Willie McGee & Apocalypse Pretty Soon. Cat fan. Bocce, hiking, cooking, and gardening enjoyer. |
181 | 8.0 |
AEI Fellow, WSJ Columnist, FP Twitterati 100. Author of My Friend the Fanatic. (I share news and opinion from South Asia and the world.) |
182 | 8.0 |
Annenberg University Professor, Wharton & School of Arts and Sciences. Likes = interesting; Retweets = very interesting; Interesting ≠ endorsement |
183 | 8.0 | |
184 | 8.0 |
Arnob 'missile defense is a scam' Alam 🌐 @arnoblalam PhD candidate in economics at American U. 'Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard' |
185 | 8.0 |
Writes Sinocism China Newsletter Co-founded in a different era, investor in Substack |
186 | 8.0 |
Professor @UMichEcon & @FordSchool | @NYTimes contributor | Senior Fellow @BrookingsInst & @PIIE | Intro Econ textbook author | Think Like an Economist podcast |
187 | 8.0 |
Anchor of @ReliableSources and @CNN's chief media correspondent. My book HOAX, about Trump & Fox News, comes out in paperback June 8. Email: |
188 | 8.0 |
R/Ts not endorsements. Hate speech, communal, abusive, posters will be reported. All tweets personal, nothing to do with any organisation I am associated with. |
189 | 8.0 |
Michael A. Nielsen
Searching for the numinous 🇦🇺 🇨🇦, in 🇺🇸 Current creative interests: Science++; secular Bible; the future of matter; tools that help people think & create |
190 | 8.0 |
Student. #Lehigh2022. Learning and unlearning. Loves all forms of liberation. Blocked by Donald Trump, 2013-2021. She/her. |
191 | 8.0 |
Liam Kofi Bright
Aspiring philosopher; tolerable human; "amusing combination of sardonic detachment & literally all the feelings felt entirely unironically all at once" [he/his] |
192 | 8.0 |
Logan Mohtashami @LoganMohtashami 🇺🇸💪🏽📈🔥 Financial Truth On Real Estate Economics. Lead Analyst for @HousingWire |
193 | 8.0 |
Political machinations, Geopolitics concerning Europe & transatlantic relations. Often political economics rants. Eurodollar and US foreign policy explainer. |
194 | 8.0 |
BloombergQuint @BloombergQuint #India’s premier multi-platform #business and financial #news company. #BQBlue queries: Follow: |
195 | 8.0 |
Staceball Diamond (she/they) @StaceGots Host of @LockedOnYankees | Writer | Tweets about baseball, cats, @Degrassi & '80s music | Agender | Femme | She/them/they |
196 | 8.0 |
Matt Darling 🌐💸🌇 @besttrousers Vice President @ideas42, a behavioral economics R+D lab. @hampshirecolg grad. World-renowned procrastination expert. Opinions my own, not my employer's. |
197 | 8.0 |
NYT tech reporter. tell me stuff at or |
198 | 8.0 |
Research Director @theMMTNetwork.I write a newsletter on the Coronavirus Depression, Macroeconomics and Money called Notes on the Crises. |
199 | 8.0 | |
200 | 8.0 |
Alice de Queens 🏳️🌈 @AliceFromQueens HER OWN DEVICES, a Substack, coming soon. |
201 | 8.0 |
I teach History at Oxford Brookes University. Occasionally I write about politics. |
202 | 8.0 |
Reporting on Wall Street and Trump’s money for @Business and @BW |
203 | 8.0 |
I cover the Yankees for The Athletic. "Twitter is the playground of idiots." -Noel Gallagher |
204 | 8.0 |
bayes baes bays based baste @bayes_baes (numbing spicy numpy scipy) |
205 | 8.0 |
Covering the business world like no one else. Subscribe here: |
206 | 8.0 |
Syndicated op-ed columnist @washingtonpost, commentator @cnn, special correspondent @newshour. Previously econ/theater NYT. Econ, immigration, tax, politics etc |
207 | 8.0 |
Trying to bring some common sense to the world of finance. Book: Podcast: |
208 | 8.0 |
Rupa Subramanya @rupasubramanya Economics/IR. Columnist @NationalPost @NikkeiAsia .Previous bylines @WSJ @ForeignPolicy .Distinguished Fellow @asiapacificfdn . Coauthor: Indianomix (RH 2012) |
209 | 8.0 |
Interested in human nature. Sharing what I learn. | PhD candidate | Veteran | Website: |
210 | 8.0 |
Michael Antonelli @BullandBaird Mkt Strategist at @rwbaird and author of “Bull and Baird,” a mkt blog. All tweets are opinion, I do not produce research. Chicago MBA |
211 | 8.0 |
He/him |
212 | 8.0 |
I write @platformer, a publication about big tech and democracy. | 1/8th of #Sidechannel | | instagram: @crumbler |
213 | 8.0 |
breaking news and internet ephemera at The New York Times. |
214 | 8.0 |
Verbose, concise. Host of Recode Media., Monkey via @andybyday. “Someone I like reluctantly.” |
215 | 8.0 |
Author of “Alienated America.” Columnist Washington Examiner. Resident fellow, AEI. Husband. Dad of six. T-ball coach. Disclosure: |
216 | 8.0 |
I work for the Internet, at @stripe, mostly on accelerating startups. At the moment, volunteering as CEO at Vaccinate The States. All views my own. |
217 | 8.0 |
Former markets reporter @business @BloombergTV @BloombergRadio and co-host of What Goes Up @podcasts | @UMich alum | |
218 | 8.0 |
Kat Callahan (2 Pfizered, 2 Pfurious) 🍱 @JezebelKat Journalist. Civics teacher. Unionist. Supranationalist. ~ 記者/公民教師/組合員/国連主義者 ~ 🇺🇸🇰🇷🇦🇺🇯🇵🇺🇳 New Mexican. Woman. BLM. Remember, @AnimeIsLies! 世界を革命する力を! |
219 | 8.0 |
No reason this national security stuff can't be fun. @SenTomCotton. Alumnus @JebBush @MittRomney. Ex-USAF nuke guy. @harvardiop. pew pew |
220 | 8.0 |
Jordan Weissmann 🗽 @JHWeissmann Rootless cosmopolitan writing about economics and public policy for Slate. Atrocious grammar. Typo prone. Emails welcome: |
221 | 8.0 |
Super 70s Sports @Super70sSports Store:; Media/business:; Cameo: |
222 | 8.0 |
Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard; former Administrator, White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs; coauthor, NOISE |
223 | 8.0 |
Jim OShaughnessy @jposhaughnessy Founder, Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer, OSAM LLC. Author, "What Works on Wall Street," Host 🎙 |
224 | 8.0 |
George T. Conway III
Lawyer. Contributing columnist, @WashingtonPost. Aspiring to become an all-Corgi feed. |
225 | 8.0 |
Chief Technology Correspondent for @Axios; former Senior Editor at Recode. Huge softball, hockey, basketball fan. she/her |
226 | 8.0 |
Global Chief of Dow Jones Newswires, the investor news service of @WSJ |
227 | 8.0 |
Investing - Technology - Business - Markets - Economics, as selected by the best curators in the business |
228 | 8.0 |
Michael Pettis @michaelxpettis Finance Professor, Peking University, and Senior Fellow, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center |
229 | 8.0 |
Charles C. W. Cooke @charlescwcooke President of the Filibuster Appreciation Society. (New members must be approved by supermajority.) |
230 | 8.0 |
Chief Entertainment Officer. Ship Chartering for a living & Markets to give all that away. Played a bit of Cricket & chased an odd shaped ball many moons ago. |
231 | 8.0 |
A blog about politics, politics, and politics |
232 | 8.0 |
Sanctioned by Iran. CEO @FDD. Iran, China, sanctions. Raised 🇨🇦 Proud 🇺🇸 Annoyingly nonpartisan. Try to be polite.… |
233 | 8.0 |
Bloomberg News media reporter. Alum of the Huffington Post and Chicago Tribune. Married to @emmagf. Views are my own. Tips: |
234 | 8.0 |
Retail reporter for Bloomberg News (@Business) • Chicagoan forever • Busy reading some book • Give me a shout at |
235 | 8.0 |
Senior Writer @NRO. Reaganite, Catholic, Mets fan, ex-lawyer. Opinions 100% my own, but you can share them. Not the Cardinals broadcaster. |
236 | 8.0 |
I'm just a boy, sitting in front of my phone, liking everyone's tweets | 🌐 🚀 🎾 ⚽️ ♟️ 🗣🥭🦎 |
237 | 8.0 |
Books: Nexus Series / The Infinite Resource. Faculty @SingularityU. Energy, climate, & innovation wonk. Optimist. |
238 | 8.0 |
Founder: Navigating changing markets. Keeping it real. Occasional sarcasm. To subscribe:… |
239 | 8.0 |
I track down oil tankers for a living; the kind that don't want to be found. Actively managing my pension. Still listening to the ‘80’s. @TankerTrackers #OOTT |
240 | 8.0 |
Senior Advisor at Council of Economic Advisers. Used to post labor market charts/Fire Elmos, now I tweet about theater and Philadelphia. Personal opinions. |
241 | 8.0 |
Director of Technology Policy @ppi |
242 | 8.0 |
Read more at and at Reach me via |
243 | 8.0 |
Michigan State political scientist & @ippsr Director; @niskanencenter @fivethirtyeight @MSU_poli_sci; Next book: How Social Science Got Better |
244 | 8.0 |
Joyce White Vance
@UALawSchool Prof |Legal analyst @MSNBC @NBCNews |Podcasts #SistersInLaw & Cafe Insider|Obama US Atty |25 year fed'l prosecutor |Wife & Mom of 4 |Knits a lot |
245 | 8.0 |
comms @coincenter—the cryptocurrency policy think tank | | internet censorship substack: |
246 | 8.0 |
David Beckworth @DavidBeckworth Senior Research Fellow @mercatus || Podcast Host at || Former U.S. Treasury Economist |
247 | 8.0 |
लेखक, Bad Money, Easy Money Trilogy and India's Big Government. Support: |
248 | 7.9 | |
249 | 7.9 |
Steve Stewart-Williams @SteveStuWill Psychology, evolution, science, etc. Author of "The Ape That Understood the Universe" (2018) and "Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life" (2010). |
250 | 7.9 |
Skyler & @HudsonDYang's dad #TheyCallUsBruce w/@angryasianman; columnist, @CNNOpinion (not CNN staff—tweets my opinion only) & others |
251 | 7.9 |
Skanda Amarnath ( Neoliberal Sellout ) @IrvingSwisher Striving for tighter labor mkts @employamerica w/ @sam_a_bell & @ranavain. Former hedge fund economist/strat & NY Fed RA. RTs/likes not necessarily endorsements |
252 | 7.9 |
I work as a senior fellow in energy with @RSI, but I speak for myself. |
253 | 7.9 |
Vermögensverwalter in eigener Sache | Wanderprediger für selbstbestimmtes Investieren | mm-Bestsellerautor | #Aktien #ETFs #Fonds | Keine Anlageempfehlungen |
254 | 7.9 |
The official Twitter account for Bloomberg in Asia, bringing you the top stories in business from the region and around the world. |
255 | 7.9 |
ah* 🇨🇦🇹🇼🚀✈️ PhD (& Fully Pfizered) @accidentalflyer A basic knight in the feudalistic tech industry. If there were corporate equivalence of attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, I'd seen it. Go Blue. |
256 | 7.9 |
Resist. And then resist some more. |
257 | 7.9 |
#GlobalMacro PM-20+ years on the buyside. Trade liquid products in both DM & EM. Tweets are not advice or endorsements |
258 | 7.9 |
30+ years in financial markets. "I think I've got a man-crush on Invictus right now." - Nick Hanauer | Fact-checking everything since before it was fashionable. |
259 | 7.9 |
James Lindsay, DARPA for the culture war @ConceptualJames Not-NYT Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Against totalitarianism and supremacy of all kinds. For freedom. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 |
260 | 7.9 |
Senior writer @FortuneMagazine. Obsessed with 26.2, triathlons, Def Leppard, Muppets, Bugs B, Habs, snow. 😺 phil. wahba |
261 | 7.9 |
ITV (pol ed), Speakers for Schools (founder), writer (WTF), Hospice UK (vice pres), Arsenal (East Stand), Peston (as in #Peston show, 10.45pm Weds). So? |
262 | 7.9 |
Pushkin Industries 🎙️ @pushkinpods Spreading the joy of podcasting, one episode at a time. Co-founders @Gladwell & @jacobwe. #RevisionistHistory, @BrokenRecord, #HappinessLabPod, and more. |
263 | 7.9 |
“private sector enthusiast” |
264 | 7.9 |
Global markets editor @markets. Formerly @euromoney @FT. Opinions are my own. I'm not David Baddiel. |
265 | 7.9 |
ryan teague beckwith @ryanbeckwith 2020 reporter at @Bloomberg. Part-time journalism teacher at @hoyajournalism. Isaiah 8:12. RTs≠RTBs. Opinions: © Ryan Teague Beckwith. |
266 | 7.9 |
Financial journalist at Bloomberg, co-host of Odd Lots. I like financial crisis hindsight, spurious correlation and puppies. London➡New York➡Abu Dhabi➡Hong Kong |
267 | 7.9 |
Lizzie O'Leary
Her desultory air perplexed him. host, What Next TBD @slate. columnist for @wealthsimple |
268 | 7.9 |
Wife of @KaylaPekkala, editor-at-large at @mmfa. Opinions my own, tweets self-destruct. |
269 | 7.9 |
진아 dotori-muk, gelatina coreana de bellota @dotorii_muk Tejana y Coreana 🏳️🌈 queer, demisexual, polyam ♀️ she/her 🚫🇺🇸🚮USA GTFO of Korea 🔞 minors dni |
270 | 7.9 |
石來民 Lutheran. Husband. Dad. Kentuckian. Demographer. @DemographicNTEL @FamStudies @AEI @NovakFellows doing PhD at McGill. lymanrstone at gmail dot com |
271 | 7.9 |
Reporting on Washington & foreign policy. Just Security ed board. Al-Monitor, Politico, Foreign Policy alum. RTs not endorsements. Email lkrozen at gmail |
272 | 7.9 |
Exec Director @AllianceInit. Contributor to @FreeBeacon and other publications. Born & raised in VT. Israel, DC, now LA. Car guy. School @uvmvermont & @Yale |
273 | 7.9 |
Samer Al-Atrush @SameralAtrush Journalist based in 🇹🇳 covering North Africa. DM open. Stock disclaimer. Retweets = Narrative Tension. I hate mangoes. |
274 | 7.9 |
Currently Financial Times, erstwhile I-banker, co-author: THE CAESARS PALACE COUP, Diversion Books, March 2021 |
275 | 7.9 |
Good Morning, Good Morning. Anchor @Business |
276 | 7.9 |
Former columnist/editorial writer at The New York Times with 13 years as a correspondent based in Tokyo, Rome & Jerusalem. U.S. Army, 1968-70. |
277 | 7.9 |
James Pethokoukis @JimPethokoukis @AEI Fellow. @CNBC Contributor. @Jeopardy! champ. @TheWeek columnist. @NorthwesternU. My newsletter: 🦅🌐 🌎🦄 🤖🚀 🧬 |
278 | 7.9 |
Bloomberg News Tech Reporter/Seattle Bureau Chief, Mom, Liverpool FC Fan. Opinions are my own... or my evil twin's. |
279 | 7.9 |
(she/her) |
280 | 7.9 |
“Only we are Earthseed. And the destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars.” —Octavia Butler (tweets don't reflect employer policy) |
281 | 7.9 |
@Shopify CEO by day, Dad in the evening, hacker at night. - Rails alumni; Comprehensivist. I like video games. (All tweets auto delete after 1y) |
282 | 7.9 |
NeverTrump, pro-democracy opinion writer at @WashingtonPost, MSNBC contributor. “If right doesn’t matter, we are lost.” |
283 | 7.9 |
Jessica Luther @jessicawluther Tall. Tired. She/her. Co-author: Loving Sports When They Don't Love You Back, out now w/ @UTexasPress. Co-host of @burnitdownpod. contact at my website |
284 | 7.9 |
markets & macro @business, co-anchor @Quicktake, contributor @BloombergTV. @haverfordedu / @columbiajourn alum. Opinions my own, DM for WhatsApp/Signal. |
285 | 7.9 |
