Project Lens is an alpha-level demo. The data sets are incomplete and imbalanced and algorithm parameters are being tuned. Results should thus be considered directional. Want to provide feedback, request features, or collaborate?

Shawnté #BLM James, MD 🍩

Shawnté #BLM James, MD 🍩


Lens Rankings


#988 0.000087 The Daily Beast
#6333 0.000001 The Information
#6778 0.000000 OANN
#6797 0.000000 Newsmax
#6824 0.000001 Stat News
#7090 0.000001 The Verge
#7683 0.000001 The Economist
#8269 0.000001 CNBC
#8910 0.000000 The Intercept
#8915 0.000001 Wired
#9459 0.000001 Financial Times
#9845 0.000001 BuzzFeed


#6071 0.000001 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
#6158 0.000001 Crypto Political Economy
#6235 0.000001 Polkadot
#7030 0.000000 Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
#7857 0.000000 Crypto Journalists
#7900 0.000000 Crypto Angels
#7910 0.000000 Cosmos
#8852 0.000000 Public Goods Funding
#9261 0.000000 Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Venture Capital

#6047 0.000001 Standard Crypto
#6075 0.000001 Founders Fund
#6473 0.000001 Accel
#6843 0.000001 Sequioa
#7236 0.000001 Y Combinator
#7417 0.000000 Bessemer
#7656 0.000000 My Climate Journey
#7877 0.000000 Sutter Hill Ventures
#7962 0.000000 Index Ventures
#8210 0.000000 Benchmark Capital
#8309 0.000000 Homebrew
#9175 0.000000 Village Global
#9542 0.000000 Initialized Capital

Culture and Political Economy

#6030 0.000001 Schumacher Circle
#6076 0.000001 Fair Vote
#6169 0.000001 Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
#6211 0.000001 Extinction Rebellion
#6236 0.000001 Claremont Institute
#6250 0.000001 Existential Risks
#6251 0.000001 Ecosocialism
#6307 0.000001 Sierra Clib
#6540 0.000001
#6711 0.000001 Environmental Defense Fund
#7201 0.000000 Environmental Journalists
#7671 0.000000 Bismark Analysis
#8100 0.000000 Social Epistemology
#8341 0.000000 RadicalxChange
#8402 0.000000 Heterodox Academy
#8476 0.000000 Climate Solutions
#8623 0.000000 Populist Libertarians
#8703 0.000000 Works in Progress
#9185 0.000000 Effective Altruism
#9209 0.000000 Black Lives Matter
#9788 0.000000 EFF


#6562 0.000001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
#6970 0.000001 Philosophy Twitter
#8474 0.000001 Epidimiology Twitter
#9659 0.000000 Epidemiology Journalism

Software Engineering

#6153 0.000001 Rust
#6936 0.000000 Zig

Think Tanks

#6412 0.000001 RAND Corporation
#6465 0.000001 Belfer Center
#6652 0.000001 Urban Institute
#6853 0.000001 Heritage Foundation
#7231 0.000001 Cato Institute
#8152 0.000001 Atlantic Council
#8719 0.000000 Asia Society Policy Institute
#8892 0.000000 Berggruen Institute
#9942 0.000000 Earth Institute

Automatically Detected Communities