Lens Rankings
#970 | 0.000104 | Crypto Infrastructure |
#4289 | 0.000002 | Ethereum |
#6582 | 0.000001 | Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) |
#6667 | 0.000001 | Crypto Political Economy |
#6745 | 0.000001 | Polkadot |
#8555 | 0.000000 | Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) |
#9334 | 0.000000 | Crypto Journalists |
#9392 | 0.000000 | Cosmos |
#9400 | 0.000000 | Crypto Angels |
Think Tanks
#1569 | 0.000027 | Berggruen Institute |
#6335 | 0.000003 | Adam Smith Institute |
#6914 | 0.000001 | RAND Corporation |
#6973 | 0.000001 | Belfer Center |
#7160 | 0.000001 | Urban Institute |
#7345 | 0.000001 | Heritage Foundation |
#7728 | 0.000001 | Cato Institute |
#8632 | 0.000001 | Atlantic Council |
Venture Capital
#5825 | 0.000015 | A16Z |
#6558 | 0.000001 | Standard Crypto |
#6583 | 0.000001 | Founders Fund |
#6982 | 0.000001 | Accel |
#7345 | 0.000001 | Sequioa |
#7733 | 0.000001 | Y Combinator |
#8944 | 0.000000 | Bessemer |
#9144 | 0.000000 | My Climate Journey |
#9381 | 0.000000 | Sutter Hill Ventures |
#9491 | 0.000000 | Index Ventures |
#9705 | 0.000000 | Benchmark Capital |
#9770 | 0.000000 | Homebrew |
Culture and Political Economy
#6541 | 0.000001 | Schumacher Circle |
#6586 | 0.000001 | Fair Vote |
#6675 | 0.000001 | Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) |
#6721 | 0.000001 | Extinction Rebellion |
#6743 | 0.000001 | Claremont Institute |
#6754 | 0.000001 | Ecosocialism |
#6760 | 0.000001 | Existential Risks |
#6816 | 0.000001 | Sierra Clib |
#7048 | 0.000001 | 350.org |
#7218 | 0.000001 | Environmental Defense Fund |
#8700 | 0.000000 | Environmental Journalists |
#9138 | 0.000000 | Bismark Analysis |
#9550 | 0.000000 | Social Epistemology |
#9840 | 0.000000 | RadicalxChange |
#9873 | 0.000000 | Heterodox Academy |
#7071 | 0.000001 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) |
#7477 | 0.000001 | Philosophy Twitter |
#8953 | 0.000001 | Epidimiology Twitter |
Software Engineering
#6661 | 0.000001 | Rust |
#8479 | 0.000000 | Zig |
#6833 | 0.000001 | The Information |
#7318 | 0.000001 | Stat News |
#7589 | 0.000001 | The Verge |
#8177 | 0.000001 | The Economist |
#8324 | 0.000000 | OANN |
#8347 | 0.000000 | Newsmax |
#8658 | 0.000001 | The Daily Beast |
#8748 | 0.000001 | CNBC |
#9377 | 0.000001 | Wired |
#9940 | 0.000001 | Financial Times |