Important things are more fun than fun things are important. Carbon stuff. "Lucid and occasionally disturbing." Pals around with @KarenYourish. RT=PV/n. |
286 | 7.9 |
Health Economist and programmer. Two-time winner of the award for the most orthogonal content relative to the rest of @ModeledBehavior's feed |
287 | 7.9 |
Editor of Commentary. Columnist, New York Post. Co-Founder of the murdered Weekly Standard. Overuser of the phrase "blithering idiot." |
288 | 7.9 |
Quilliam is the world’s first counter-extremism organisation. Based in London, its staff include former leading members of Islamist organisations. |
289 | 7.9 |
Dr. Benn "DJ D-Vol" Eifert @bennpeifert ☮️ 🚀 Derivatives, volatility and technology. Views my own. Tweets may relate to undisclosed investment holdings. No investment advice. RT != endorse. 🚀 ☮️ |
290 | 7.9 |
Luxury reporter at Bloomberg News & Bloomberg Businessweek, covering fashion and fancy things. The pup's name is Charlotte. @BW @business @luxury |
291 | 7.9 |
Private sector economic advisor, part-time adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, on US-China relations. |
292 | 7.9 |
Silent comedy enthusiast and memorabilia collector. Pfizer vaccinated. La Chingona. |
293 | 7.9 |
Assistant Professor of Finance, @NYUStern. Finance/Real estate/urban newsletter: |
294 | 7.9 |
Robert P. George
McCormick Prof. of Jurisprudence, Princeton University + Bluegrass Banjo Picker + Co-author: *What is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense*. unWoke/uncancellable |
295 | 7.9 |
The past is never dead. It's not even past (Faulkner) . Historian, writer, art critic, cook, BBC presenter but not necessarily in that order |
296 | 7.9 |
Keith McCullough @KeithMcCullough CEO, Hedgeye Risk Management |
297 | 7.9 |
I write Galaxy Brain, a newsletter about tech and culture. formerly @nytopinion. charliewarzel@gmail DMs open. ig for dog pictures: cwarzel |
298 | 7.9 |
Aesthete, raconteur, impresario, bon vivant, cognoscente, recusant, enfant terrible |
299 | 7.9 |
Writer/researcher/consultant on finance & climate change. Fellow @centrepolicydev columnist @climate and alum @FT |
300 | 7.9 |
Journalist; Author, "Securing Democracy"; Co-Founder, The Intercept; Columnist, @CartaCapital; HOPE Shelter (@abrigo_hope); vegan; Insta: Glenn.11.Greenwald |
301 | 7.9 |
Finance reporter at @WELT. Freedom loving European 🇩🇪🇪🇺 Börsenmogul, Dividenden-Eckert (Zitat), Gemeinwohlstifter, liberale Singstimme, Selbstentscheider |
302 | 7.9 |
New York Times writer covering start-ups and venture capital. |
303 | 7.9 |
An optimist who unfortunately assumes everyone is full of shit or lazy. Smart because he forgets. Anonymous = not financial advice 👨👩👦👦👶🏻🐶🍔🍺🏀⚾️📊🤘 |
304 | 7.9 |
Austan Goolsbee
Econ prof at U.Chicago's Booth School of Business and former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. |
305 | 7.9 |
Columnist - Washington Post, Political Analyst - CNN, Instagram & CH: @joshrogin, Author - CHAOS UNDER HEAVEN: Trump, Xi, and the Battle for the 21st Century |
306 | 7.9 |
Against the Grain columnist at National Journal. Political reporting & analysis, without fear or favor. (Opinions expressed here are my own.) |
307 | 7.9 |
Director of International Economics, CFR. Award-winning author, THE MARSHALL PLAN & THE BATTLE OF BRETTON WOODS. Future HC of NYJ. Views mine. RT≠♥, ♥≠♥. |
308 | 7.9 |
Somewhere on the spectrum of living things.... |
309 | 7.9 |
Founder + CEO @ Loyal 🐶 Working on aging drugs! Longevity Fund, @UniofOxford health econ, @UTAustin neuroscience. Write to learn things. |
310 | 7.9 |
I ask, therefore, I am | Prof @ IASCC | PGP & FPM IIMA Learn | Teach | Research | Discuss | Let us discover the Mental Models that help make Effective Choices. |
311 | 7.9 |
@collabfund Book: |
312 | 7.9 |
I tweet mostly about FinReg & crossborder funds. Sometimes I tweet about other stuff. Personal account, all opinions my own and whatnot. |
313 | 7.9 |
Andy McCarthy @AndrewCMcCarthy Bestselling author. Contributing Editor at National Review & Fellow at NR Inst. Fox News Contributor. Former Chief Asst. U.S. Attorney |
314 | 7.9 |
Toxic and uninformative |
315 | 7.9 |
Bloomberg Radio/TV Anchor .. Seeker of Truth. Happy in the water sailing/diving, on a yoga mat and on air. Opinions are my own/Retweets are not endorsements. |
316 | 7.9 |
Husband, Dad, Hopeful. Investment Banker, recovering corporate drone. ❤️🍨 My opinions. |
317 | 7.9 |
NYT reporter; WSJ alum; author of the memoir If You Knew Suzy. Her profession is her religion. |
318 | 7.9 |
PhD candidate in US history @harvard. Writing about big liberal cities and the people who didn't want them to grow ('50s-'00s). User of various word processors. |
319 | 7.9 |
This Twitter is about the Machines. |
320 | 7.9 |
Southmayd Prof @YaleLawSch and Philosophy @Yale. Editor, @LegalTheory + Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "Bad for Yale. Bad for America"—@orinkerr |
321 | 7.9 |
David Folkenflik
NPR media correspondent || Author, Murdoch's World |
322 | 7.9 | |
323 | 7.9 |
Alex Fitzpatrick @AlexJamesFitz Senior Editor, @TIME. |
324 | 7.9 |
Researcher of confidence-driven decision making. Adjunct Professor William & Mary. President of Financial Insyghts. Lover of very bad puns. |
325 | 7.9 |
The only host of the only podcast |
326 | 7.9 |
Something interesting every day from one of the oldest & best independent sites on the Web. Est. 1998. |
327 | 7.9 |
Dave Wilson's Chart & Stock of the Day + @TheOneDave First-generation Bloomberg journalist. Showcasing my own work along with selected commentaries and charts from colleagues. Opinions are mine. |
328 | 7.9 |
Professor. |
329 | 7.9 |
Student of India | Journalist | Not an economist | The Lost Decade | The Everyday Economics Podcast | Delhi School of Economics |
330 | 7.9 |
Kathryn Jean Lopez
sign up for weekly newsletter here:… |
331 | 7.9 |
Make Nazis Afraid Again. he/him. |
332 | 7.9 |
Three-time stimulus check recipient 🏆🏆🏆 |
333 | 7.9 |
Astronomy, astronautics, meteorology, physics. @Coelum_news columnist. Engineer, trying to build the big picture of #science via pics, videos & links |
334 | 7.9 |
Let’s skip witty repartee & discuss fundamental questions. Views are mine, not GMU’s or Virginia’s. Books:, |
335 | 7.9 |
Anchor @YahooFinance Live | co-author, Yahoo Finance Morning Brief | Newsletter — Late by Myles Udland, sign up here: |
336 | 7.9 |
R. Christopher Whalen @rcwhalen Author, Banker, Citizen |
337 | 7.9 |
Head of @SchwabResearch, Portfolio Manager for Schwab Intelligent Portfolios®, and Host of Financial Decoder. Disclosures: |
338 | 7.9 |
Peter Greenberger @pgreenberger Media, Tech, Politics. VP @applecartUSA. Formerly of @TheHill @Twitter @Google & @WhiteHouse. Studied 📚 @yale & @lsenews. |
339 | 7.9 |
Charlie Pierce
Feed from The Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce, Retweets don't (necessarily) mean endorsements. Grand-Da to John Victor. Aging epee hack. Ringsend Cowboy |
340 | 7.9 |
Celebrating ♀'s art & creativity, curated by freelance writer & art historian @PL_Henderson1. Images are © to respective owners |
341 | 7.9 |
@RealVision President || BEARLORD || Respectfully Aggressive Philosophy degrees are worth it. Personal account; up to 63% of tweets may contain sarcasm. |
342 | 7.9 |
Lincoln Project co-founder. Ad guy. NYT #1 bestselling author. We won. He lost. Beware people with strategic patience, money, and lawyers. |
343 | 7.9 |
Eric Weinstein
Math guy. MD at Thiel Capital. Host of The Portal at… YT:… |
344 | 7.9 |
Editor Emeritus,, host of "The Ben Shapiro Show,” NYT bestsellers "The Right Side of History" and "How To Destroy America In Three Easy Steps" |
345 | 7.9 |
Staff Writer, @TheAtlantic Ideas. Preorder THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT out June 29, 2021 here: |
346 | 7.9 |
Political Scientist @KelloggCSSI | Alum: @UMich PhD @SunlightLabs @OiiOxford | Congress | Science | Interest Groups | Elites | Text | Networks he/him bad tweets |
347 | 7.9 |
The Artist Formerly Known As Klendathu Capitalist @KlendathuCap Personal Account. Tweets are neither advice nor solicitations. Tweets are strictly opinion. May have positions in mentioned securities. Do your own research. |
348 | 7.9 | |
349 | 7.9 |
Prof of Organic Chemistry @ Cornell. Libertarian. Fan of Austrian business cycle, Zero Hedge, gold. |
350 | 7.9 |
a nice lady |
351 | 7.9 |
Where the conversation on economics, finance, and international relations begins. Tune in on @BloombergTV at 4am ET |
352 | 7.9 |
Writer-At-Large @bulwarkonline | Host "Not My Party" on Snapchat | Formerly beating Trump’s ass with RVAT | Nikola Jokic обожавалац | byline @rollingstone | |
353 | 7.9 |
New York Magazine/HuffPost Contributor Email: Direct Messages Open Text/Call/Signal/Confide/WhatsApp: 310-795-2497. AGENTS: UTA |
354 | 7.8 |
Norman Ornstein is an emeritus scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a contributing editor for the Atlantic. |
355 | 7.8 |
PR @Google. Former reporter @WSJ & @business. Tweets are mine and don't reflect my employer's views. |
356 | 7.8 |
San Franciscan, Urbanist, ex-@mozilla Engineer, now thinking about making debugging awesome. |
357 | 7.8 |
Trader |
358 | 7.8 |
noor khan’s big brother. doing my best, I swear. he/him. please do not @ me. |
359 | 7.8 |
The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Abraham Lincoln 🏴☠️ |
360 | 7.8 |
Writing on Free Speech & Intellectual Debate. Former cabbie, tenant organizer & doorman. Brooklyn w 2 boyz. Author of "Canyon Dreams" |
361 | 7.8 |
Dad to Ryan, David and Anya Proud husband of @kateashaw1 Host of @allinwithchris on MSNBC, weeknights at 8pm. #WITHPod Host Cubs fan Insta: chrislhayes |
362 | 7.8 |
@reason senior editor. 2016 @forbes 30 Under 30 list. Author of "Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump." Available now: |
363 | 7.8 |
I wrote a book called Dignity about poverty, faith, & McDonald's. Writing another book called. Not sure what it's called. Tweets auto-delete quickly |
364 | 7.8 |
Buying all the hotdogs and giving them to the good people. Contributing Editor @fullerproject. Runs The Shitshow Room. Priors: The Markup, BuzzFeed News, NYT. |
365 | 7.8 |
Founder/CEO - Global Macro Investor and Real Vision Group, Business Cycle, Investment Strategist, Economic Historian, Traveller and Rum Drinker..Not a guru. |
366 | 7.8 |
Reminiscences of an American Capitalist @4Awesometweet 🇺🇸 Trading - Investing - Humor - 20+ Years Professional Trader / PM |
367 | 7.8 |
Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, author, columnist. |
368 | 7.8 |
worst poster in the game • literally always correct • known by too many names, just call me Liz |
369 | 7.8 |
Politics. Hoyas. YMMV. Views expressed are mine alone, obviously. @TheLobbyShopPod |
370 | 7.8 | |
371 | 7.8 | |
372 | 7.8 |
Geoffrey F. Miller
Psychology professor; wrote The Mating Mind, Spent, Mate, & Virtue Signaling. Themes: Evolution, sentience, civilization, EA, X risk, crypto. Wife: @sentientist |
373 | 7.8 |
Reinstated Doorknob Licker @agraybee Anarcho-Karenist. Alt-Centrism or barbarism. No pods, no casters |
374 | 7.8 |
Pradheep J. Shanker @Neoavatara Radiologist and Public Health Policy. CEO @Neoavatara Foundation Occasional contributor to @NRO, @Ricochet, @AmSpectator |
375 | 7.8 |
Monetary economist and historian, Director of @CatoCMFA, and NGDP mug collector. I promise not to waste our time by saying things you expect me to say. |
376 | 7.8 |
Chief economics commentator for The Wall Street Journal. A fox, not a hedgehog. Sign up for our newsletter here: |
377 | 7.8 |
Cecilia Kang 강 미선 @ceciliakang @NYTimes Reporter, author of AN UGLY TRUTH: INSIDE FACEBOOK'S BATTLE FOR DOMINATION coming 7/13/21 Preorder below |
378 | 7.8 |
Omni-American, staff writer at The Atlantic, founding editor of The Best of Journalism–subscribe here:… |
379 | 7.8 |
Sr. reporter at @business covering big-box retail. NY-er w/UK ties, Dad to two teens, Human to #JosieGirl. Mets/Giants/Isles. @FortuneMagazine @PRWeekUS alum |
380 | 7.8 |
@BuzzMachine; prof @CUNY's Craig Newmark J-school; books: Public Parts, What Would Google Do?, Gutenberg the Geek. This Week in Google. Views are mine |
381 | 7.8 |
Chairman @Spectator, @spectatorUSA, @Spectator Australia, @Apollo_Magazine. Former Editor of The Sunday Times and BBC political presenter. |
382 | 7.8 |
Managing Director, @ideas42 | Formerly of @TheEconomist and @WorldBank. Tweets predominantly personal, with occasional outbreaks of self-promotion. |
383 | 7.8 |
Clementine Fletcher @clemfletch @business-er. Pronounced 'Clementeen.' Londoner in NYC; if you came for beautiful content you’re going to be sorely disappointed. |
384 | 7.8 |
Constance L Hunter @ConstanceHunter Ocean Boiling Economist|Triangulating Data|NABE Board|Data Junkie|Policy Wonk|views r my own|@KPMG_US #Econ101 #SecretLivesOfEconomists #COVID19 😷&💉 |
385 | 7.8 |
Girolamo Pandolfi da Casio @INArteCarloDoss Voted Top 20 FinTwit Accounts by HSBC AM/FX - Macro, market structure and food porn |
386 | 7.8 |
“Our nettlesome task is to discover how to organize our strength into compelling power so that the government cannot elude our demands.” Dr. King |
387 | 7.8 |
Jazz guitar, history, finance. |
388 | 7.8 |
SymSys disciple, recovering quant and closet Film MFA. FinTech is life @responsiveai |
389 | 7.8 |
Welcome to my WordPress blog! I’m 35 and live in NYC. This is where I post my trivial musings, jokes and links. Comments section is open — but play nice! :^) |
390 | 7.8 |
William Easterly
NYU Economics Professor. Field is Development. I am an expert on the other experts. |
391 | 7.8 |
Macro Specialist, Geopolitics & History Commentator - "Politics & Economics are Inseparable" @lsealumni |
392 | 7.8 | |
393 | 7.8 |
Economist, @UNCG PhD, labor and time use researcher, @AU_SPA adjunct prof. Examining generations, cities, inequality. Views are my own and not any employer's. |
394 | 7.8 |
Policy editor at @NBCNews. I cover elections and their consequences. Take it off Twitter at |
395 | 7.8 |
Other Side Asset Management @othersideam Other Side Asset Management is a boutique investment firm focused on implementing capital preservation strategies. |
396 | 7.8 |
