Carrie Cordero
Mom, Stepmom, Wife, Senior Fellow & General Counsel @CNASdc, Legal & National Security Analyst @CNN, Adjunct Professor @GeorgetownLaw | Personal Views
Lens Rankings
Think Tanks
#168 | 0.000637 | Brookings |
#1804 | 0.000085 | Center for American Progress |
#3104 | 0.000012 | Hudson Institute |
#3137 | 0.000032 | Hoover Institution |
#3405 | 0.000040 | American Enterprise Institute |
#3405 | 0.000040 | National Bureau of Economic Research |
#4731 | 0.000024 | Council on Foreign Relations |
#5456 | 0.000003 | Niskanen Center |
#480 | 0.000416 | Wired |
#5456 | 0.000003 | Foreign Policy |
#7280 | 0.000012 | New Yorker |
#8042 | 0.000001 | Reuters |
#8430 | 0.000013 | The Atlantic |
#2229 | 0.000062 | Think Tanks |
Culture and Political Economy
#2493 | 0.000032 | Social Epistemology |
#6882 | 0.000007 | Harper's Open Letter |