Matthew Kanterman, CFA @theKantoarbot Technology Equity Research Analyst @Bloomberg Intelligence; UM, LFC, Yankees, Rangers; Ross Biz;RT≠Endorse Opinions Mine; Discord same handle; Xbox elKantoarbot |
397 | 7.8 |
José Luis Ricón Fernández de la Puente @ArtirKel Making Science Great Again. 私も気になります! // Blogging at // Meme engineering here. Now thinking about: longevity. 🇪🇸➡🇬🇧➡🇺🇸 |
398 | 7.8 |
RBI Chair Professor at NIPFP | Editor (Macroeconomics), Journal of South Asian Development | Economics | Political Economy | Indian Economy |
399 | 7.8 |
Lúcia Guimarães (Justiça para genocidas) @luciaguimaraes Own opinion here. Fed my kid Duck Soup. Made Philip Roth laugh on camera. Purveyor of mean Brazilian feijoada. Contributor Folha de S.Paulo, @CanalMyNews |
400 | 7.8 |
"Now the trumpet summons us again...a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, 'rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation'" |
401 | 7.8 |
Wilfred Reilly @wil_da_beast630 A college professor now, I am a former corporate executive, freedom rider, law student, and poor kid. |
402 | 7.8 |
now: @nytimes. previously: @voxdotcom. Go Blue. |
403 | 7.8 |
Bloomberg Economics @economics Breaking economics news and analysis from @business, the first word in global business and finance. Sign up for our daily newsletter: |
404 | 7.8 |
Dad. Economist. Current: @ucabusiness @ucabears @acre_uca. Former: @BuenaVistaUniv @StLawrenceU @MasonEconomics |
405 | 7.8 |
Writing my first book for Norton; @TheDailyBeast Columnist; Senior Fellow @WStatesCenter & @AuburnSeminary; @TheLavinAgency Speaker; |
406 | 7.8 |
Filmmaker. PGP Fingerprint 6FA6 DE2D D31A CB56 79D4 1D96 8F68 9FC2 6563 9377. Key… |
407 | 7.8 |
Richard Florida
University Professor @UofT, @rotmanschool, @UofTCities, Co-founder @CityLab |
408 | 7.8 |
Technology reporter ✨ DM tips on anything related to creators/influencers or the online world✨ FOLLOW ME ON IG: #skobuffs |
409 | 7.8 |
Senior editor, @washingtonian | I cover obsolete sports cars and bug invasions | |
410 | 7.8 |
bitcoin cultural attaché |
411 | 7.8 |
I am the Chief Investment Officer & Director of Research for @ETFTrends and @ETFdb |
412 | 7.8 |
Historian @UWJSIS: development, capitalism, agrarian/rural, food, STS, environment, Cold War. Taiwan, China, Global South. @Cal alum (Go Bears!). he/him. |
413 | 7.8 |
Lawyer, active tweeter, Eagles & Red Sox fan for years. Emphasis on “factual” US political & COVID-19 news. No conspiracy theories. Let’s talk, if you agree. |
414 | 7.8 |
“he’s sound on many things. not on custard.” emily bell // fax = +19173001256 // sotomayor stan // he/him/his |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
416 | 7.8 |
Rᴏᴍᴇᴏ, Bᴀᴋᴇʀ M. @BakerMikeRomeo First name Baker, last name Romeo. (Icon: @poofy_fluffkins) He / Him |
417 | 7.8 |
Independent Market Analyst • Editor: Morning Navigator • @realvision • Cornell Big Red • Chaminade Flyer • Barrier Islander |
418 | 7.8 |
billionaire media tycoon and mayor of san francisco. vp @foundersfund. ringleader @hereticon. editor-in-chief @ pirate wires 🏴☠️ |
419 | 7.8 |
Sports etc. at the Wall Street Journal. Big fan of yours. Complaints only: |
420 | 7.8 |
Caitlin Flanagan
Thought Crimes for All Occasions. No Charge. |
421 | 7.8 |
Exiled academic Western Civilization is pretty cool The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream |
422 | 7.8 |
"The Writing Guy" | I tweet about writing, learning and business | My writing school: | My writing: |
423 | 7.8 |
Founder of @MomsDemand, grassroots army of @Everytown. Worst nightmare of the NRA. Author of Fight Like a Mother. Californian. IG: @ shannonrwatts #MizzouMade |
424 | 7.8 |
Writer for New York magazine. Tweets with links are intended as prompts to read the linked story, not self-contained arguments substituting for the linked story |
425 | 7.8 |
Tech Reporter @NYT. Tell me a story: BUY THE BOOK:… |
426 | 7.8 |
I write SF/F novels and shorter things. Up next, The City Inside (Tordotcom, 2022). Codirected a film, also write comics/screenplays/YA/MG/columns. |
427 | 7.8 |
Comfortably Smug @ComfortablySmug My Interests: Finance, Whiskey, Politics, Books, Food, Meeting Strangers #altcenter Instagram: ComfortablySmug |
428 | 7.8 |
I write on business, economics and technology |
429 | 7.8 |
Global Head of Structured Volatility Products @ ANTIFA |
430 | 7.8 |
@crookedmedia Editor in Chief. Politics. Writing. Intermittent podcasting. Gun-assault survivor. |
431 | 7.8 |
Anthony Michael Kreis @AnthonyMKreis Law professor @GeorgiaStateLaw | Constitutional law, civil rights, employment discrimination, SCOTUS, American political development | ❤️ Georgia | 🏳️🌈 |
432 | 7.8 |
Hi. I work at the American Economic Liberties Project. Also, I wrote the book Goliath, and I write a monopoly-focused newsletter BIG: |
433 | 7.8 |
Senior Fellow @BrookingsInst. Book "Fateful Triangle: How China Shaped US-India Relations During the Cold War" available at |
434 | 7.8 |
Commentary Magazine @Commentary A pivotal voice in American intellectual life since 1945. Sign up for our newsletter here: |
435 | 7.8 |
I write Heard on the Street columns for The Wall Street Journal, covering Asian techs, deals, scams, and weird stuff. Former analyst and trader. |
436 | 7.8 |
Chief Economist & Strategist of Rosenberg Research & Associates Inc. Retweets, Likes and Follows are not endorsements. |
437 | 7.8 |
Law. Politics. |
438 | 7.8 |
Brent aka Blacklion @BlacklionCTA Christian, Global Macro, Energy, Consultant, Recovering USN Aviator (A4, F14), USAF PEP F16, Trader, 2A, Fun, Not Advice. #OOTT #ONGT🤓 |
439 | 7.8 |
CNBC media & tech reporter. Tips to 49ers fan. DMs open. |
440 | 7.8 |
Host of Conversations w/Coleman Podcast Forbes 30 Under 30 |
441 | 7.8 |
Mom, 3 boys. Direct @IWF Center for Progress/Innovation. Host Bespoke Podcast, Author, From Cupcakes to Chems. Contribute @NRO @huffpost @FDRLST @WSJ @USAtoday |
442 | 7.8 |
JohannesBorgen @jeuasommenulle Le poids d'un oiseau qui s'y pose suffit à déplacer la terre. The weight of a bird landing on it is enough to move the Earth |
443 | 7.8 |
Behavioral Economist, data scientist, Economists Do It With Models, We the Economy, Homer-Economicus. Not too old to be a figure skater. |
444 | 7.8 |
Risk Averse. RTs not necessarily views I share or support. #CaveatLector |
445 | 7.8 |
News Junkie; China's diplomacy; History; Empires and Peoples; Ideology, Religion and Politics; Tech, Gadgets; Memes and viral stuff. Views personal. |
446 | 7.8 |
Clean. Articulate. Punching Up @freethinkmedia Punching Down @wethefifth • Sharpening My Oyster Knife #MLIDAIDDS |
447 | 7.8 |
Economic policy enthusiast for @politico. Retweet ≠ endorse. I like learning things & explaining things Email: Secure: |
448 | 7.8 |
Dad; husband; anchor of @TheLeadCNN and @CNNSOTU; author of @TheOutpostbook, @TheHellfireClub, and The @Devil_May_Dance: |
449 | 7.8 |
the owl of minerva only flies all the time |
450 | 7.8 |
Full time macroeconomist for Pantheon Macroeconomics, part time fiction author, coffee drinker, consumer of good writing, and leasehold/cladding activist. |
451 | 7.8 |
Only marginally compelling and occasionally accurate, sometime writer, engineer, cake-baker. Writes Marginally Compelling newsletter |
452 | 7.8 |
1. Substacker: 2. Columnist, The Nation 3. email: jeetheer1967 at gmail dot com 5. Twitter essayist 6. Drawn by Joe Ollmann |
453 | 7.8 |
Citizen. Former Editor of newspapers in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru. Now author and columnist, mainly. Chevening alum. RT isn't necessarily endorsement |
454 | 7.8 |
Dad. CEO, IDFC Institute. Senior Fellow, @NYUMarron. Asia Fellow @Milkeninstitute. Columbia & @yglvoices alum. Classical Liberal. Views personal. |
455 | 7.8 |
Senior economics editor at Bloomberg. Tweets are not endorsements and opinions are my own. |
456 | 7.8 |
Product of big government @ucla @ucberkeley | Prof Marketing @NYUStern | Right of Center-Left | ProfGShow, Pivot podcasts | Strategy Sprint |
457 | 7.8 |
Britain economics correspondent, @TheEconomist. Economics, history, other stuff. Book on British economic history out in August. |
458 | 7.8 |
Rich Greenfield, LightShed @RichLightShed Partner LightShed, GP LightShed Ventures, Media Futurist, TMT Analyst Linkedin:… |
459 | 7.8 |
Former CIA Clandestine Service. Now @SpycraftEnt, @AtlanticCouncil. Sometimes writes. Good Father, Decent Husband and Excellent dog owner. |
460 | 7.8 |
• I’m just a mirror • |
461 | 7.8 |
may you live on and know what it means to be human |
462 | 7.8 |
Strategist, essayist, investor, advisor. Partner @EpyllionCo + Venture Partner @makersfundvc. Former Head of Strategy @AmazonStudios, Otter @ Chernin. 🇨🇦 |
463 | 7.8 |
Former U.S. Amb. to Israel (2011-2017), Obama NSC, @INSSIsrael, @WEAdvisors, husband, dad, Cubs fan, Middle East politics, peace & security, US-Israel relations |
464 | 7.8 |
Rudy Havenstein, Propaganda As A Service. @RudyHavenstein He/Haw/Hey Now. Reichsbank President 1908-1923. Uncategorizable. Tweets are solely for my own amusement. "My way of joking is to tell the truth." - G.B. Shaw |
465 | 7.8 |
CEO @EZPR. EIC @thefuturebuzz British, 2x author, Top 50 @Businessinsider Tech PR 4x - The Joker of Vegas |
466 | 7.8 |
Lecturer @KingsCollegeLon, @Harvard 📚 "THE GREAT GENDER DIVERGENCE" 🌏 Why are some societies more gender equal? 🖇 Eternally entwined with @Pseudoerasmus |
467 | 7.8 |
@washingtonpost games reporter and waifu war correspondent | Email: | @csuf Titan |
468 | 7.8 |
Official Twitter Feed of FloMartin Securities, an Investment Advisory Firm. Not an economist, play one online. I blocked Zero Hedge first. |
469 | 7.8 |
Culture editor at The Bulwark. Washington Post contributing columnist. Pods: @SubBeacon; Bulwark Goes to Hollywood; Across the Movie Aisle. "Centrist edgelord.” |
470 | 7.8 |
Princess Unikitty @Real_P_Unikitty Hypomanic master builder who pines for destroyed utopias Has googled Murray Bookchin BLM and Land Back! Likes are bookmarks |
471 | 7.8 |
Blog/podcast: Startup guy: The Giordano Bruno Collected Works |
472 | 7.7 |
OBSESSION: INSIDE THE WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT'S NEVER-ENDING WAR ON TRUMP out 9/8/20. Chief political correspondent, Washington Examiner. Fox News contributor. |
473 | 7.7 |
Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Writer for @NYTmag. Making fun of my name demeans us both. |
474 | 7.7 |
Executive Editor @morningbrew. I been around awhile. I lived in town awhile. I threw it down awhile. And the town threw down on me |
475 | 7.7 |
We made it to the other side but lots of work left to do. Be the gov you wish to see in your city/county/state/country: #AltGov |
476 | 7.7 |
Senior Producer. MSNBC's @TheLastWord. Opinions mine. Suburban women, will you please like me? |
477 | 7.7 |
National security & political warfare, plenty of jazz, vinyl and hifi audio, bodybuilding. “Right-wing Twitter pugilist”—Politico |
478 | 7.7 |
the List | @habibi_bros |
479 | 7.7 |
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Flaneur: probability (philosophy, mathematics), probability (real life), Phoenician wine, deadlifts & dead languages Greco-Levantine #RWRI Uber rating ~4.9 |
480 | 7.7 |
Trading through shifting intersection between the multi equilibria global economy and financial markets. Bad repo take debunker. Not investment advice. |
481 | 7.7 |
Linda Vasquez/ House of Cards, Sonu Lahiri/ Mindy Project, Agent Denise Christopher/Timeless, Mama-ji/American Gods |
482 | 7.7 |
Dr. Trevon D Logan @TrevonDLogan Distinguished Prof of Economics @OhioState, Assoc Dean @ASCatOSU, Co-Dir @AEAMP1. Economic History, Race, Applied Economics, and #LEGOS. #ADOS Tweets=my own |
483 | 7.7 |
Staff Photographer Washington City Paper. also, bicycles. |
484 | 7.7 |
James A. Gagliano @JamesAGagliano Mayor, Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY | FBI Ret |@LELDF BOD | @WestPoint_USMA '87, @StJohnsU '17, doctoral candidate | ATL Falcons Braves fañ @TiffGagliano❤️ |
485 | 7.7 |
Walter Shapiro
I just covered my 11th presidential campaign for @newrepublic. Columnist for @rollcall. Fellow at @brennancenter. Teach at Yale. Email: |
486 | 7.7 |
Cognitive scientist at Harvard. |
487 | 7.7 |
Global Macro Strategist. Economist. Forever ECB Watcher. All opinions mine. |
488 | 7.7 |
Amanda “Get Vaxxed” Rykoff @amandarykoff Outreach for #JBBBSLA. VP Organizing @HeartLADems. Rescue dog mom. Baseball fan. Baker #AmandaBakesLA. She/her. IG: amandarykoff #ModernaHive |
489 | 7.7 |
Middle East correspondent, @TheEconomist. Author, 'How Long Will Israel Survive? The Threat From Within.' |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
491 | 7.7 |
Giornalista @ilfoglio_it |
492 | 7.7 |
William C. Feeley @feeley_bill CEO, Barometer Trading, LLC- (formerly incarcerated Associate Traders). Inv. Banker, Cap Mkts 300+IPOs, Privates, Debt offers. GU (DC), Loyola (Chgo) MBA, CAIA |
493 | 7.7 |
White House Correspondent, The New York Times. Econ policy nerd. Dad. Backpacker. Cardinal🌲 Oregonian eternal. |
494 | 7.7 |
Alireza Nader علیرضا نادر @AlirezaNader Senior Fellow at FDD. Ex RAND analyst. Nonpartisan. RT # end. زنده باد ایران ازاد |
495 | 7.7 |
Professor of Practice at Harvard. Teaches Ec 10, some tweets might be educational. Also Senior Fellow @PIIE. Was Chairman of President Obama's CEA. |
496 | 7.7 |
🌐neoliberal 🏙️yimby 🚫🚗bancars 👧🏼👧🏼👶🏻👶🏻dad |
497 | 7.7 |
Columnist for @thetimes - editor and publisher of Reaction @reactionlife - commentator/hack/author. Sign up to weekly subscriber newsletter via link below |
498 | 7.7 |
Justin Sandefur @JustinSandefur Development economist. Father of twins. Fan of pretty graphs. |
499 | 7.7 |
Columnist at the Guardian, presenter of BBC R4's The Long View. Writes thrillers under the name Sam Bourne. Out now: To Kill A Man |
500 | 7.7 |
saxophonist - composer - arranger - producer - liberal |
501 | 7.7 |
Accordion Historian, author of Accordion Revolution: a People’s History (2019) / 🪗 @AccordionEmoji sponsor / @AccordionNoir Radio DJ |
502 | 7.7 |
Global finance correspondent for the Financial Times. Semi-professional Norwegian despite the Harry Potter-esque name. Sapere aude. Views mine bla bla. |
503 | 7.7 |
Washington Post Ed Board, Columnist. Host "Cape Up." Anchor @PostLive "First Look." Anchor MSNBC @TheSundayShow. Contributor PBS @NewsHour "Brooks & Capehart" |
504 | 7.7 |
Business collector🚬🏋️♂️🛩️. Tweets are not financial advice and are for informational purposes only. DMs open. |
505 | 7.7 |
Politics, Economics, Mutual Funds, Fixed Income, Global Macro—🙄; Travel, Food, Wildlife, BioDiversity, Progressive Rock 😎 |
506 | 7.7 |
Forex trading the spot market using technical analysis. Make pips not war. This is a risky business! See my blog for disclaimer. |
507 | 7.7 |
husband father swimmer editor American History Magazine author The American Porch ringleader/bassist WMD, Sherier Mtn Boys, Powerful House Ways & Means Cmte |
508 | 7.7 |
Vitalik Buterin
Ethereum. Fable of the Dragon Tyrant (not mine but it's important):… Daylight savings time delenda est. |
509 | 7.7 |
🤳🏼 | Nonfiction: Unlikely Partners (Harvard, 2017) and The Remaking of China (Belknap/Harvard, 2022) | Poetry: Your Face, My Flag (Copper Canyon Press, 2022). |
510 | 7.7 |
Correspondent, @GQMagazine. Working on a book.@TheLavinAgency speaker. All views my own. Retweets not endorsements. Void where prohibited. |
511 | 7.7 |
Senior data reporter @Recode / @voxdotcom making information visual. @business @WSJ @columbiajourn alumna. Listen to Land of the Giants: The Netflix Effect 👇🏽 |
512 | 7.7 |
Invariant Perspective @InvariantPersp1 What are the inviolable constraints on the Global Financial Markets and the Global Economy? |
513 | 7.7 |
Born USSR | raised Brooklyn. Columnist @nypost, Contributor @SpectatorUSA, Contributing Writer @dcexaminer magazine. |
514 | 7.7 |
journalist @voxdotcom. On parental leave until June. |
515 | 7.7 |
#BlackLivesMatter Information flow in bio, society, & science. Book *Calling Bullshit*: I love crows and ravens. he/him |
516 | 7.7 | |
517 | 7.7 |
Sr. Elections Analyst, RCP. @osupolisci. @aei. Recovering Att'y. Married to @emytrende, dad to 3. You shall love your crooked neighbor, with your crooked heart. |
518 | 7.7 |
Creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder & CTO at Basecamp & HEY, NYT best-selling author, and Le Mans 24h class-winning racing driver. No DMs, email: |
519 | 7.7 |
Prof at Columbia J School. Director - Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School. Writes for : @CJR @Guardian also co-host @trickypodcast |
520 | 7.7 |
Diana S. Fleischman @sentientist #Sentientist & Evolutionary Psychologist Currently on retreat. Take my Science of Sex Differences Seminar in June… |
521 | 7.7 |
Econ/business/data reporter for @nytimes. Formerly: @fivethirtyeight, @WSJ. Adjunct @newmarkjschool. Photo by Earl Wilson/NYT |
522 | 7.7 |
beep boops, scrunchie enthusiast. @bonecondor stan |
523 | 7.7 |
Healthcare, restaurants, and some Tesla too for @wsjheard. Aspiring citizen journalist. |
524 | 7.7 |
Charles W. Eliot Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard. Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton and the Director of the NEC for President Obama. |
525 | 7.7 |
Investor. “I take advice.” R/T ≠ E |
526 | 7.7 |
Senior Editor at Bloomberg @business. Previously 29 yrs @FT Englishman in New York. Mexicanophile. Red Sox forever. Views mine except RTs Please sign up below: |
527 | 7.7 |
Editorial Board @dissentmag. Pretty sure I started the trend of labeling the modern US Right as “revanchist.” Charming in person, but we’re not there. |
528 | 7.7 |
Gorilla Warfare (again) @MenshevikM confusingly not a menshevik |
529 | 7.7 |
food for @business. recovering lawyer. send cute dog pics to: opinions my own. |
530 | 7.7 |
Robert VerBruggen @RAVerBruggen Full-time dad of three, part-time @NRO policy writer, @FamStudies research fellow, Wisconsin native, @MedillSchool alum, metalhead, gamer. Tweets my own. |
531 | 7.7 |
Hamilton Place Strategies; CNBC Contrib; frmr US Treasury & WH. Board: @WFPUSA, @CGDev, CARE Action, UPitt’s @GSPIA, @domcabral. |
532 | 7.7 |
Kind of a VC, never been acquired. $WERAMP for the kids. Follow the People’s Portfolio |
533 | 7.7 |
#Trump BOOK-Reality,USA, Also-Why Go Conservative, One Grand Bargain Radio Contributor/Host LINewsRadio & Shannon Burke Show |
534 | 7.7 |
President of CAP, liberal, Indian American, feminist, mom, wife. Not in that order. Views expressed are most definitely my own. |
535 | 7.7 |
Writing at @readmargins. |
536 | 7.7 |
Craig Palsson @ Market Power @MarketPowerYT The Economics Guy on YouTube (link below) | Assistant Professor @USUAggies | Alum @Yale and @BYU |
537 | 7.7 |
#BetterAngelsJazz Best of 2017 in DownBeat and Huffington Post, out on @TruthRevolution Records. "...Timeless and timely" -Bob Blumenthal, journalist and author |
538 | 7.7 |
Here to learn and share knowledge on Economics/Finance/Banking/Investing. Occasional politics against extremists! Love reading books and watching 🏏 |
539 | 7.7 |
New York Times Opinion @nytopinion We amplify voices on the issues that matter to you. | Tell us what you think: |
540 | 7.7 |
@newscienceorg || bio, econ, speeding up the future || retweets are endorsements of twitter's retweet functionality |
541 | 7.7 |
Craig Calcaterra @craigcalcaterra I write Cup of Coffee, a daily newsletter that brings you fully up to speed on what's happening in Major League Baseball before your first cup of coffee. |
542 | 7.7 |
YNWA Views are my own |
543 | 7.7 |
Seeking the more truthful interpretation of facts |
544 | 7.7 |
Staff writer, @NewYorker. @CNN global affairs analyst. Proud wife of @peterbakernyt and coauthor, The Man Who Ran Washington: the Life and Times of Jim Baker |
545 | 7.7 |
Partner at @initialized. Previously @techcrunch. When life hands me lemons, I make tarte au citron. |
546 | 7.7 |
Come away with me, he said, we will live on a desert island. I said, I am a desert island. It was not what he had in mind. |
547 | 7.7 |
John O'Sullivan @JohnOSullivanNR Author of The President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister, Adviser to Lady Thatcher, NR's Editor at Large, and Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
548 | 7.7 | |
549 | 7.7 |
Editorial director, Slate Podcasts |
550 | 7.7 |
@business reporter, tired Ukrainian lady. aspiring master of white collar crimes at @johnjaycollege. |
551 | 7.7 |
Matt Negrin, HOST OF HARDBALL AT 7PM ON MSNBC @MattNegrin @TheDailyShow; blocked by @MeetThePress; mysteriously unblocked by @MeetThePress; here to remind you @seanspicer is a liar. Host of @hardball at 7pm on @MSNBC. |
552 | 7.7 |
Adrian Miller @amillerstrategy Chief Market Strategist & Director of IR at Concise Capital Management Adjunct Professor (Econ/Finance) @ FDU. personal views, rt ≠ endorsements |
553 | 7.7 | |
554 | 7.7 |
Pamela Paresky (Habits of a Free Mind) @PamelaParesky Vstng Sr. Rsrch Assoc, @SIFKnow @UChicago; Sr Scholar @ncri_io; Rsrchr, Coddling of the American Mind; @HabitsFreeMind; Mom; Opinions mine but they often change |
555 | 7.7 |
Building the American Dream as a service @LambdaSchool: A Computer Science school that costs $0 until you're hired. |
556 | 7.7 |
Reader. Writer. Author of #Figuring. Maker of #UniverseInVerse. Lover of trees. Petter of moss. Rider of a cobalt blue bicycle with a golden bell. |
557 | 7.7 |
Staff writer for @Forbes. Previously @HoustonChron. Vaxxed to the max. Pizza lover, aspiring cat lady. Subscribe to my #ReleaseNotes newsletter, link below. |
558 | 7.7 |
Construction worker turned academic turned central banker. Opinions expressed here are my own, not St. Louis Fed nor U.S. Fed Reserve System. #USTcoin |
559 | 7.7 |
Energy Futurist/Analyst/Writer/Speaker. Host of @TransitionShow. EV-Grid Manager at @RockyMtnInst; views expressed here are my own and not my employer's. |
560 | 7.7 |
Managing Editor @Bloomberg QuickTake. Easy-to-read explainers on tough topics from our hyper-global newsroom. World, decrypted. Views mine. |
561 | 7.7 |
Frances Coppola
Writer and speaker. Wrote a book about QE. Currently writing a book about banking. Sings a bit. Always right, never believed. |
562 | 7.7 |
senior editor for features @business. ex-deputy Asia bureau chief @qz, @WSJ 日本語🆗 i “gatekeep 90s culture” - vice |
563 | 7.7 |
Albert-László Barabási @barabasi Network Scientist. Author. The Formula, Linked, Bursts. @Northeastern @Harvard @CEUhungary. |
564 | 7.7 |
Franklin Leonard
.@theblcklst founder. Film & TV producer. Politics and football (soccer) person. @vanityfair contributing editor. @am_cinematheque board member. |
565 | 7.7 |
Senior Writer @AmerIndependent. Prev @mmfa. Get news daily at |
566 | 7.7 |
Journalist. Former Hanoi Bureau Chief for @dpa. @AlfaFellowship fellow in waiting. From Maryland. Previously 🇰🇭, 🇻🇳, 🇺🇦. |
567 | 7.7 |
Joel D. Anderson @byjoelanderson Writer, @Slate. Host, Seasons 3 & 6 of Slow Burn + Hang Up and Listen + The Last Last Dance. Don't be too familiar. |
568 | 7.7 |
ongoing core dump |
569 | 7.7 |
CrocodileChuck @CrocodileChuck Oracle |
570 | 7.7 |
Credit, equities, crequities. TMT, HC, generalist deathtraps. Skeletor dot capital at gmail. #tongs, Liberty, #quintplay they're good bonds Brint |
571 | 7.7 |
Political editor of The Spectator |
572 | 7.7 |
Anthony Scaramucci
American entrepreneur. Founder @skybridge @saltconference. Host @moochfm. #bitcoin |
573 | 7.7 |
Neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry through a skeptical lens. Just a brain with some eyes. Formerly blogged for @DiscoverMag. |
574 | 7.7 |
I'm not a regular disasterologist, I'm a cool disasterologist. Emergency Management. Climate Change. Disaster Justice. she/her #EMGTwitter 📚: DISASTEROLOGY |
575 | 7.7 |
Editor of The Spectator, @telegraph columnist. Try a month of The Spectator free: |
576 | 7.7 |
Gbenga Ajilore @gbenga_ajilore Economist. Sports/Movie nerd. Half-marathoner. Bassoonist (as heard on NPR). Personal account. All views & opinions my own; RT=/=endorsement. |
577 | 7.7 |
Director, Editor at large, Host, Fellow, @HarvardIOP. |
578 | 7.7 |
Senior reporter, dystopia beat, @NBCNews. |
579 | 7.7 |
Tressie McMillan Cottom
For kicks, assume that I know what I am talking about. Subscribe: Before you DM, do one of these: #MacFellow |
580 | 7.7 |
Velina Tchakarova @vtchakarova Director @aies_austria I Chief Strategic Foreseer I I coined #Dragonbear I #geopolitics I #systemsthinking I #realpolitik I Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici |
581 | 7.7 |
Madhulika Sikka @madhulikasikka Now @CrownPublishing ex @washingtonpost @nprnews @abcnews @micnews @PBS author, news mom & wife, American-Brit-Indian. More |
582 | 7.7 |
Economist, I work on tax policy and/or inequality. Editor of @JPubEcon. Professional skeptic. Anti-illiberal. If vowels are missing, the tweet is in Polish. |
583 | 7.7 |
Foreign affairs columnist @WashingtonPost, anchor of Today’s WorldView. Teaching @GeorgetownSFS. New Yorker. Views my own. Victoria concordia crescit. |
584 | 7.7 |
Apizza Lover • Easy-going… but bring-up the topic of Dr. Trump and I become a lunatic! • I don't need your follow… just your pity |
585 | 7.7 |
Health Policy/Management @YaleSOM @YaleMed @YaleSPH; M.D./M.B.A.; Former U.S. Senate Staff; #Covid19 🏳️🌈 If you can't find my typos, you aren't trying. |
586 | 7.7 |
Author | The Gated Republic | Aadhaar A Biometric History of India's 12-Digit Revolution | Accidental India. Studying how politics rules the economics of people |
587 | 7.7 |
Saurabh Vashist @saurabhvashist_ Sino-Indian relations enthusiast |
588 | 7.7 |
Jacob T Levy, Tomlinson Prof of Political Theory, McGill. RPF Niskanen American-Canadian; opinions are mine. not McGill's. |
589 | 7.7 |
Writer, about law especially; @CatoInstitute. Blogged at Overlawyered (1999-2020). Election law and Maryland civic stuff. |
590 | 7.7 |
Alex Tabarrok is a professor of economics at George Mason University and with Tyler Cowen a founder of the online education platform |
591 | 7.7 |
QuickDraw Capital 🏴☠️🥯 ☕️ @QuickDCapital Views expressed are my own and often parody and not reflective of my firm and colleagues. NOT investment advice. PARODY account, not to be taken at face value. |
592 | 7.7 |
Husband, Father, Son of a Farmer, Engineer, Business Owner, Farmland Owner, World Traveler, Guitar Player, Water Skier, Cancer Survivor. Luckiest man alive. |
593 | 7.7 |
Professor, Evolutionary Behavioral Scientist, Author. Opinions are mine alone. Retweets do not necessarily imply an endorsement. |
594 | 7.7 |
“Veteran” Finance type. views my own. RTs not endorsement, not investment advice. |
595 | 7.7 |
Bloomberg Columnist || MB Archives |
596 | 7.7 |
Peter S. Goodman @petersgoodman @nytimes global economic corr, based in London. Previous: WaPo in China, NYT US econ. Mets, Brooklyn Nets (before that was cool). "Did you read the piece?" |
597 | 7.7 |
house husband |
598 | 7.7 |
Chief Economist, Grant Thornton. Advises Federal Reserve. Trained labor economist. 30 yrs experience in financial services. RTs not endorsements. She/her |
599 | 7.7 |
True blue Dem, blue state taxpayer. Inspired by President Obama. #StillWithHer |
600 | 7.7 |
George Osborne
Northern Powerhouse Partnership Chair & former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Evening Standard Editor |
601 | 7.7 |
Editor at Bloomberg in NYC. Also: runner, Baltimore native, Bowdoin alum, Bernese mountain mama & accidental metals enthusiast. Opinions my own. |
602 | 7.7 |
New book 2021:… Newsletter: |
603 | 7.7 |
writer of tweets |
604 | 7.7 |
Staff writer @TheAtlantic. Senior Fellow @SAISHopkins and @SNFAgoraJHU. My new book is Twilight of Democracy: the Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism |
605 | 7.7 |
Macro hedge fund guy. Knowing the know,knowing the flow. Upgraded to awesome with a positive outlook in January 2015. |
606 | 7.7 |
I’m not afraid of RUFFhousing. The cult of Shor’s High Priest |
607 | 7.7 |
CEO, @SafeGraph. fmr CEO, @LiveRamp. geo & GIS nerd. bad teeth. loves: non-obvious ideas, weirdos, and email. my reading at: @AurenReads |
608 | 7.7 |
Elliott Zaagman @ElliottZaagman Co-host, China Tech Investor podcast. Words @technodechina, @lowyinstitute & elsewhere, and in 中文 on 虎嗅网. China, tech, cars, sports, and other things. |
609 | 7.7 |
Senior Writer at RealClearInvestigations. "After all these years of professional experience, why can’t I write good?" Husband of @MZHemingway. |
610 | 7.7 |
VC @benchmark, Investor: @grubhub, @zillow, @uber, @stitchfix, @nextdoor, @glassdoor, @hacker0x01, @solvhealth, @roverdotcom, @goodeggs, @instawork |
611 | 7.7 |
Global economic history. Agricultural development & industrialisation. 'Capitalist transition' debates. Victim of immurement by @_alice_evans. EH ≠ HE. оно/eго. |
612 | 7.7 |
Portland Trail Blazers @trailblazers PNW hoops since 1970. |
613 | 7.7 |
Drew Savicki 🦖🦕🦖 @SenhorRaposa Formerly: contributor @270toWin . I (sometimes) write about elections. CT-IL-NC. Be prepared for bad food takes #ActuallyAutistic🧙♂️🗺️ He/Him |
614 | 7.7 |
Proud father of J & L, husband of C, CEO, TRG, host, Deep State Radio; new book-"Traitor"; contributing columnist, Daily Beast, board of contributors, USA Today |
615 | 7.7 |
Hope has two beautiful daughters - Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are. - St. Augustine |
616 | 7.7 |
Douglas A. Boneparth @dougboneparth President of Bone Fide Wealth • CNBC Advisor Council • Author of @millmoneyfix • We Should Be Sleeping Podcast |
617 | 7.7 |
Subscribe 👇 |
618 | 7.7 |
White House economics reporter for The Washington Post. Founder of @IthacaVoice. NYR fan., Signal: 9178872891. |
619 | 7.7 |
𝓢🌒𝓻𝓿𝓲𝓪 (Girlboss Dictator Arc) @QueenSorviaV 23| The Third Most Famous Georgian 🇬🇪| the Co-Creator of Sorvia-Lizism| True Successor to Liz| Stomp Stomp Queen| High Priestess of the Moon🌒| |
620 | 7.7 |
The original Room Raters. Rating bookcases, backsplashes and hostage videos since April, 2020. Tweets by Jessie & Claude. |
621 | 7.7 |
CIO Mosaic Capital, Macro Junkie, Investor, Student of Market History & Philosophy 😎 |
622 | 7.7 |
Architect, satirist and extremely bad cartoonist. Director of the Institute of Internet Diagrams. Fried chicken enthusiast Warning: may contain dad jokes. #YNWA |
623 | 7.7 |
I cut movies and TV. Host of @thenabeshow and guy on the internet. #Orioles |
624 | 7.7 |
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at @UF specializing in emerging infectious diseases and vaccine study design. @HarvardBiostats PhD. Tweets my own. |
625 | 7.7 |
Associate Director of James @MadisonProgram & Politics Lecturer @Princeton. Senior Fellow @WitherspoonInst. Professor Emeritus of Political Science @RadfordU. |
626 | 7.7 |
Reconstructionist @un_a_valeable Works, Progress, Democracy — Reconstruction | Douglassian Americanism | he/him |
627 | 7.7 |
tech reporter for @nytimes |
628 | 7.7 |
Bianna Golodryga
@CNN Senior Global Affairs analyst, journalist, wife, mother, proud immigrant, ❤️ Houston, TX 🤘 |
629 | 7.7 |
Yale prof. Forerunner. Author of “Humane,” Sept. 2021 from @fsgbooks: “I didn’t expect it to gain immediate acceptance.” |
630 | 7.7 |
An opinion editor for Bloomberg (on national security, economics, politics, science, law and other light topics). Opinions and retweets are on my own behalf. |
631 | 7.7 |
Journalist @TechCrunch. Co-host: @EquityPod. I read some email at You rock! He/him #blacklivesmatter |
632 | 7.7 |
Corey Hoffstein 🏴☠️ @choffstein CIO Newfound Research. Risk cannot be destroyed, only transformed. Diversify what, how (ensemble), and when (rebalance timing luck). Oo De Lally. |
633 | 7.7 |
Chandrahas Choudhury @Hashestweets Novelist, travel writer & drifting cloud. Words in @WSJ, @Arabnews, @CNTIndia. Writing mentor at Summer Inst, UIowa. Alumnus of @Hinducollege & @TrinCollCam. |
634 | 7.7 |
Founder of AI firm Complete Intelligence; Global markets & economics. Former The Economist & IHS Markit. Over a decade in Asia. |
635 | 7.7 |
PhD #Economist #Author. Chief Economist, Tressis. #Professor @IEbusiness #Advisor @frdelpino. YouTube:… |
636 | 7.7 |
Writing threads to demystify business and finance. Investor, advisor and educator. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land. |
637 | 7.7 |
Political scientist. Professor. Writer. Mitchell Scholar. Reproached by Mikhail Gorbachev. “You want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.” |
638 | 7.7 |
Brian K. Sullivan @WeatherSullivan Bloomberg News Reporter. Tweets are mine/ retweets not endorsements. It's better outside. I am not a meteorologist, I just talk to lots of them. |
639 | 7.7 |
staff writer at @TheAtlantic covering health. I also write Material World, a column on consumerism. Georgia native, Georgia Bulldog. |
640 | 7.7 |
Just because opinions are mine doesn't mean they can't also be yours. Small biz owner. Former cohost of NPR's The Indicator, erstwhile Internet writer person. |
641 | 7.7 |
I edit NYT investigations and narratives. Currently: Climate and environment. Earlier lives: India, Hong Kong, Starve Hollow Road. |
642 | 7.7 |
Author/Founder of @stratechery. Host of @ditheringfm @exponentfm. @notechben for sports. @monkbent on other networks. Home on the Internet. |
643 | 7.7 |
whatsupna? @nytimes business reporter covering retail. pun lover, Tar Heel, from CT. tips to |
644 | 7.7 |
Author of The End of Faith, FreeWill, and other bestselling books; host of the Making Sense podcast; and creator of the Waking Up app (@wakingup). |
645 | 7.7 |
Biz editor @Axios. Pro Rata newsletter and @AxiosReCap podcast. DMs are open, or send me anonymous info via |
646 | 7.7 |
SentimenTrader @sentimentrader We help you keep your head while everyone else is losing theirs. Jason (@jasongoepfert) and Eric (@EricDBrown), Jay (@jaykaeppel) and Dean (@DeanChristians) |
647 | 7.7 |
Geoffrey A. Fowler
Technology Columnist @WashingtonPost. DM for Signal. |
648 | 7.7 |
First in business worldwide. |
649 | 7.7 |
Diana B. Henriques
Author of bestseller 'The Wizard of Lies" adapted by @HBO with Robert De Niro, and 'A First-Class Catastrophe.' Contributor @NYTimes. |
650 | 7.7 |
New York Times columnist, National Review film critic, author of The Decadent Society (2020). |
651 | 7.7 |
data science, sociology and sax! |
652 | 7.7 |
Associate Editor, @scroll_in || Doha, Bombay, @USCAnnenberg || || The Political Fix-er || Header by @nithya_sub || He/Him |
653 | 7.7 |
Faculty and former President @GeorgeMasonU. Former Virginia Ed Secretary. I’m also a lawyer, a clogger, married to @timkaine, and a mom of 3. Views are my own. |
654 | 7.7 |
the production board | metromile |
655 | 7.7 |
Barkow Consulting @BarkowConsult We Use Data Analytics to Make Sense of Finance #BarkowInside #Research #banks #fintech #VC #Lending #realestate Impressum: |
656 | 7.7 |
Family first. 🦚 Executive Producer @msnbc @ruhleonmsnbc 9am. Bigger sports fan than your girlfriend. Bleed Dodger Blue. @Cronkite_ASU alum. Sevilla NO8DO. |
657 | 7.7 |
Professor Finance @SPJIMR. Learning, teaching, reading and writing about financial markets, economics, policies & governance. |
658 | 7.7 |
Corp Credit guy. 20+ years Buy & Sell side. Pricing the right side of the Balance Sheet. not advice Commodities Macro trends |
659 | 7.7 |
Vitor Constâncio @VMRConstancio Former ECB Vice President. President of the Council of ISEG, University of Lisbon. Professor at Navarra University, Masters School, Madrid |
660 | 7.7 |
I am a contributor to CNBC, public speaker, and a Senior Advisor to Schroders, N.A. |
661 | 7.6 |
Senior editor, UnHerd author Small Men on the Wrong Side of History FB:… |
662 | 7.6 |
Investment CIO. Love to talk stocks, credit, hedge funds, and everything in between. NC State alum. Chicago native. |
663 | 7.6 |
Scott Charles @TheScottCharles Gun violence educator • Trauma outreach manager • @RWJF Community Health Leader • Teaching the medical realities of firearm injury |
664 | 7.6 |
National correspondent for The Washington Post. Please don't tell me how to tweet. |
665 | 7.6 |
I’m an opinion columnist at the New York Times. DMs open. signl: 415-604-2709 they/them/he/him. |
666 | 7.6 |
Michael Santoli @michaelsantoli CNBC senior markets commentator. Formerly Yahoo Finance, Barron's. Markets. Business. Baseball. Cranky New York parochialism. |
667 | 7.6 |
Investigative reporter at The Washington Free Beacon. Previously: The Daily Caller. Email tips to Ross (@) |
668 | 7.6 |
Syndicated Radio Host 6-9 AM EST on Salem. NBC/MSNBC News Contributor. Washington Post contributing columnist. CEO, Nixon Foundation. Browns/Tribe/Cavs/Buckeyes |
669 | 7.6 | |
670 | 7.6 |
Reporter. / / DM for Signal |
671 | 7.6 |
@benchmark investing in software at seed/ series a; gulab jamun enthusiast |
672 | 7.6 |
Comms strategist. Blunt ('16). Walker ('12-'15). Rand Paul ('13). Perry ('12) Fiorina ('10); former RNC Online Comms Director; Tory; libertarian; Arsenal fan. |
673 | 7.6 |
I build puzzles |
674 | 7.6 |
Douglas Rivlin 🇺🇲 @douglasrivlin Dir Comm: @AmericasVoice - Standing w/ America's pro-immigrant majority. Ex-Staff @RepGutierrez Tweets made by hand. Opinions my own. DC proper. |
675 | 7.6 | |
676 | 7.6 |
Recovering former CME member. 25+ years trading. Trying to quit. Tweets are random nonsense and NOT recommendations! Trading and comedy... it's all about timing |
677 | 7.6 |
Perpetual titular councillor |
678 | 7.6 |
Founder of @DirtySouthSoc - Content Doer - ⚽️ Joga Bonito ⚽️ - Freelance or other work inquiries: usryrob at gmail |
679 | 7.6 |
Prof. Michael Tanchum @michaeltanchum Senior Fellow @AIES_austria Politics▪Energy▪Security▪ Mediterranean • MENA • GCC/Iran • Horn of Africa |BL @ForeignPolicy et al |PhD @Harvard|تصوف|संत मत |
680 | 7.6 |
Professor of Politics, @QMPoliticsIR. Co-author of And working on 'The British General Election of 2019'. |
681 | 7.6 |
Co-Host of Politics War Room with @AlHuntDC.… |
682 | 7.6 |
China Bureau Chief @WSJ. Formerly of Seoul, New York and Hong Kong bureaus. |
683 | 7.6 |
Writes @qz Proudly @qzunion Once/always: @globalvoices, @narratively, @motherlandmag, @theballoon, @tumbuktumag, @fabrica ❤️: she/her |
684 | 7.6 |
WellRegulatedMilitia @Well_Regulated_ The 2nd amendment calls for a well regulated militia, but this is what we have instead. Which founding father would be proudest of us? |
685 | 7.6 |
Ex econ Prof / central banker. Econ, finance, politics, virus. Stuff in Guardian / Prospect / New Statesman / Indy / FTAlphaville and even academic journals. |
686 | 7.6 |
Brexit editor, Bloomberg News @brexit Opinions my own. Tweets aren't endorsements. |
687 | 7.6 |
Philippe Maupas 💉💉 + 😷 @philmop #investing #investoreducation #literature #history | Learner, consultant, educator, blogger, occasional gardener | @AlphaBetaBlogFR in 🇫🇷 | CFA, CAIA, CIPM |
688 | 7.6 |
Team leader for distressed debt and bankruptcy at Bloomberg @business. Tips: cboston6 at bloomberg dot net or DM for Signal/WhatsApp. She/her. |
689 | 7.6 |
I'm a @niemanfdn Fellow until May ‘21 | Normally I'm a reporter @BuzzFeedNews | | I’d love to hear from you — yes, you! |
690 | 7.6 |
Blogging mostly healthcare at xpostfactoid. ACA implementation watcher. CSR czar. Observer of how democracy malfunctions and self-corrects. AKA Andrew Sprung |
691 | 7.6 |
Mordechai Angel de Cordoba @NathanWurtzel Antisemitic? Move along. Liar (either party)? Move along. Excusing Communist China's death camps? Move along. Trump face avatar? Instant block. I'm nobody. |
692 | 7.6 |
Former product guy at Amazon, Hulu, Flipboard, Oculus. Blog at |
693 | 7.6 |
Data & Political Economy Editor @htTweets Tweets are personal & don't represent employer. RTs not endorsements. |
694 | 7.6 |
Eloise Williams (335 million Nothing Coin Owner) @thestinkmarket I turned $10 dollars into $14,311 dollars by depositing $10,000 into my Robinhood account. Write for my website at @stonkmarketnews.$NADA Whale |
695 | 7.6 |
Academic economist. Innovation, growth, finance. Obama WH aide. Director, @AEASPmsu. #Spelman, @UniofOxford, #Berkeley alum. @nberpubs #DST Views mine. She|Her. |
696 | 7.6 |
Retired Banking Asset Management. No advice of any kind. There is a hidden order behind the veil of chaos |
697 | 7.6 |
30 Years political analyst, ABC, CNN, CBS, PBS. Author of 14 books. POLITICO Mag columnist. |
698 | 7.6 |
senior tech reporter @BuzzFeedNews. & DMs open. On Signal--ask for my number |
699 | 7.6 |
Oklahoman. Attorney. I write at many places. My husband (the DH) thinks ya'll need to calm down. |
700 | 7.6 |
Steve Matthews @SteveMatthews12 Bloomberg reporter on Fed/economy beat. Retweets aren't endorsements. Tweet stories I find interesting or thought provoking, not all I agree with. |
701 | 7.6 |
There are always precedents. Dean, poet. @Princeton @Kennedy_School @JohnsHopkins |
702 | 7.6 |
Professore di Economia, Università Bocconi. |
703 | 7.6 |
Michael Underhill @M_D_Underhill Fund Mgr. Capital Innovations | Alumni: AB, INVESCO, Janus, Federated, Lehman | Rugby | Views=my own… |
704 | 7.6 |
Stephen Spagnuolo @SASLeadership Running point for Stanton Chase's digital security & risk global executive earch practice. Driving top talent to our client companies to get after the bad guys. |
705 | 7.6 |
Seeking safety in sats since 2013. #Bitcoin |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
707 | 7.6 |
Macro credit / fixed income, ES / NQ trading and everything else in the Matrix. Unending quest not to take anything seriously |
708 | 7.6 |
Professional Photographer - Social Media Marketer - Crypto Enthusiast - Economics Geek - Yankees Fan |
709 | 7.6 |
A stream of consciousness from the Neoliberal Project. Consequentialist. Radically pragmatic. A project of @CNLiberalism and @PPI |
710 | 7.6 |
Livre en cours d'éclosion ✍️ #Manipulateur #perversnarcissique, tu n'auras pas mon âme "Lorsque l'Art entre dans une maison, la #violence en sort." F. Botero 🎨 |
711 | 7.6 |
Old trader. Bonds tell all. Founder, NYC Real estate market insights. Co-host, New York City Real Estate podcast. |
712 | 7.6 |
Father/Husband/re-retired SEPTA rider/ Muni Strategist for @Bloomberg Intelligence @business @theterminal *views are my own* |
713 | 7.6 |
International lawyer, human rights activist, writer. Executive Director, United Nations Watch. BA, BCL, LLB, LLM & Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. 🇨🇦 |
714 | 7.6 |
Head of Quant Strategy @Ikigai_fund Focused on lumber shit coins and DOGE.. wen moon, sir? |
715 | 7.6 |
Natasha Bertrand
@CNN reporter covering the White House and national security. #ForbesUnder30. Send tips to or Signal: 202-751-9269. |
716 | 7.6 |
Benjamin Wittes
Senior Fellow at the @BrookingsInst. Editor in Chief of @lawfareblog. Cohost of @inlieuoffunshow. I will block you for any reason or none at all. |
717 | 7.6 |
A leading, multi-platform brand that provides decision-makers with timely business news, analysis and intelligence. |
718 | 7.6 |
Tamara Cofman Wittes
Think @BrookingsFP. Pod @ratlsecurity. Founder @lc_wins. Middle East, Democracy, NatSec & US ForPol. She/her. Ally 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ |
719 | 7.6 |
Michael Scott Doran
Sits in a tank and thinks. |
720 | 7.6 |
Executive Editor, @RestofWorld. Prior: EiC @KathmanduPost. Alum of @WashingtonPost @BuzzFeedNews @RoadsKingdoms. Eater of goats.🇳🇵 |
721 | 7.6 |
basically a blog at this point, bite me. "China's Global Times White Leftist Woke Edition in DC" — RNC official. Jake, he/him. run by @wokeglobaltimes |
722 | 7.6 |
join the dark side: we have neoliberal conspiracies / fellow @istbrunoleoni / con @asaravalle ho scritto *Contro il sovranismo economico* (@rizzolilibri) |
723 | 7.6 |
"Most haystacks don't even have a needle." (DMs are open) 🤠 (Watch Deadwood) I write some stuff here: |
724 | 7.6 |
Braves Reporter @929TheGame, Managing Editor @DirtySouthSoc, cohost @FiveStripeFinal. Contact: joepat1987 at gmail dot com |
725 | 7.6 |
Natsec Advisor for @SenTedCruz. PhD from @USCAnnenberg. Not even tweets = endorsements. |
726 | 7.6 |
Founder of MacroPolicy Perspectives, UT Austin Prof, former chief economist at various financial firms, former Fed economist, passionate about macro & family |
727 | 7.6 |
Ronald Brownstein @RonBrownstein Brownstein, a 2-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, is a senior editor @ The Atlantic, a senior CNN political analyst & author of NYT best-seller Rock Me on the Water |
728 | 7.6 |
Comms @Glossier✨ Beauty by way of venture capital and enterprise software. New York by way of San Francisco. Angel and scout. She/her. |
729 | 7.6 |
Professor of Law and Political Science at UC Irvine; Election Law Blogger. Latest book: Election Meltdown ( |
730 | 7.6 |
“Dawn of Eurasia” (2018), “Belt and Road” (2019), “History Has Begun” (2020), “Geopolitics for the End Time” (2021), “The Search for Greater India” (2022) ... |
731 | 7.6 |
Author of Calculated Risk, Old Photo! |
732 | 7.6 |
senior media reporter, @CNN. covering the intersection of media & politics. sometimes tech. inbox: |
733 | 7.6 |
NYT Political Columnist. Former Washington Post and Huffington Post political reporter. Professor Columbia J-School, Poker player. |
734 | 7.6 |
Scott Gottlieb
Resident Fellow @AEI. Partner @NEA. Contributor @CNBC. 23rd Commissioner @US_FDA 2017 to 2019. Boards: @Pfizer @Illumina @AetionInc @TempusLabs |
735 | 7.6 |
Investor. Extreme salesman. Philanthropy, politics and policy. |
736 | 7.6 |
(((Alan Tonelson))) @AlanTonelson Founder of RealityChek - a blog covering economics, national security, tech, & their intersections. Also checking in regularly on the general human condition. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
738 | 7.6 |
I teach journalism at NYU, critique the press, direct @membershippzzle. PressThink is the name of my subject and my site. Started blogging in 2003. Still at it. |
739 | 7.6 |
Senior Columnist for @TheDailyBeast. Podcaster @MattLewisPod. Co-host @DMZShow. Speaker @LAIspeakers |
740 | 7.6 |
Michael Townsend @MikeTownsendCS Political analyst, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Helping investors understand how policy and politics in Washington affect the markets and your investments. |
741 | 7.6 |
Surgeon, Writer, Researcher, Vaccinator. |
742 | 7.6 |
Politics editor, Washington Examiner. Author of Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped? |
743 | 7.6 |
Reporter for Bloomberg, but views my own. I write a newsletter about Hollywood Send Tips to Ask for Signal. |
744 | 7.6 |
Jessica Huseman @JessicaHuseman Editorial director of @VotebeatUS. Texan who refuses to live elsewhere. 2020 @CNN analyst. Teaching: @IBWellsSociety, & @nyu_oj. Breaking: Every jello mold. |
745 | 7.6 |
Randy Frederick @RandyAFrederick Vice President of Trading and Derivatives, Schwab Center for Financial Research. Disclosures:… |
746 | 7.6 |
@MSNBC/@NBCNews political analyst. 43 WH/NSC/State Dept. Bylines: @TIME @VanityFair. Animal lover. |
747 | 7.6 |
Fellow @CGDev and @IZA_bonn, winner of @RoyalEconSoc Prize. My views only. Assoc. Editor @JPopEcon. Author of @WallsofNations. YouTube: |
748 | 7.6 | |
749 | 7.6 |
It's a simple task, wear a mask! 😷 |
750 | 7.6 |
Author: "Jazz from Detroit" (U of Michigan Press). Former Detroit Free Press arts reporter/critic. Jazz, classical music, visual art (1995-2016) |
751 | 7.6 |
This is the free version. If you want good content out of my byline, buy a Terminal. Likes are bookmarks, Follows may be work related. |
752 | 7.6 |
Senior Editor @BulwarkOnline | Formerly @Weeklystandard, GOP House & Senate staffer |⛴ Ahoy.GOP | Kentucky Colonel | #LetsGoBlues #GoTribe |
753 | 7.6 |
Freelance solutions to problems most people don't want to think about. |
754 | 7.6 |
Tuaca Kelly Music District @hailthetenor Musician + Healer + Creator |
755 | 7.6 |
Balkans Bohemia @BalkansBohemia Writer. Watch LET THE DARKNESS IN 2021 Prague Fringe Prologue Festival. (May 28- June 5) |
756 | 7.6 |
White House Sr Advisor for COVID Response - Let’s Work Together to Defeat COVID-19. Past head of Medicare/Medicaid for Obama/Biden. Personal account. |
757 | 7.6 |
Writer/Editor. “Just a kid from Brooklyn.” |
758 | 7.6 |
Director of Labor Market Policy at @equitablegrowth, feminist economist and EVP of @IAFFE, @newschoolecon & @hampshirecolg alum, all about unions + cats. |
759 | 7.6 |
@MastercardNews VP of editorial content. Reporter alum of @CNET, @WSJ. Team #WenPax |
760 | 7.6 |
Whad'ya Know Podcast on iTunes & Soundcloud |
761 | 7.6 |
Dad. Economist. Cheap talker. In stochastic order. Indian-American He/him UMass Amherst. || @nberpubs Minimum Wage. Monopsony. Unemployment Insurance. |
762 | 7.6 |
#USWNT/#NWSL national writer + 🎙 Full Time, @TheAthletic. 🎥 The Fixture by @iccwomen. 📖 Secrets of Success, 6/1. Merch enabler. 💍 Dr. @MarjorieCorbman. |
763 | 7.6 |
they & she | portland | Reporter @Oregonian | 🇨🇴🏳️🌈 | DMs open / | :) |
764 | 7.6 |
The light inside is broken, but I still work. The Cadillac of online bookmarking sites. Alleged nocoiner. +1 415 610 0231 |
765 | 7.6 |
Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and others. |
766 | 7.6 |
economist | inequality & education | 1st-gen coll grad | my snark | now @UMich incoming @Harvard | @nytimes columns at |
767 | 7.6 |
Love - Macro & technical analysis, travel, foodie, current affairs Buy me coffee is for funding Bloomberg Terminal |
768 | 7.6 |
Managing Partner & CIO, Atreides Management LP. Formerly Fidelity OTC Fund. No investment advice, views my own. |
769 | 7.6 |
Columnist at Bloomberg ( Author of A Nation of Counterfeiters; Crisis Economics (with Nouriel Roubini). Sleep-deprived father of three. |
770 | 7.6 |
Bloomberg Quicktake @Quicktake Live global news and original shows. Streaming free, 24/7. |
771 | 7.6 |
Bloomberg Next China @next_china Where China stands now — and where it's going next. |
772 | 7.6 |
econ prof @dartmouth, founder r2: "a morass of disjointed streams of consciousness" |
773 | 7.6 |
Author. Speaker. American. Owner of the fabulous, historic Muted Island. My opinions are not advice. #FinTwit Fomighty |
774 | 7.6 |
A Shady Dame From Seville @SorayaMcDonald inveterate truth-teller. 2020 criticism Pulitzer finalist. scribbling for @TheUndefeated | | she/her |
775 | 7.6 |
Asst. Prof/PhD/JD @StJohnsLaw • @YaleISP • Online speech, governance, law, empirics & cog psych • Co-host @inlieuoffunshow |
776 | 7.6 |
the once and future city planner // AICP // @UCLAluskin // kentuckian in california |
777 | 7.6 |
राहुल देव Rahul Dev @rahuldev2 पत्रकार। भारतीय भाषाओं का संवर्धन। न्यासी, सम्यक् न्यास। Journalist, Indian languages activist. Trustee, Samyak Foundation. Blog: |
778 | 7.6 |
Reporter for WSJ / writing The Cult of We, the story behind WeWork's implosion and the age of Silicon Valley unicorn craziness |
779 | 7.6 |
Promotes civil liberties, women's rights, liberalism, atheism. Views own, obviously. |
780 | 7.6 |
Gold Telegraph ⚡ @GoldTelegraph_ #Gold, #Silver, Commodities, News, Commentary, and The Unmasking of Economic Truths. 🌍 | NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. |
781 | 7.6 |
James Surowiecki @JamesSurowiecki Author of The Wisdom of Crowds. I blog at I wrote The Financial Page for The New Yorker. |
782 | 7.6 |
City Hall reporter for @WSJNY. Townie. "Peace through understanding." ✨ 🕵🏻♀️ Signal: 9175047505 |
783 | 7.6 |
AndreasStenoLarsen @AndreasSteno Young body, old brain. Global Chief Strategist @ Nordea - G10 mostly, but expect me to ramble about everything. |
784 | 7.6 |
Journalist @SpectatorUSA + Managing Director @IdeasB2 + Advisory Board @FAIRForAll_org Email: |
785 | 7.6 |
Personal account. @JECDems/@RepDonBeyer/@BetoORourke/@CenterOnBudget/@AmProg/@SEIU alum. All tweets and typos my own. 510 is home. He/Him |
786 | 7.6 |
Evolutionary biologist. Managing Editor @Quillette. Lover of whisk(e)y, fitness, cats, and ideas. Newsletter: Gmail: cwright1859 |
787 | 7.6 |
Digital, polling for Dems @insurrectionco. Ex EIC, NY Observer. NYU j-school prof. 'Bama native, Brooklynite. She/her. #BLM http://mynewbandis.substack |
788 | 7.6 |
bon vivant, !@#$ *occasionally paid* political strategist "He seems intent on outclevering everyone." NYT Review Of Bonks |
789 | 7.6 |
Charles Flemming @ChasFlemming I live in more than one bubble. |
790 | 7.6 |
Keith Humphreys @KeithNHumphreys Esther Ting Memorial Professor at Stanford University. Public policy advisor, film buff, and native of West by God Virginia. Writing at Washington Post. |
791 | 7.6 |
Historian of invention. Author of “Arts & Minds”, a new history of @theRSAorg. I write "Age of Invention", an email newsletter on the history of invention 👇 |
792 | 7.6 |
Rabble rouser. Mountain mama. Conservative cohost @TheView 🇺🇸🌵 |
793 | 7.6 |
37th President of the United States. Messages from the President unsigned, others from Ronald Ziegler. FAQ: |
794 | 7.6 |
@NPR, @Marketplace, @business, and @MSNBC/@NBCNews alumnus |
795 | 7.6 |
marc friedrich 🟠 @marcfriedrich7 Bestsellerautor, Speaker, Finanzexperte, Vordenker Honorarberater, Freigeist; Economist, 6xBestselling Author, consultant #gold #bitcoin #silver #uranium |
796 | 7.6 |
Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for MENA @CFR_org. Big NY sports & pizza guy. Goofy dad. I'd rather be skiing. My own opinions. RTs ≠endorsement. |
797 | 7.6 |
Jordan Schneider 司马乔丹 @jordanschnyc Analyst at @rhodium_group covering China and technology. ChinaTalk podcast: Newsletter: Fellow: @cnasdc |
798 | 7.6 |
Poet. For evidence, see link below. |
799 | 7.6 | |
800 | 7.6 |
Formerly 22 years in non profit arts now an essential worker due to layoff "If music is agreeable to my ear why does it have to have a category?" Duke Ellington |
801 | 7.6 |
clowns to the left, jokers to the right |
802 | 7.6 |
We're supposed to put something witty here but I'm all out of wit. So I'll just go with "drive-by observer of the jazz scene." |
803 | 7.6 |
not the darth you are looking for |
804 | 7.6 |
Past: ESPN, SI, The Cauldron, wrote a basketball analytics book. Present: Academia. Future: So bright, I gotta wear shades. |
805 | 7.6 |
Jack of all trades,master of none:Economist,hotelier,sacked( @ahval_en columnist,Channel Swimmer(23/8/19),BJK fan.Plastic bottle&🐻❄️/🦭! |
806 | 7.6 |
Husband, father, cancer survivor, Congressman from the Great State of Texas. Freedom works. |
807 | 7.6 |
Reuters Global News Desk editor, Asia. Defense, other stuff. Novelist, aviation geek, bartender, dad. Ex-NYT. Grew up in Midwest, moved to Mideast. Views my own |
808 | 7.6 |
Ron Kampeas is JTA's Washington bureau chief. RT="People who follow a JTA reporter might find this interesting/amusing, nothing more." |
809 | 7.6 |
Financial specialists making climate risk critical to financial markets. #EnergyTransition #FossilFuels #StrandedAssets #Oil #Gas #Coal #Renewables #Climate |
810 | 7.6 |
Murtaza M. Hussain @MazMHussain Focused on the social applications of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and clean energy technology. Also writes on foreign policy @theintercept. فارسی/اردو/EN |
811 | 7.6 |
Science-based syndicated columnist. Mediator. Latest “science-help” book: Unf*ckology (How to scuttle fear & live w/guts & confidence) |
812 | 7.6 |
Maria LaMagna Morales @MCLaMagna Engagement editor @MarketWatch. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
814 | 7.6 |
Writing and events at STAT. This is biology's century; Every data point has a face. |
815 | 7.6 |
Man in Paris for The Economist, looking at European business and finance. Past includes Mumbai, Brussels, London, FT. Personal feed. Bio and contacts 👇 |
816 | 7.6 |
Sarah Constantin @s_r_constantin research @nanotronics. married to @oscredwin. all opinions my own. |
817 | 7.6 |
Born 350 ppm. Climate + Energy nerd at Bloomberg News. Chemistry PhD, University of Oxford. Writing a book on climate solutions. Newsletter |
818 | 7.6 |
Founder @enchanttheory, the best antiracism training ever. Business inquiries: |
819 | 7.6 |
Full time husband, father, fringe farmer, original rancher. Commodities, comedy, and raising kids. occasional heretic. voted “much nicer in person” |
820 | 7.6 |
Economics Editor, FT |
821 | 7.6 |
Chief Technology and Innovation Officer @NASAPL JPL's @GuyFieri prof @USCViterbi Author #MachineLearning w @TensorFlow 2ed tweets my own |
822 | 7.6 |
Founder, EIC @FiveThirtyEight. Author, The Signal and the Noise ( Sports/politics/food geek. Not a virologist. |
823 | 7.6 |
Journalist, TV anchor |
824 | 7.6 |
"Arrogantly claims to know the meaning of cricket" - @AuthorsCC Yearbook |
825 | 7.6 |
Undisputed king of stuff. Editor-in-Chief, @Ricochet. Contributor, @azcentral. Dread Sovereign, King of Stuff podcast. “Worst of the worst,” Bulwark. IC XC NIKA |
826 | 7.6 |
Newsletter: The Better Letter ( Website: Above the Market ( |
827 | 7.6 |
Lawrence McDonald @Convertbond Father of two, Former Head of Macro Strategy Soc Gen, NY Times Bestselling Author, Long-time @CNBC & @RealVision Contributor, founder of the @BearTrapsReport |
828 | 7.6 |
Not associated with the Federal Reserve. Financial Parody and sarcasm, control of the world’s liquidity. $NADA 🐳 |
829 | 7.6 |
Jonathan Miller @jonathanmiller #Housing analyst #realestate #appraiser blogger @Columbia prof, non-economist, Miller Samuel CEO, family man, maker of snow and lobster fisherman (order varies) |
830 | 7.6 |
I lead Alpha Architect, a veteran-owned asset manager with a mission: Empower Investors through Education. We make (and bake) ETFs. Grateful: #MFTF #USMC #LT100 |
831 | 7.6 |
Instincts - Specializing in market satire - FinTwit - Financial Media Critic - Never take investing advice from your neighbor's cat |
832 | 7.6 |
Adi Shankara / Vivekachudamani / West Asia/ Global Eco/ @theHockeyIndia /@MumbaiCricAssoc / A-Political /Usual Caveats on RT& Sharing of Articles |
833 | 7.6 |
I'm a Labor Economist. Originally from Utah. Lover of craft beer. Worshiper of the red dirt of Moab. Views expressed here my own. |
834 | 7.6 |
Managing Editor, Internet. |
835 | 7.6 |
kilgore trout, junky horse @KT_So_It_Goes turnip shepherd & bad person |
836 | 7.6 |
Richard Goldberg @rich_goldberg Chicago sports fan. #GoNavy! @FDD @JIPodcast. Former: WHNSC; IL Governor’s Chief of Staff; US House & Senate; @NorthwesternU. |
837 | 7.6 |
HK-based writer & lawyer. Author of “City on Fire: The Fight for Hong Kong”. Also local in MEL/PEK/LHR. Email: // Newsletter: |
838 | 7.6 |
Mariam Memarsadeghi @memarsadeghi #براندازم ~ activist, analyst, public speaker, social entrepreneur for a democratic Iran ~ senior fellow, @MLInstitute ~ |
839 | 7.6 |
Ariel Edwards-Levy @aedwardslevy Polling + election analytics editor @CNN; keeping (cross)tabs on public opinion and the news. LA native, formerly @HuffPost. I like puns. |
840 | 7.6 |
Dust-to-Digital @dusttodigital Music research, production and exploration. |
841 | 7.6 |
Ex-hedge fund manager, ex-tech stock analyst. Likes, following=of interest, not endorsement. Articles at ,… |
842 | 7.6 |
My views only |
843 | 7.6 |
Book snob, former optimist, collector of pretty pottery and colourful artwork. No television,no need . Retired bookseller still collecting noble tomes Well fed. |
844 | 7.6 |
The Economist's China Affairs Editor. Formerly media editor. Views expressed may be the opposite of my employer’s |
845 | 7.6 |
director of innovation policy @ppi // the US is the R&D lab for the world and we should act like it |
846 | 7.6 |
New Yorker staff writer and Houston Rockets fan; formerly a staff writer at Slate and senior editor at The New Republic. |
847 | 7.6 |
I remain skeptical about Twitter. Also: White House buro chief for @washingtonpost. @MSNBC and @NBCNews senior political analyst. And @nytimes alum. |
848 | 7.6 |
Writer @nytimes. Author. Novel, "The Elm Tree" (2022, @simonschuster) Memoir: "Missed Translations: Meeting The Immigrant Parents Who Raised Me" (@deystreet) |
849 | 7.6 |
Pollster, election analyst, founder of Number Cruncher (@NCPoliticsUK|@NCPoliticsEU|@NCSpo) love sports (volleyball, F1) travel and Alsace Wine. Own views |
850 | 7.6 |
managing director of media, Emerson Collective; vice chairman, The Atlantic; formerly NYT, WSJ. Married to @isabelgillies. |
851 | 7.6 |
Journalist. I have worked everywhere. Aspiring Queen of Queens. Mama to 2 kids, 2 books, 1 mutt. Join our community: |
852 | 7.6 |
The unputdownable English newspaper of the ABP group published from Calcutta, India. Retweets are not endorsements. |
853 | 7.6 |
Editor of the Financial Times 2005-20. Writer, broadcaster. Chair of the Wincott Foundation. Investor in The New European. Recovering Spurs fan |
854 | 7.6 |
🇮🇳🇬🇧 🇦🇷Parsi. Editor-in-chief @AreoMagazine. Views purely personal. |
855 | 7.6 |
deputy editor, @dcexaminer magazine | past: education policy, @aei | read in: @wsj @nationalaffairs @nro @quillette @insidehighered, others | go Hogs 'n stuff |
856 | 7.6 |
Thomas Thornton @TommyThornton Hedge Fund Telemetry - Data Collection, Analysis, Communication, and Control |
857 | 7.6 |
#Biotech Investor | Recovering Scientist | May have L/S position in names mentioned | Opinions are strictly my own and not intended as investment advice |
858 | 7.6 |
Frankie Huang 黄秋隐 @ourobororoboruo Beijing儿 American changeling, feminist, writist, artist @theatlantic @nytimes @guardian @mcsweeneys +more @EncoreOrg @TheOpEdProject Public Voice Fellow she/her |
859 | 7.6 |
Novelist and Senior Writer for @TheBabylonBee. Married to @preptodye and we have 4 kids, youngest with DS. I'm trying to be more Christ-like. Or trying to try. |
860 | 7.6 |
Author NYT bestsellers EVIL GENIUSES, Fantasyland, True Believers, Heyday, Turn of the Century, previously host Studio 360, editor New York, cofounder Spy |
861 | 7.6 |
Surviving journalist @THR @KCRW Peabody Board of Jurors. I mute or block bigots. |
862 | 7.6 |
Contrib Editor, @Washmonthly @Washingtonian. Alum @Time, @Newsweek. @CondeNast. Bylines galore. Lover of humanity and '70s films. Contact info In pinned tweet. |
863 | 7.6 |
Three decades of helping iconic journalism, media and publishing companies in US/Europe/Asia re-discover and maintain contemporary relevance, ethically. He/Him |
864 | 7.6 |
“You cause your own country to fall"--Stevie Wonder |
865 | 7.6 |
Stephanie Kelton
NYT Bestseller POLITICO 50 (2016); Bloomberg 50 (2019); World's Top 50 (2020) Prospect Magazine; Barron's 100 Women in Finance (2021) |
866 | 7.6 |
Official Twitter account of Lazard, the global financial advisory and asset management firm. Follow us for the latest news and updates. $LAZ |
867 | 7.6 |
Amee Vanderpool @girlsreallyrule Writer, lawyer, quipster, wonk, analyst, contributor and published author. Related to Audrey Hepburn. I write SHERO newsletter. |
868 | 7.6 |
Critic-at-large @NRO, fellow @NR_institute, columnist @nypost & theater critic @NewCriterion. Turned off notifications from those who don’t follow me. |
869 | 7.6 |
Up-to-the-second financial markets news. Try our audio squawk service today: |
870 | 7.6 |
Nicole Auerbach @NicoleAuerbach @TheAthletic Senior Writer, College Football | @SiriusXM Host | The @NSMASportsMedia National Sports Writer of the Year for 2020 |
871 | 7.6 |
Climate change reporter for the New York Times. I still tweet about puppies, though. |
872 | 7.6 |
Dana "Fully Vaxxed & Still Masking" Hull 👩🏻💻 @danahull Newspaper gal at heart. Covering @Tesla 🚘🔋@SpaceX 🚀and @ElonMusk🤖 at Bloomberg in SF. Opinions *mine.* Let's talk. Direct: 415-617-7231; DM for signal |
873 | 7.6 | |
874 | 7.6 |
Jordan Peterson
U Toronto Psychology Professor. NOTE: RTs/follows are not to be read unfailingly as endorsements. I sometimes post material with which I do not agree. |
875 | 7.6 |
Bloomberg. Other stuff sometimes. Terrible at writing bios. |
876 | 7.6 |
Host, MSNBC “Velshi”, Sat/Sun 8-10aET, & "The Last Word" Fri 10pET. I actually AM a Kenyan-born Muslim. Eml pandemic stories/photos/videos to |
877 | 7.6 |
Opinion @latimesopinion Columnist @WIRED, @1843mag / Late of @realtrumpcast, @nytimes / Podcast “After Trump” / PhD fwiw |
878 | 7.6 |
Sr. Political Analyst, Fox News Channel. Arguments welcome. Name callers & verbal abusers blocked. Parler Acct: BritHumeFoxNews |
879 | 7.6 |
CEO of Pushkin industries. @Gladwell and I make podcasts. |
880 | 7.6 |
Husbandist|Strategist|Militarist|Jurist|Papist~Red Tory~Souths/Richmond/ISTJ/Cars~Basset Hound counsellor~Proverbs 27:17~All tweets & RTs trenchant or sardonic |
881 | 7.6 |
Managing editor for local news @Chalkbeat. Before @wsj @nydailynews @nhregister. Coal miner's granddaughter. Ms. @jonlemire. I’m crafty and write about my kids. |
882 | 7.6 |
This account is used for discussion about Barry Ritholtz's (@ritholtz) Masters in Business podcast:… |
883 | 7.6 |
Mostly harmless |
884 | 7.6 |
Head of Editorial, Google Cloud. Formerly New York Times, Forbes, Wall Street Journal. Views & comments are mine, not Google's. |
885 | 7.6 |
Markets and (real) football. If you don't like any of those, you have an option. |
886 | 7.6 |
“The most active national security lawyer on Twitter.” - Above the Law |
887 | 7.6 |
Meena Thiruvengadam @Meena_Thiru Writer. Editorial Consultant. Journalism Trainer. Founder @TravelWithMeena. Bylines @TravelLeisure, @FortuneMagazine, @WSJ, etc ... ✉️ |
888 | 7.6 |
Benjamin Weinthal @BenWeinthal European Affairs Correspondent at The Jerusalem Post. Research Fellow @FDD. Opinions are my own. RT/follow ≠ endorsement. |
889 | 7.5 |
@WashingtonPost Economics Correspondent | Proud Pennsylvanian | Email: |
890 | 7.5 |
Mostly tweet about politics, econ, tech, and China. |
891 | 7.5 |
Brazil News Director for the @AP • New Englander/Gringo da Gema, via Mexico, Chile & Argentina • ✉️ |
892 | 7.5 |
freelance politics writer / columnist @msnbc / born on the bayou / once described as a “sharp-tongued lass” |
893 | 7.5 |
Professor at Georgetown, Visiting Prof at Oxford & Aarhus. Immigrant. Views my own. Administrative burdens guy:… |
894 | 7.5 |
Michael Douglas Weiss
@newlinesmag, @thedailybeast, @foreignoffpod. ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror: Next book is on GRU for @twelvebooks. |
895 | 7.5 |
Once with The Daily Caller before it went insane. Also once a U.S. foreign service officer and (still) an attorney. Tips? Threats? |
896 | 7.5 |
anti-insurrection aktion @rythehellnot fighting to end the uncivil war. (((weather control committee space laser command))) | he/him | disastrous bisexual |
897 | 7.5 |
I've leaned in and I can't get up |
898 | 7.5 |
Author, most recently, of The Twice-Born, @picadorUSA, @HurstPublishers, @HarperCollinsIN. Contributor @tmagazine, plus In Search of India’s Soul” on @AJEnglish |
899 | 7.5 |
Investment manager nella vita reale, commentatore economico nella bolla virtuale. Canale Telegram: Donazioni:… |
900 | 7.5 |
native texan, plant witch, interior design aficionado, digital/comms for dems. personal account. tweets, RTs, likes my own. black lives always matter. |
901 | 7.5 |
I’m a business reporter @WashingtonPost | | Signal: 954-282-1654 |
902 | 7.5 |
Stop scolding me, I'm vaccinated @jtLOL Get vaccinated. Or don't. What do I care? You leave me alone, I leave you alone. |
903 | 7.5 |
Managing Director, @ChinaBeigeBook. Tweet on economic, geopolitical, and policy issues driving financial markets. Views my own. RTs ≠ endorsement. |
904 | 7.5 |
Contributing editor, Daily Kos. I'm a recently retired doctor who tweets about politics, and sometimes, being a doctor. Personal account, reflecting my own view |
905 | 7.5 |
Anchor and Correspondent. Host of BBC World News' Impact with Yalda Hakim. RTs not endorsements. |
906 | 7.5 |
Finch in Albuquerque in a Mask @FinchinABQ Not all who wander are lost, but I definitely am. She/her. DC ➡️ ABQ.… |
907 | 7.5 |
Nicola M. White @nicola_m_white Writing about accounting & what's behind the numbers at Bloomberg @tax. Talk to me about CECL. Reported in NJ, Tampa, NYC & now DC. |
908 | 7.5 |
Senior Writer @WIRED and co-host of the Gadget Lab podcast. Lover of plot twists., DMs open, contact for Signal info. |
909 | 7.5 |
Cristian Farias @cristianafarias I’ve written about law, justice, and their failures in lots of places. Working on a new thing. Hablo y pienso en español. |
910 | 7.5 |
Author of GRIFTOPIA, THE DIVIDE, THE BUSINESS SECRETS OF DRUG DEALING, and HATE INC. Podcast, Useful Idiots: UsefulIdiots.Substack.Com |
911 | 7.5 |
Patrick OShaughnessy @patrick_oshag Mapping the world’s business & investing knowledge: @OSAMResearch 🧬 / @psumvc 🟣 / @capitalcamp ⛺️ / @joincolossus 🔎 |
912 | 7.5 |
Soledad O'Brien
working mom |
913 | 7.5 |
Anglo writer in Poland. @TheSpectator, @UnHerd, @Quillette, @AmConMag, @ArcDigi and others. My newsletter: |
914 | 7.5 |
Washington Correspondent, New York Magazine. Writing a book with @RyanLizza for Simon & Schuster’s Avid Reader about 2020. 📩 |
915 | 7.5 |
the Patrick Condon Program @TribTowerViews Let those who hold land retain, buy & sell or bequeath it. Let them even continue to call it "their" land. We may leave them the shell, if we take the kernel. |
916 | 7.5 |
Public Equities Tech Investor. like != endorsement My tweets are like my personal journal. I like feedback (positive or negative) more than likes/retweets. |
917 | 7.5 |
Franklin Harris @FranklinH3000 Professional editor. Don't let the typos fool you. Freelance writer. Pop culture critic. Personal account. Opinions not my employers'. Humean being. |
918 | 7.5 |
Professor at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Economics in the Age of COVID-19. Chief Economist of Creative Destruction Lab |
919 | 7.5 |
Brian Romanchuk @RomanchukBrian Writes on bond market economics |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
921 | 7.5 |
My blog/newsletter @praxtime is about tech trends and the near future. On twtter, I mostly tweet science, tech, econ links. Mostly. |
922 | 7.5 |
Arthur C. Brooks
Professor of Practice @Harvard @Kennedy_School @HarvardHBS, Author "How to Build a Life" @TheAtlantic, President @AEI 2009-2019, ex-trompista @OrquestraOBC |
923 | 7.5 |
Yair Rosenberg @Yair_Rosenberg Senior writer, @tabletmag. Teller of stories, troller of Nazis. Politics, religion, culture. Newsletter: Music: |
924 | 7.5 |
TakingHayekSeriously🧨 @FriedrichHayek Everyday *Taking Hayek Seriously* provides you with the graduate seminar on Friedrich Hayek you cannot get at Harvard or Stanford. |
925 | 7.5 |
Exec Ed, @VFHive (previously: buzzfeed news, the guardian) Send tips: |
926 | 7.5 |
soon: @businessinsider • past: @qz, @cjr, @globeandmail, @todayintabs • posting reminders at @doomscroll_bot •🇨🇦• she/her |
927 | 7.5 |
Music Composition/Sound Design. Releases: Music For Places, Rifts, 2046, Rhythm By Addition, Virga. |
928 | 7.5 |
Steve Salerno ... as Eden sinks to grief @iwrotesham We NEED better journalism Teacher-of-Year 2020. I've written for every publication that counts. Can rake in the 90 cage. Memoir coming. I go to "don't go there" |
929 | 7.5 |
Richard Scheinin @RichardScheinin Staff writer @SFJAZZ. Also covering jazz & classical music for other primo arts groups & publications. In2 Coltrane, Laura Nyro, Mahler. McCoy is the one. |
930 | 7.5 |
FT markets ed. Scummy... Globalist shit for brains... Vomiting Camels. E17 before it was cool. Formless. Not actually a boomer. @ftmarkets |
931 | 7.5 |
He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them. |
932 | 7.5 |
Conservative, Orthodox Christian, Southerner, Europhile, eclecticist. Author of 'The Benedict Option', 'Live Not By Lies'. Sr editor, The American Conservative |
933 | 7.5 |
Director of the MOBY Group. RTs/follows not endorsements |
934 | 7.5 |
G. Elliott Morris
Data journalist @TheEconomist. Book about polls and democracy forthcoming @wwnorton. My blog/newsletter on public opinion, data, &c: |
935 | 7.5 |
CSO @Blockstream, CEO @Pixelmatic, creator of @InfiniteFleet, entrepreneur, executive producer, game developer, & marketing strategist. |
936 | 7.5 |
I help people make smarter and more disciplined decisions with their money. | Founder @orcamgroup 💸 | Author @pragcap 📚| |
937 | 7.5 |
Food Editor @Washingtonian magazine. DC native. Rescue dog mom. Email me: |
938 | 7.5 |
Politics/econ/history/tech/Christianity, learning Python for data science, blog: |
939 | 7.5 |
Kelsey Butler @itskelseybutler Private debt reporter @business. Rooting for everybody Black. 🇩🇴🇺🇸Likes = bacon, bocce, Beyonce. GIFs are my love language. Email: |
940 | 7.5 |
cypherpunk, cryptographer, privacy/ecash, inventor hashcash (used in Bitcoin mining) PhD Comp Sci Co-Founder/CEO |
941 | 7.5 |
(Fiscal Year 2022) 🇲🇽🇵🇷 @daguilarcanabal Diego AC. personal musings mostly about pineapple pizza. @BerkLegUnion policy doula for @TaplinTerry. from govt, here to help, weakly held opinions my own |
942 | 7.5 |
sangeeta sanghvi @sangeetasanghvi solo traveler. wannabe nomad...... RTs and forwards are not endorsement.. |
943 | 7.5 |
working on a book about the early 90s / please subscribe to my substack UNPOPULAR FRONT / don't get most notifications |
944 | 7.5 |
Strategic comms, NJ expat, urbanite, @FordSchool MPP. Music, culture (some high, most low), biking, data, healthcare, politics, recapturing skate punk youth. |
945 | 7.5 |
Noga Tarnopolsky @NTarnopolsky Israel & Palestine reporter. Also follow California, Argentina, Switzerland, wine & steak. ❤️= bookmark IG @noga_ga LI… |
946 | 7.5 |
Writer at @IBMResearch. Raised in Britain with a Brooklyn accent. Views mine. |
947 | 7.5 |
Dr. Elizabeth Sacha Baroness Cohen @alixabeth Professor of Politics/Rockefeller Fellow @ Center for Human Values, Princeton University/Associate Editor, American Journal of Political Science/ |
948 | 7.5 |
Lebanese-American; Senior Fellow & Director of Conflict Resolution & Track II Dialogues Program @Middleeastinst & Non-Resident Fellow @SAISHopkins FPI @FPI_SAIS |
949 | 7.5 |
Alix Steel is the co-anchor of Bloomberg Markets 10am-12pm, Bloomberg Commodities Edge Thursday’s 1-1:30 @BloombergTV, opinions are my own |
950 | 7.5 |
Michael Batnick @michaelbatnick Long-distance reader |
951 | 7.5 |
Senior writer @FanGraphs, ex @si_mlb/@baseballpro. Occasional TV guest yakker. Creator of JAWS, author of The Cooperstown Casebook (‘17). Not sticking to sports |
952 | 7.5 |
The world's best stories, since 2009. Use #longreads to share your favorites. Part of the @Automattic @WordPressdotcom family. |
953 | 7.5 |
Emperor Norton I 👑 @TheNortyEmp By the Grace of God, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. Shitposting, hornyposting, and politics. Occasional sincereposts just to confuse you. |
954 | 7.5 |
Independent Economics Journalist (self-proclaimed, meaning just a blogger) who likes to interview economists. (but too depressed to do so for a while already) |
955 | 7.5 |
Editor @CEDAAshoka. Past: @BSIndia | समर शेष है, नहीं पाप का भागी केवल व्याध। जो तटस्थ हैं, समय लिखेगा उनका भी अपराध। Co-author - Note By Note | Views personal |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
957 | 7.5 |
I used to sling stocks at the Squid now I just wanna find the next 10-bagger. Mostly dog, food+beverage pics in equal measure 🥂 🐾 Je parle français et Twitter |
958 | 7.5 |
City Hall Bureau Chief for @nytimes. Texan, subway enthusiast & mom of two boys. |
959 | 7.5 |
PIIE Senior Fellow | JHU Professor. PhD, LSE. Member @obscovid19br. MSc. Candidate Immunology and Microbiology, Georgetown University. Economics & Immunology. |
960 | 7.5 |
Jennifer Doleac
Econ prof @TAMU. Director @JusticeTechLab. Host of the @ProbCausation pod. I study crime & discrimination. Links: Buy me a ☕️: |
961 | 7.5 | |
962 | 7.5 |
Political Scientist | Author | UT Austin, JNU alum |War, Security, South Asia| Anti-fascist | Feminist | Whiskey-drinker | Amateur Kickboxer | Owner of my views |
963 | 7.5 |
Founder, Editor-at-large, The Bulwark; Host, Bulwark Podcast; Contributor, MSNBC; Author, "How the Right Lost Its Mind" Email: |
964 | 7.5 |
Micromobility Industries @MicromobilityCo The car will be unbundled :: Pod, blog, newsletter (, events :: Micromobility America conference is back in San Francisco on Sept 23 |
965 | 7.5 |
Managing Editor @BloombergQuint journalist, insomniac. RTs are not endorsements. If you must disagree, do so agreeably. |
966 | 7.5 |
Nathan Attrill 周雷森 @nathanattrill Researcher at @ASPI_ICPC | Chinese politics | CCP institutions and influence | Australia-China relations 🇦🇺🇨🇳 | Kiwi in Australia 🥝 |
967 | 7.5 |
Matthew Winkler @Matthew_Winkler Editor in Chief Emeritus and Founder of Bloomberg News |
968 | 7.5 |
Samanth Subramanian
Writer @qz + @gdnlongread. Words also in @newyorker, @NYTMag, @WIRED and others. My JBS Haldane biography is out now. Newsletter: |
969 | 7.5 |
Football, politics, history, sunsets, shit jokes, Estela, stuff. On the pages of the Guardian, the screens of ESPN and in your ears at TSFP. Usually at a game. |
970 | 7.5 |
Now: @msnbc/@peacock. Before: @newrepublic, @motherjones, @deptofdefense, these Huggies, and whatever cash you got. |
971 | 7.5 |
Benjamin J. Davies MD @daviesbj Professor of Urology : University of Pittsburgh: Program Director Urologic Oncology Fellowship: Chief of Urology, Shadyside H. I do not eat sentient life forms |
972 | 7.5 | 📩 |
973 | 7.5 |
A campaign to make bigotry and sexism less profitable. “They’re the worst.” - Steve Bannon. “The most evil people on the planet.” - Mike Lindell, CEO MyPillow |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
975 | 7.5 |
Professor of Politics. Affiliated @CSPICenterOrg @ManhattanInst @Policy_Exchange. From Vancouver BC. (Ice) hockey player. Dad. |
976 | 7.5 |
I cover U.S. tax policy for the @WSJ. There is ALWAYS a tax angle. Retweets are not endorsements or tax advice. |
977 | 7.5 |
Commodity Analyst. #OOTT Views are my own. Tweets intended for information only. Retweets ≠ endorsements. |
978 | 7.5 |
TREKONOMICS author Manu Saadia 🇫🇷 | 'wrote the book on this subject' - Krugman | renamed Elon Musk Space Karen | novel coming soon |
979 | 7.5 |
Doriano Paisano Carta @Paisano Writer, Investor & Entrepreneur. Co-Founder: @Applanta @SafeCrowd @Shoppio @HeroNetworkNews @Dad_O_Matic, & more. Tech Journalist: @mashable @gigaom etc. |
980 | 7.5 |
Air oscillation source specializing in the 41 - 220 Hz range. |
981 | 7.5 |
Hindustani khyal singer, composer, environmental activist, impresario of Playing For The Planet benefit concerts, founder of the Climate Letter Project. |
982 | 7.5 |
A.M. Juster (#Petrarch w/W.W. Norton in 2023) @amjuster #poet/#translator; #poetry ed @Plough; Wonder & Wrath (@PaulDry 2020); @alzassociation Humanitarian of the Year; #Poetry #HudsonReview #ParisReview |
983 | 7.5 |
teaching at @brownuniversity, writing for @newyorker @lrb @nytimes @thenation, wannabe jazz sideman. |
984 | 7.5 |
Write stuff, read stuff, build stuff. Check out my newsletter on politics and current affairs with @ShantMM. Subscribe here: |
985 | 7.5 |
@livemint @thecaravanindia WIPC @pen_int. Bks @AlephBookCo @yalepress @westlandbooks @seagullbooks Next:Gujaratis Sr Adv @ihrb Views my own, if you must ask |
986 | 7.5 |
NFL analyst @ ESPN, crossword enthusiast, hater of the goal line fade. Wins are not a QB stat✌️ |
987 | 7.5 |
Noisy books. |
(Temporarily missing user profile) | ||
989 | 7.5 |
Belo e moral. #Bitcoin |
990 | 7.5 |
Senior reporter for @voxdotcom, writing about business, the economy, and things that are weird. |
991 | 7.5 |
TOLOnews is Afghanistan's first 24-hours news and current affairs television network. |
992 | 7.5 |
Data to understand the big global problems and research that helps to make progress against them. • @UniOfOxford researcher • @OurWorldInData founder |
993 | 7.5 |
Will Bunch Sign Up For My Newsletter @Will_Bunch National opinion columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer. NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP! Author of Tear Down This Myth, The Backlash, The Bern Identity |
994 | 7.5 |
Nicholas Clairmont @NickClairmont1 Associate Editor @ArcDigi, Word of the Week writer at Washington Examiner Mag, book reviewer. Formerly @TheAtlantic @aminterest. |
995 | 7.5 |
Physician and clinical/translational vaccine researcher |
996 | 7.5 |
Making machines that make other machines @genfabco. Tribune of the plebs and resident anarchotechnocrat @ne0liberal. |
997 | 7.5 |
Most recent book: Vigil (; Day job: UCI history prof; publish as "Jeffrey," go by "Jeff"; retweets ≠ endorsements; he/his/ 他 |
998 | 7.5 |
45 years a journalist--Wsj, Fortune, Time Inc.--and I was never offered a P.R. job. Was it something I said? Co-author: |
999 | 7.5 |
Investor, Bookworm. Contemplative. Always reading!📖 Mathematics | MBA | |
1000 | 7.5 |
"You must be bold, brave, and courageous and find a way... to get in good trouble." -John Lewis #TheReidOut ❤️ #reiders. Likes are sometimes just bookmarks. |
Websites | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 13.9x | 7.5% | | 11.0x | 0.6% | | 9.4x | 4.4% | | 8.7x | 1.9% | | 7.8x | 1.1% | | 7.3x | 1.1% | | 5.7x | 15.9% | | 5.5x | 0.6% | | 4.3x | 1.1% | | 3.7x | 0.8% | | 3.3x | 1.7% | | 3.2x | 2.8% | | 2.0x | 1.5% | | 1.5x | 1.0% | | 1.3x | 0.9% | | 1.2x | 0.6% | | 1.1x | 0.7% | | 0.9x | 2.1% | | 0.9x | 0.5% | | 0.5x | 0.6% | | 0.5x | 1.4% | | 0.5x | 0.7% | | 0.4x | 1.4% | | 0.4x | 5.3% | | 0.4x | 2.6% |
Mediums | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 7.1x | 1.2% | | 2.4x | 3.6% | | 2.3x | 47.3% | | 1.2x | 7.8% | | 1.0x | 1.5% | | 0.9x | 2.4% | | 0.9x | 8.8% | | 0.6x | 13.5% | | 0.5x | 1.3% | | 0.5x | 1.8% | | 0.3x | 4.1% | | 0.2x | 0.7% |
Substacks | vs. baseline | influence |
---|---|---| | 20.2x | 1.6% | | 7.8x | 51.6% | | 2.3x | 12.2% | | 1.6x | 1.0% | | 1.4x | 3.7% | | 0.8x | 1.1% | | 0.7x | 2.2% | | 0.7x | 0.7% | | 0.6x | 1.3% | | 0.6x | 3.5% | | 0.6x | 0.6% | | 0.4x | 2.3% | | 0.3x | 0.6% | | 0.3x | 5.6% |
Apple Podcasts | vs. baseline | influence |
id1097696129 | 10.4x | 7.7% |
id1507777957 | 7.8x | 1.1% |
id1081584611 | 5.6x | 11.3% |
id730188152 | 4.1x | 4.1% |
id1099277290 | 2.8x | 0.6% |
id1270804213 | 2.7x | 1.1% |
id1445901378 | 2.7x | 5.1% |
id1478748784 | 2.7x | 1.1% |
id1354508748 | 2.7x | 0.6% |
id1393726435 | 2.7x | 0.6% |
id1503226625 | 2.7x | 0.6% |
id983795625 | 2.7x | 2.9% |
id1465767420 | 2.5x | 2.1% |
id1320118593 | 2.5x | 4.0% |
id1056200096 | 2.4x | 16.7% |
id1489171190 | 2.4x | 0.9% |
id135066958 | 2.0x | 1.2% |
id290783428 | 1.7x | 2.3% |
id1042433083 | 1.3x | 4.2% |
id1412236217 | 0.8x | 1.1% |
id1508202790 | 0.7x | 7.8% |
id1291144720 | 0.6x | 4.5% |
id1532976305 | 0.6x | 0.6% |
id360084272 | 0.5x | 2.6% |
id1504128553 | 0.4x | 1.1% |
Subreddits | vs. baseline | influence |
/r/natureisfuckinglit | 51.2x | 1.5% |
/r/damnthatsinteresting | 32.2x | 0.7% |
/r/testandtrace | 5.8x | 3.0% |
/r/beamazed | 5.5x | 6.9% |
/r/worldnews | 5.0x | 27.6% |
/r/neoliberal | 4.8x | 3.1% |
/r/mapporn | 3.2x | 7.0% |
/r/walmart | 1.3x | 1.0% |
/r/restofthefuckingowl | 1.3x | 1.0% |
/r/mapswithoutnewzealan | 1.3x | 1.0% |
/r/wallstreetbets | 1.3x | 13.0% |
/r/dataisbeautiful | 1.0x | 5.2% |
/r/iama | 1.0x | 8.6% |
/r/ethereum | 1.0x | 0.8% |
/r/bitcoin | 1.0x | 0.7% |
/r/pics | 0.9x | 0.8% |
/r/relationship_advice | 0.9x | 0.6% |
/r/asklatinamerica | 0.4x | 0.5% |
/r/rareinsults | N/Ax | 2.4% |
/r/battlestations | N/Ax | 0.9% |
/r/likeus | N/Ax | 0.6% |
Patreons | vs. baseline | influence |
rootsofprogress | 11.1x | 4.1% |
newdiscourses | 5.6x | 2.3% |
wesleyyang | 4.5x | 33.0% |
quillette | 3.1x | 2.8% |
blockedandreported | 2.5x | 17.9% |
neoliberalproject | 1.8x | 0.6% |
wethefifth | 1.4x | 0.8% |
habibibros | 1.2x | 2.3% |
m | 0.9x | 0.8% |
covid-19-creative-economy-patreon-data-science | 0.9x | 0.7% |
bethbourdon | 0.6x | 2.9% |
shivramdas?fan_landing=true | 0.4x | 3.4% |
psychpodcast | 0.4x | 0.6% |
badfaithpodcast | 0.4x | 1.1% |
lubchansky | 0.2x | 6.8% |
colemanhughes | N/Ax | 2.5% |
parrotroom | N/Ax | 2.3% |
visakanv | N/Ax | 1.8% |
user?u=926060 | N/Ax | 0.6% |
twofortea | N/Ax | 0.5% |
YouTube Channels | vs. baseline | influence |
vaibhavbadjatya | 15.9x | 1.2% |
asiwind | 14.6x | 11.2% |
jeriellsworth | 14.6x | 6.4% |
amberdust | 14.6x | 4.8% |
frankflyman | 14.6x | 3.2% |
jameslee | 14.6x | 1.6% |
bradmehldaufan | 14.6x | 1.6% |
2cellos | 14.6x | 1.6% |
acapellascience | 14.6x | 1.6% |
léakyle | 14.6x | 1.6% |
tr7music | 14.6x | 1.6% |
eduardodyablo | 14.6x | 1.6% |
thebeatles-topic | 8.7x | 3.2% |
bojanjovanovski | 8.7x | 1.6% |
zynukthoom | 8.7x | 1.6% |
mark | 8.7x | 1.6% |
tompetty-topic | 8.7x | 1.6% |
paramountmovies | 7.0x | 1.8% |
sassefornebraska | 4.5x | 1.4% |
netflix | 3.9x | 2.6% |
speakingofai | 3.9x | 2.6% |
leatherzipperlips | 3.9x | 2.6% |
clarkjohn | 3.9x | 2.6% |
yussufvondeck | 3.6x | 1.5% |
joanbaez-topic | 3.4x | 0.8% |
bbcnews | 2.2x | 1.1% |
pep | 2.2x | 1.5% |
warholsoup100 | 1.8x | 0.7% |
aleutiandream | 1.3x | 0.9% |
q2q4me | 1.3x | 4.2% |
leonardcohenvevo | 1.3x | 2.1% |
movieclips | 1.0x | 3.4% |
brucemartin | 0.8x | 0.5% |
washingtonpost | 0.4x | 2.1% |
sweepmoon | 0.1x | 0.5% |
chrisfleming | 0.1x | 0.5% |
hotchipsvideos | N/Ax | 1.1% |
josephinepaquette | N/Ax | 0.9% |
rowan&martin'slaugh-in | N/Ax | 0.6% |